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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Prévia do material em texto

Tenants Watch Building Burn 
A 20-unit apartment building burned for about _______ hour before firemen were able to 
extinguish it. The fire started in the attic at about 10:30 yesterday evening. The damage was 
estimated at $1.5 million. A fire department spokesman said the fire might have been set 
The tenant _______ first saw the blaze banged loudly on the door of every unit in the 
building. Occupants of 15 units were already in bed or preparing for bed. No one responded in the 
other five units because the tenants were not home. Those tenants who were home escaped with 
nothing more than the clothes on their backs, their pets, their cell phones, and their laptops. 
Many tenants went across the street to watch the fire from a safe distance. They were all 
hoping that their units would be spared. Some of the pets were so disturbed by the noise, crowds, 
flames, and smoke that their owners could not hold on to them. They clawed their way out of their 
owners' arms and dashed away. The younger children were similarly frightened. They cried in their 
parents' arms. 
Two fire engines arrived at 10:45 p.m., but the entire roof was ablaze by then. Smoke and 
flames were visible in most of the units on the top floor. 
At about 11:35 p.m. the flames were extinguished. Most of the roof had disappeared. The 
top floor of the two-story building was about 80 percent gone. Water was seeping into the ground-
floor units, ruining most of them. The tenants were crying or speechless. They were happy to be 
alive, but now they had no home. Where were they going to live? 
Firemen discovered a charred gasoline can in the attic. This was the second suspicious 
apartment fire in a month. 
1. O texto fala sobre: 
a. Tenentes que tentam apagar o fogo de um prédio de 20 andares. 
b. A eficiência do corpo de bombeiros. 
c. Os inquilinos que assistiram o prédio pegar fogo. 
d. Fumantes que incendiaram o prédio. 
e. O desabamento de um prédio de 20 andares. 
2. O incidente ocorreu: 
a. logo ao amanhecer. 
b. às dez e meia da manhã. 
c. às dez e quarenta e cinco da manhã. 
d. às onze e trinta e cinco da noite. 
e. às dez e trinta da noite. 
3. Os sobreviventes conseguiram escapar: 
a. com seus animais e alguns pertences. 
b. com apenas as roupas do corpo. 
c. com seus equipamentos eletrônicos. 
d. com seus telefones, computadores e algumas peças de roupa. 
e. sem qualquer pertence. 
4. A alternativa que completa, corretamente, a lacuna na linha 1 é: 
a. a 
b. an 
c. the 
d. past 
e. n.d.a 
5. O pronome relativo que preenche, corretamente, a lacuna na linha 5, é: 
a. which 
b. where 
c. when 
d. who 
e. whom 
6. O pronome “They”, na linha 11, refere-se: 
a. aos animais 
b. aos ruídos. 
c. às multidões. 
d. aos donos dos animais. 
e. às chamas e fumaças. 
7. O horário de 10:45, na linha 14, é por extenso: 
a. ten fourteen five. 
b. forty-five past ten. 
c. fifteen to ten. 
d. a quarter past ten. 
e. a quarter to eleven. 
8. A palavra “second”, na linha 20, é representada pelo numeral: 
a. 2th 
b. 2nd 
c. 20th 
d. 3nd 
e. 12nd 
9. “Fire engines”, na linha 14, pode ser traduzido por: 
a. engenheiros de fogo. 
b. bombeiros. 
c. carro de bombeiros. 
d. extintores. 
e. lança-chamas. 
10. Na frase: “Firemen discovered a charred gasoline can in the attic”, na linha 20, as palavras sublinhadas 
podem ser substituídas pelos seguintes pronomes, respectivamente: 
a. He / it / them. 
b. They / them / it. 
c. They / it / its. 
d. They / it / it. 
e. He / it / it.

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