
What is paradigm shift (Subtitles)

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Let’s first observe a person changing shirts. Perfect! Now changing moustaches. Mmm. Now hairstyles...No problem. Now let’s go a step further and observe people changing paradigms. Ah, it’s not easy to change paradigms. And actually, what does it mean? No, that’s not changing paradigms. No. Now that’s better. Hmmm, not as good. So there’s the question, what does it really mean to change paradigms?
Imagine if you changed sizes. The way you see the world would quickly change, hence a change in paradigm or in other words, a paradigm shift.
Imagine of you switched periods. You would have to change your habits, your markers, your references and therefore change paradigms.
Imagine if you changed countries, everything that is normal, customary and obvious to you would be different there. It’s not your world translated into another language. No, It’s a whole other world. An yet if you stay there for a very long time, little by little, the way you think will change. Once again, you’ve undergone a paradigm shift. 
The greatest paradigm shift of all times was brought about by Galileo and Copernicus in the 16th century…suddenly mankind was no longer at the centre of a closed and reassuring planet, but catapulted into an infinite and unknown universe.
When Einstein wrote his famous formula, there was a paradigm shift. A new way of thinking. Before, for example, mass was conserved. Now, it can turn into energy. It’s a revolution. In science, these occur regularly, and they correspond to paradigm shifts. 
The philosopher, Thomas Samuel Kuhn, described these revolutions. He believed that science evolves in cycles. In periods of normal science, the most frequent, scientists work within the framework of a theory that generally works well. Even if there are sometimes enigmas that remain to be explained. But if these enigmas build up, if fundamental laws are increasingly questioned by measurements or experiments, a crises occurs, leading to a scientific revolution. Following this agitated period, the new generations of scientists will see the world differently. The principles, methods and language have changed. This is a paradigm shift. And the cycle can start again based on new foundations. 
But does Kuhn’s cyclic pattern mean that science is going round in circles? At school I was taught that science progresses. That we’re heading towards ever greater truths… It’s not that easy! With Kuhn, the notion of progress takes on a new form. A naive world. We must no longer believe that we build up knowledge like stacks of books… and that we’re edging ever closer to truth. At each revolution, at each paradigm shift, it all comes apart. The vision of the world changes entirely. To such an extent that we can no longer even compare before and after. Hey! Kuhn’s ideas are revolutionary. Yes! But not necessarily consensual. In short, he is also proposing a paradigm shift.

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