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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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28/03/2018 Ilumno
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Local: A300 - 3º andar - Bloco A / Andar / Polo Tijuca / POLO UVA TIJUCA 
Acadêmico: EAD-IL80068-20174A
Avaliação: A2-
Matrícula: 20172300004 
Data: 2 de Dezembro de 2017 - 15:30 Finalizado
Correto Incorreto Anulada  Discursiva  Objetiva Total: 7,00/10,00
1  Código: 25899 - Enunciado: A Brazilian English teacher has designed a didactic sequence based on the cartoon
genre with the objective of developing narrative-related abilities. Its opening task elicits students' previous
knowledge on the genre and is followed by a list of syntactic rules for the simple and perfect past tenses. A�er
that, students are encouraged to underline past tenses and adverbial connectors in a cartoon sample. Finally,
they need to produce their own cartoons. Analyzing the tasks for this sequence, we could state that:
 a) They o�er opportunities for integrated work with the four communicative skills.
 b) They foster the appreciation of the aesthetic elements within the cartoon genre.
 c) They propose a clear connection to students' community lives, based on cartoons.
 d) They propose a pre-reading activity, based on the features of the cartoon genre.
 e) They o�er a contextualized systematization of narrative grammar structures.
Alternativa marcada:
b) They foster the appreciation of the aesthetic elements within the cartoon genre.
Justificativa: Correct answer:   They propose a pre-reading activity, based on the features of the cartoon genre.
Correct, because the elicitation of students' previous knowledge works as a preparation for the other tasks.  
Distractors: They o�er opportunities for integrated work with the four communicative skills. Incorrect, because
there are no mentions to orality ... Ver tudo
0,00/ 0,75
2  Código: 25880 - Enunciado: By selecting meaningful genre chains, teachers can design lessons in which the
work with one specific text genre acts as a preparation task for the work with another. This formation is
especially useful in the design of medium and long-term projects for large class groups: a common reality at
Brazilian schools. Considering that, we could define genre chains as:
 a) A collection of text type sequences, including narrative, descriptive, and argumentative moments, which
provides for integrated class work.
 b) A collection of text type sequences, including dialogic, descriptive, and argumentative moments, which
contextualizes the activity's goals.
 c) A collection of text genres, organized in accordance to their systemic and textual traits, which provides for
contextualization and practice.
 d) A collection of text genres, organized in accordance to their social function and day-to-day occurrence,
which enables integrated pratice.
 e) A collection of teaching tasks, organized in accordance to the focused genre, which enables students to
assess systemic knowledge.
Alternativa marcada:
d) A collection of text genres, organized in accordance to their social function and day-to-day occurrence, which
enables integrated pratice.
Justificativa: Correct answer: A collection of text genres, organized in accordance to their social function and
day-to-day occurrence, which enables integrated pratice. As suggested by the opening text, only by respecting
each genre's social function and occurrence will teachers be able to link them in continuous preparation,
interpretation, and production chains.   Distractors: ... Ver tudo
0,75/ 0,75
3  Código: 25900 - Enunciado: Brazilian course book authors, such as Rogério Tílio, attend to the
national curriculum, the students' age range and probable level of development, among other issues, in order to
outline their books' syllabus accordingly. Considering that course books are not to mistaken by lesson plans,
syllabi also:
 a) Include planning approaches that need to be followed by teachers in order to accomplish their proposed
 b) Aim at o�ering di�erent classroom implementation possibilities, since teachers are responsible for book
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 c) Suggest the most e�icient way of working with each unit in class, since authors are responsible for book
 d) Suggest an order of task presentation and execution which is the most adequate considering public
school needs.
 e) Provide special multimedia resources which enable tasks to be followed by any group, independently of
their context.
Alternativa marcada:
b) Aim at o�ering di�erent classroom implementation possibilities, since teachers are responsible for book
Justificativa: Correct answer: Aim at o�ering di�erent classroom implementation possibilities, since teachers
are responsible for book adaptation. As suggested by the introductory text, all books need to be adapted and
lesson plans are a teacher's responsibility.   Distractors: Include planning approaches that need to be followed by
teachers in order to ... Ver tudo
4  Código: 25890 - Enunciado: Traditional listening tasks tend to focus on the recognition of discrete sound
patterns, ignoring the connection between listening and speaking skills. According to Douglas H. Brown, while
listening, we also look for non-verbal clues to meaning; activate our previous knowledge; guess at meanings,
seek clarification and, sometimes, listen only for general gist. Considering that, interactive listening activities
should resort to:  
 a) Authentic, multimodal genres, in order to provide for intrinsically motivating listening opportunities.
 b) Carefully selected genre excerpts, in order to provide opportunities for the work with each strategy.
 c) Authentic, multimodal genres, in order to provide for the ellaboration of pattern identifcation exercises.
 d) Authentic audio recordings, in order to provide for activities in which students will seek clarification.
 e) Carefully selected genre excerpts, in order to provide for the activation of students' previous knowledge.
Alternativa marcada:
e) Carefully selected genre excerpts, in order to provide for the activation of students' previous knowledge.
Justificativa: Right answer: Authentic, multimodal genres, in order to provide for intrinsically motivating
listening opportunities. Correct because authenticity and multimodality allow for the implementation of
Brown's listening strategies, as mentioned in his text and suggested by the introduction. Distractors: Carefully
selected genre excerpts, in order to provide opportunities for the work with ... Ver tudo
0,00/ 0,75
5  Código: 25458 - Enunciado: Chats are one of the most common means of interaction within the digital media
realm. They are currently used not only for personal communications, but also for academic and professional
interchange. They also intertwine several modes of communication, resorting to oral, visual, and audiovisual
texts in the construction of complex interactional patterns. When analyzing this kind of text, we could say
that chats are:
 a) Narrative text types, including descriptive and dialogic sequences in a continuous flow.
 b) Dialogic text types, including narrative and descriptive sequences in an uneven flow.
 c) Internet-based text genres, including dialogic, narrative, and descriptive sequences.
 d) Internet-based text genres composed by dialogic sequences in a continuous flow.
 e) Internet-based text genres composed by descriptive sequences in an asynchronous flow.
Alternativa marcada:
d) Internet-based text genres composed by dialogic sequences in a continuous flow.
Justificativa: Correct answer:  Internet-based textgenres, including dialogic, narrative, and descriptive
sequences. According to Bakhtin's genre theory, chats cannot be refered to as text types, since they present
specific social functions, style, and themes.They are genres composed by di�erent text type sequences (mainly
dialogic, narrative, and descriptive ones). These text type ... Ver tudo
0,00/ 0,75
6  Código: 25461 - Enunciado: Job interviews are professional scene genres meant to evaluate candidates' profiles
and their prospects of thriving within a given setting. They are normally organized around pre-designed
questions provided by Human Resources departments, including "Tell me about yourself" and "What are your
strengths and weaknesses?" Considering that a Bakhtinian genre analysis needs to focus on its social function,
themes and form/style, classifying the most common text type sequences used, we could say that:
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 a) It is complete, since it mentions the use of interviews in professional settings, gives examples of its style,
and considers the themes discussed by the participants.
 b) It is complete, since it mentions the use of interviews, specifying its demands, gives examples of
utterances, and describes the thematic interests of its participants.
 c) It is incomplete, since it mentions the use of interviews, including their thematic approaches, but does
not classify the text type sequences used to compose its style.
 d) It is incomplete, since it mentions the social objectives of interviews, including text type sequences, but
does not consider the themes mentioned in the interaction.
 e) It is complete, since it mentions the use of interviews, classifying their most common text type
sequences, and considers the themes discussed by the participants.
Alternativa marcada:
c) It is incomplete, since it mentions the use of interviews, including their thematic approaches, but does not
classify the text type sequences used to compose its style.
Justificativa: Correct answer:  It is incomplete, since it mentions the use of interviews, including their thematic
approaches, but does not describe the text type sequences used to compose its style.  The analysis does not
classify the text type sequences (dialogic, narrative, argumentative) as suggested by the introduction on
Bakhtinian theory.   Distractors: ... Ver tudo
7  Código: 25875 - Enunciado: Genre-based approaches can help Brazilian teachers to work with large, diverse,
and multi-level class groups, considering the notion of multiple mediation. In accordance to the proposals of the
Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais and the Base Nacional Comum Curricular, it is possible to develop orality
under such contextual constraints provided that teachers design tasks which o�er a variety of learning
opportunities, allowing students to develop competencies in their own pace. Considering that, we could define
multiple mediation as:
 a) A strategy through which teachers evaluate if each task has achieved its objective, while assessing
individual students' accomplishments.
 b) A strategy through which teachers plan opportunities of contextualized interaction with specific genres,
while assessing students' needs.
 c) A strategy through which teachers monitor class production, in order to level each student's performance
towards the desired goals.
 d) A strategy through which teachers o�er multiple ways of addressing the same content, while helping
students to be more accurate.
 e) A strategy through which students interact with each other, while teachers monitor and grade them in
terms of goal achievement.
Alternativa marcada:
e) A strategy through which students interact with each other, while teachers monitor and grade them in terms of
goal achievement.
Justificativa: Correct answer:  A strategy through which teachers plan opportunities of contextualized
interaction with specific genres, while assessing students' needs. It focuses on interactional opportunities, as
suggested by the introductory text and positions teachers as mediators of practices.   Distractors: A strategy
through which teachers evaluate if each task has achieved its ... Ver tudo
0,75/ 0,75
8  Código: 25891 - Enunciado: When developing speaking skills, teachers should focus on accuracy and fluency
development. According to Douglas H. Brown, a fluent language speaker is someone who can communicate
easily, at a proper speed and with few processing pauses. An accurate language speaker is someone who
communicates with precision, finding the most appropriate words in each interaction context. Considering that, 
we could say that interactive speaking tasks should focus on:
 a) The repetition of modelled oral patterns, in order to encourage fluency and accuracy alike.
 b) The repetition of modelled oral patterns, in order to shorten speech processing pauses.
 c) The provision of distinct interaction opportunities, contemplating fluency and accuracy alike.
 d) The provision of distinct interaction opportunities, contemplating fluency over accuracy.
 e) The creation of autonomous speech segments, in order to facilitate accuracy development.
Alternativa marcada:
d) The provision of distinct interaction opportunities, contemplating fluency over accuracy.
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Justificativa: Right answer:  The provision of distinct interaction opportunities, contemplating fluency and
accuracy alike. Correct, because, as mentioned by the introduction, it contemplates fluency and accuracy alike,
something that can only be reached through variety. Distractors: The repetition of modelled oral patterns, in
order to encourage fluency and accuracy alike. Incorrect, because repetition is ... Ver tudo
9  Código: 25892 - Enunciado: Speaking is a high risk communicative task. According to Douglas H. Brown, the
initiation of oral interaction can generate anxiety and discomfort: a phenomenon teachers must learn how to
deal with. Multimodal communicative practices may assist students in the task of exposing themselves orally,
since most of the internet-based genres involve the integrated application of the four skills. Considering that,
mention three ways by which teachers could take advantage of social media and instant messaging genres when
working with orality development.
Justificativa: Expectation of response: Students are expected to mention tasks in which teachers would propose
interactions via chat, forum, and other social media/instant messaging applications (including
Whatsapp; Facebook pages, chats, and groups, Instagram etc). They should mention the advantage of resorting
to written, visual, and listening modalities as pre-speaking activities, without mistaking ... Ver tudo
2,00/ 2,00
10  Código: 25883 - Enunciado: The inter-cultural dimension axis, proposed by the Base Nacional Comum
Curricular, encourages the discussion of "intercultural communication by means of the English language as a
mechanism of personal empowerment and identity construction in the globalized world" (BRASIL, 2016, p. 219)
among its objectives for the ninth grade. Considering the need to work with target and native languages in
complementary ways, create an English teaching task in which students could practice with identity constructs,
including Portuguese and English genres.
Comentários: Nice ideas :)
Justificativa: Answer: Students are expected to come up with an activity including text genres in Portuguese
and in English, in which they have to analyze/produce oral and/or written texts related to their positioning in the
world. Examples may include introductions,profile building, presentations, positioning on polemic issues,
debating current news and adopting a ... Ver tudo
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