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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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10a aula
	Exercício: CEL0559_EX_A10_201608088839_V1 
	Matrícula: 201608088839
	Data: 27/03/2017 08:10:01 (Finalizada)
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201608279833)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	According to scholars, community concept is a Sociological Construction, a set of interactions, meaningful human behaviors. This happens because
	Community is an isolated action, like a set of actions that has as basis expectations, values and meanings to be shared among individuals.
	Community is not an isolated action, but all of the actions that have expectations, values and meanings to be shared among individuals.
	Community is not an isolated action, but a set of actions that has as basis expectations, values and meanings to be discussed among individuals.
	Community is not an isolated action, but a set of actions that has as basis expectations, values and meanings to be shared among individuals.
	Community is an isolated action, but actions that have expectations, values and meanings to be shared among individuals.
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201608279830)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	As the majority of the aspects discussed by Social Sciences, community cannot be labeled as any group of people. This happens because
	a community never existed before its present members were born and will never continue to exist after their death.
	a community already existed before its present members were born and will probably continue to exist after their death.
	a community already existed before its present members were born and will never continue to exist after their death.
	a community already existed before its past members were born and will probably cease to exist after their death.
	a community never existed before its present members were born and will probably continue to exist after their death.
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201608279849)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	People's concept of nation is generally distorted and called by scholars as 'the imagined nation'. Why is that imagined nation considered limited and overvalued simultaneously?
	Because the power of liberty depends on the State.
	Because the power of liberty depends on people.
	Because the power of liberty depends on our dreams.
	Because the power of liberty depends on religions.
	Because the power of liberty depends on society.
	 Gabarito Comentado
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201608279744)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	The expression Reflexive Modernity, proposed by Giddens, Beck and Lash in the book Reflexive Modernization aims at analyzing the present transformations in the world, the crisis process and its consequences. Mark the correct option, according to the authors
	The social and natural world in this post-modern society is never influenced by reflexive human knowledge, giving rise to an idea of ecological crisis and unexpected risks.
	The social and natural world in this post-modern society is totally influenced by reflexive human knowledge, giving rise to an idea of ecological crisis and unexpected risks.
	The social and natural world in the Middle Ages society was totally influenced by reflexive human knowledge, giving rise to an idea of ecological crisis and unexpected risks.
	The social and natural world in this post-modern society is rarely influenced by reflexive human knowledge, giving rise to an idea of ecological crisis and unexpected risks.
	The social and natural world in the Middle Ages society was totally influenced by reflexive human knowledge, giving rise to an idea of religious crisis and expected risks.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201608279794)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Since the last decades our planet has been suffering with an exaggerated consumerism. Mark one of the consequences of this social problem:
	The exhaustion of artificial resources, especially raw material and energy.
	The expansion of artificial resources, especially raw material and energy.
	The expansion of natural resources, especially raw material and energy.
	The exhaustion of natural resources, especially raw material and energy.
	The exhaustion of mineral resources, especially raw material and energetic.
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201608279822)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Why are the concepts of race and ethnicity are important?
	Because they problematize the understanding that members identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of several groups.
	Because they favor the understanding of black people identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of special several groups.
	Because they favor the understanding of members identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of determined groups.
	Because they problematize the understanding of members identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of determined groups.
	Because they favor the problems of members identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of several groups.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201608279824)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	In the past, the word 'race' was used to explain differences of skin color. Today, Sociology has brought a different meaning. According to this Science, what is race?
	A population in which everybody share the same characteristics.
	A population in which all the members share certain inherited characteristics.
	A population in which all the members share certain strange characteristics.
	A social class in which all the members share bad inherited characteristics.
	A social class in which all the members share the same characteristics.
	 Gabarito Comentado
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201608279851)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	In a globalized contemporary world, high technology has emerged and developed different means of communication more and more. This generates advantages and disadvantages, respectively:
	A large flow of lies among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to technology by lower classes, which creates violence between different communities.
	Little flow of ideas among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the easy access to technology by upper classes, which creates violence between different communities.
	Little flow of ideas among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to technology by lower classes, which creates a gap between different communities.
	A large flow of ideas among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to technology by lower classes, which creates a gap between different communities.
	A large flow of ideas among different people by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to technology by upper classes, which creates violence between different communities.

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