
teste I unidade

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

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Colégio Estadual Antônio Batista
 Rua Presidente Vargas, Nº 83 – Centro
(77) 3661 – 2318 /2019
Candiba - Bahia
1-Esta avaliação é composta por 05 questões.
2-Coloque as respostas à caneta azul ou preta.
3-Respostas com rasuras e borrões serão anuladas. 
4-Não é permitido o empréstimo de materiais, utilização de celulares e dicionário ou qualquer tipo de material extra.
	NOME (completo) :
	Teste de Inglês I Unidade
Turma: 2º A
Data: / 04 / 2018
VALOR: 3,0
	01) Complete the sentences with one of the forms of the simple present of the verbs of the frame. (0,7)
study drink go give contain play watch
a. I ________ at least five glass of water every day.
b. Jane Goodall _________the behavior of chimpanzees in an African jungle.
c. Chocolate__________ small amounts of three drugs.
d. Life_________ you back everything you say or do.
e. Ann __________ to the office by subway every day.
f. Eugênio ________ soccer every day.
g. Mariana ________ Tv on Sundays.
02) Mark the alternative that contain habitual actions in the present. (0,3)
a. I always dream about cats.
b. I had terrible dreams when I was a child.
c. We frequently buy books about dreams.
d. I used to have strange dreams.
e. He usually dreams about dangerous situations.
I- a, c, d II- a, b, e III- b, d, e IV- a, d, e V- a, c, e
03) Pass the sentences to the negative and interrogative form using the Simple Present. (1,0)
a. I live in Brazil.
b. She plays the piano.
c. We going to school by bus.
d. I usually work in the afternoon.
e. He has two brothers and one sister.
04. Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form of the present continuous. (0,5)
a. Don’t talk so loud: the young man ________________. (is sleep or are sleep)
b. Jane is an excellent student. At this moment she _______________ her lesson. (is study or are study)
c. At present he ________________ for a big company. (is work or are work)
d. She ________________in a very dangerous place. (is swim or are swim)
e. Listen, it seems that all the birds ___________________. (is sing or are sing)
05. Complete the spaces with the verbs in parentheses e pass the sentences to the interrogative form using the Present Continuous. (0,5)
a. She is ______________ the dinner. (cook)
b. They are ________________for the test. (study)
c. We are ______________ in a small city. (live)
d. Marcos is ______________ exercises every day. (do)
e. We are ______________ lunch. (have)
Walt Disney
If you can dream it, you can do it! 
Se você pode sonhar, você pode fazê-lo!

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