
estudos culturais da lingua inglesa aula 2

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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2a aula
	Exercício: CEL0559_EX_A2_201804111686_V1 
	18/05/2018 19:08:30 (Finalizada)
	Ref.: 201804822096
	 1a Questão
	The process of commodification is also seen as creating false needs, making people purchase objects/products they do not really need in order to provide capitalists with ---------------.
	Ref.: 201804353676
	 2a Questão
	The hotels Brazil needs for the World Cup never got built. (THE WASHINGTON POST)
The Gavea Tourist, in Rio de Janeiro, is an empty shell of a hotel, a 14-story modernist monument of disintegrating concrete and decaying beauty that has been abandoned for four decades. It is one of three huge, architecturally ghost hotels in Rio de Janeiro, all of which are vacant in a city facing a shortage of rooms for June´s World Cup soccer tournament.
Rio could use the Gavea Tourist´s 400-odd rooms. Instead, it is an emblem of the obstacles that interfere in Brazil´s World Cup preparations:  bureaucracy, a slow-moving judiciary and a lack of imaginative planning.
´´The bureaucracy is phenomenal. The technical capacity of the Brazilian state to produce infrastructure . . . is very low´´, said Christopher Gaffney, visiting professor in architecture and urbanism at Rio's Federal Fluminense University.
Segundo o texto, que problema o Brasil enfrentará durante a Copa do Mundo?
Por que isto deve ocorrer?
O que dificulta a solução para este tipo de problema no Rio de Janeiro?
	Porque o Hotel na Gávea de 14 andares, que foi construído para o evento, não tem mais quartos livres.
Porque o Brasil não possui infraestrutura para prever estes problemas.
Porque deveriam ter previsto que, com o número provável de visitantes, a construção de apenas um hotel a mais na cidade não seria suficiente.
	O Rio de Janeiro terá problemas porque um hotel na Gávea não ficou pronto.
Por falta de infraestrutura da firma responsável pela construção.
A burocracia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
	O Rio de Janeiro não terá quartos de hotel em número suficiente para abrigar todos os visitantes.
Porque muitas construções de hotéis não estarão prontas até lá. Há obras inacabadas como o Hotel na Gávea, por exemplo.
A burocracia é fenomenal, a capacidade técnica do governo Brasileiro para produzir infraestrutura é precária/ ineficiente.
	Problemas relativos aos movimentos sociais que poderão gerar situações complicadas.
Porque o governo Brasileiro não consegue lidar de maneira eficiente com estes movimentos.
Porque o governo Brasileiro não está preparado não somente pela burocracia, mas pelas leis sobre infraestrutura.
	Porque três imensos hotéis deveriam estar prontos e isso não ocorrerá até lá.
Porque a inflação prejudicou o crescimento na área de construções.
A burocracia e a incapacidade administrativa de lidar com a área econômica por parte do governo local inviabilizou as obras.
	Ref.: 201804302267
	 3a Questão
	What alternative refers to the three thinkers analyzed the way in which society is constructed in great part from its relationship to economic conditions; specifically the division of labor.
	Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Aristotle
	Kant, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber
	Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Descartes
	Karl Marx, Socrates and Max Weber
	Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber
Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber
	Ref.: 201804822065
	 4a Questão
	Mark the option which best completes the following sentence: Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber all analyzed the way in which society is constructed in great part from its relationship to ----------- conditions; specifically the division of ------------.
	conceptual / ideas
	individual / ideas
	economic / labor
	traditional / labor
	historical / knowledge
	Ref.: 201804287931
	 5a Questão
	_____ personify the culture¿s values and serve as role models.
	Line managers
	None of the above
	Middle managers
A hero is an archetypal figure who polarizes in himself the needed qualities to overcome, in an exceptional way, any problem of any dimension. This figure is marked by an ambiguous projection: on the one hand, it represents the human condition, in its psychological, social and ethical complexity; on the other, it transcends the same condition, inasmuch as it represents facets and virtues that the common man can not but would like to attain - faith, courage, willpower, determination, patience, and so on. It is precisely this that attracts the human imagination and enables this identification that refers to the notion of a figure to be imitated. The hero is essentially guided by noble and altruistic ideals such as sacrifice, courage, justice, morality, peace. It is always motivated by morally just and ethically justifiable elements. Heroism is a fact deeply rooted in popular imagination and morality. Made of courage and overcoming work as models and examples in diverse peoples and different cultures.
	Ref.: 201804747815
	 6a Questão
	When Marx refers to  a class in itself to a class for itself, he means that, in other words,  the members of the working classes realize the nature of their situation and begin to develop a class identity that allows them to develop ---------------with their fellow members and act against their oppressors.
	Ref.: 201804822066
	 7a Questão
	Choose the option which best completes the following statement: The nature of society from a Marxist point of view is one in which unnatural systems of power must be made to seem as though they are a natural and organic outgrowth of the progress of ------------
	local groups
	Ref.: 201804304811
	 8a Questão
	Sociology is one of the Human Sciences that has as subjects:
	society, its lack of organization and the processes that connect persons in groups, institutions and associations.
	society, its social organization and the processes that connect persons in groups, institutions and associations.
	society, its cultural organization and the processes that connect persons in groups, institutions and associations.
	mankind, its cultural organization and the processes that form groups, institutions and associations.
	mankind, its social organization and the processes that unite people in groups, institutions and associations.

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