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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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 1a Questão 
The highly conservative view of the popular/mass culture of the working classes which need the high culture 
to become better educated, provides intellectual justification for the continuation of the -----------------in 
growth of artistic expressions 
increase of good actors 
division of labor 
 class system 
development of good products 
 2a Questão 
The consumption of cultural products commodities- under a capitalist economy creates -------------------
which in turn safeguards the dominance of the ruling group. In this respect consumerism is ideological. 
 3a Questão 
Which one is seen as a product of human action, has an aim and has a physical presence? 
Corporate identity 
None of the above 
 4a Questão 
The process by which one generation passes culture to the next is called 
cultural universals. 
cultural integration. 
 cultural transmission. 
cultural repression. 
cultural manifestation. 
 5a Questão 
What does agency refer to? 
It refers to a number of factors (such as social class, religion, customs, etc.) that determine our 
future in life. 
 It refers to the freedom individuals have to act on their own choices. Commonly, it is referred to as 
free will. 
It is a set of norms that may exist in certain societies by means of which just the wealthy people 
have power. 
It is the cognitive belief structure one has of acquiring languages. 
It is the power certain people have to inhibit social development. 
 6a Questão 
What ´s the ´ mass society thesis ´? 
It is a positive view about mass/popular culture. It allows masses of people to think for themselves 
and dominate the rulers of a state or country. 
It is a thesis which defends the consumption of cultural products as a means of improving people´s 
view of culture of their own country. 
It is an idea which is based on Adorno´s proccess of creating false needs by making people purchase 
objects/products they really need in order to provide capitalists with profits. 
It is a kind of society whose arguments owe a great deal to the ideas of traditional Marxism. It is a 
positive critique to popular culture, giving value to the art which has its origin at the birth of each 
 It is a pessimistic critique of mass/popular culture, based on sociological theories such as Marxism. It 
suggests that popular culture prevents critical and revolutionary thought. It leads to a society where 
individuals lose their sense of community, their individuality and come to rely on strong authority 
from above. 
 7a Questão 
Which of the following options is related to postmodernism? 
It can be used by audiences in an active and highly critical fashion. 
It is in some senses anti-elitist in nature since technology enables elite-only high¿. 
It is ideological and leads to false consciousness. 
It is based on the assumption that the audience, consumers and users of popular culture are a 
massive lump¿of∈dividuals. 
 It is characterized by an unprecedentely rapid expansion in the consumption of popular culture. 
 8a Questão 
How does the Frankfurt School present the interpretation of mass culture and commodification? 
They seek to take control of the situation for their own ends by presenting a mask or impression. 
Goffman relates human interaction to structures of a sort. He notes in his study that interaction can 
be patterned and routinized by institutions. 
It is presented in terms of the components of a society and their functions. 
 Adorno and Horkheimer argued that advertising in capitalism creates and subsequently manipulates 
false needs and desires that are fulfilled by consumption. 
They are interested in how and why people act as they do, and in particular the role played by 
language, or rather by communication in social relations. 
 1a Questão 
Since the 80's a process of construction of a global scale culture had been developed, considering not only 
the already consolidated mass culture, but also a true cultural world system that followed the economical 
political system resulted from globalization. The Post-Modernity phenomenon arises from this context as 
a set of values that control the future social production, where communication and the Cultural 
Industry have no roles diffusing values and ideas of the old system. 
a set of rules that control the subsequent social production, where communication and the Cultural 
Industry have important roles while diffusing values and ideas of the new system. 
 a set of values that control the subsequent cultural production, where communication and the 
Cultural Industry have important roles while diffusing values and ideas of the new system. 
a set of rules to control the subsequent cultural production, where communication and the Cultural 
Industry have no chances while diffusing values and ideas of the new system. 
a set of values that control the future cultural production, where communication and the Cultural 
Industry have minor roles while diffusing values and ideas of the old system. 
 2a Questão 
Post modernity is a sociocultural and esthetics condition that prevails upon common concepts of a modern 
era. It has as its main principles: 
a consequential depreciation of ideological concepts from the Medieval era, the ideology crisis from 
the XIX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall. 
a consequential appreciation of ideological concepts from the post-modern era, the ideology crisis 
from the XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall. 
a consequential depreciation of ideological concepts from the post-modern era, the ideology crisis 
from the XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall. 
 a consequential depreciation of ideological concepts from the modern era, the ideology crisis from the 
XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall. 
a consequential appreciation of ideological concepts from the modern era, the ideology crisis from the 
XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall. 
 3a Questão 
According to theoretical assumptions, the expression 'Subculture' may represent: 
 a set of specific cultural elements adopted by a social group, as a micro-group, which may either 
peacefully coexist in society or constitute a marginal subculture if compared to the culture imposed by 
the 'cream of the society' (elite). 
a set of general cultural elements adopted by a social group, as a micro-group, which may either 
peacefully coexist in society or constitute a marginal subculture if compared to the culture shared by 
the 'cream of the society' (elite). 
a set of general cultural elements adopted by a social group, as a macro-group, which may either 
peacefully coexist in society or constitute a marginal subculture if compared to the culture imposed by 
the 'cream of the society' (elite). 
a set of specific social elements adopted by any, as a macro-group, which may either peacefully 
coexist in society or constitute a marginal subculture if compared to the culture shared by the 'cream 
of the society' (elite). 
a set of specific socialelements adopted by any group, as a micro-group, which may either peacefully 
coexist in society or constitute a marginal subculture if compared to the culture imposed by the 
'cream of the society' (elite). 
 4a Questão 
Which of the following options is not correct according to modernity characteristics? 
The growth of the manufacturing industry. 
A rise in the importance of science. 
 Secularization (the decline of religion). 
 When we are in public we wear many different masks of our self. 
The invention of more advanced technology. 
 5a Questão 
What ´s the ´ mass society thesis ´? 
It is an idea which is based on Adorno´s proccess of creating false needs by making people purchase 
objects/products they really need in order to provide capitalists with profits. 
It is a thesis which defends the consumption of cultural products as a means of improving people´s 
view of culture of their own country. 
It is a kind of society whose arguments owe a great deal to the ideas of traditional Marxism. It is a 
positive critique to popular culture, giving value to the art which has its origin at the birth of each 
 It is a pessimistic critique of mass/popular culture, based on sociological theories such as Marxism. It 
suggests that popular culture prevents critical and revolutionary thought. It leads to a society where 
individuals lose their sense of community, their individuality and come to rely on strong authority 
from above. 
It is a positive view about mass/popular culture. It allows masses of people to think for themselves 
and dominate the rulers of a state or country. 
 6a Questão 
Which of the following options is related to postmodernism? 
It is in some senses anti-elitist in nature since technology enables elite-only high¿. 
It can be used by audiences in an active and highly critical fashion. 
It is based on the assumption that the audience, consumers and users of popular culture are a 
massive lump¿of∈dividuals. 
It is ideological and leads to false consciousness. 
 It is characterized by an unprecedentely rapid expansion in the consumption of popular culture. 
 7a Questão 
How does the Frankfurt School present the interpretation of mass culture and commodification? 
 Adorno and Horkheimer argued that advertising in capitalism creates and subsequently manipulates 
false needs and desires that are fulfilled by consumption. 
They seek to take control of the situation for their own ends by presenting a mask or impression. 
Goffman relates human interaction to structures of a sort. He notes in his study that interaction can 
be patterned and routinized by institutions. 
It is presented in terms of the components of a society and their functions. 
They are interested in how and why people act as they do, and in particular the role played by 
language, or rather by communication in social relations. 
 8a Questão 
What does agency refer to? 
 It refers to the freedom individuals have to act on their own choices. Commonly, it is referred to as 
free will. 
It is the power certain people have to inhibit social development. 
It refers to a number of factors (such as social class, religion, customs, etc.) that determine our 
future in life. 
It is the cognitive belief structure one has of acquiring languages. 
It is a set of norms that may exist in certain societies by means of which just the wealthy people 
have power. 
 1a Questão 
The highly conservative view of the popular/mass culture of the working classes which need the high culture 
to become better educated, provides intellectual justification for the continuation of the -----------------in 
division of labor 
increase of good actors 
growth of artistic expressions 
 class system 
development of good products 
 2a Questão 
The consumption of cultural products commodities- under a capitalist economy creates -------------------
which in turn safeguards the dominance of the ruling group. In this respect consumerism is ideological. 
 3a Questão 
Which one is seen as a product of human action, has an aim and has a physical presence? 
None of the above 
Corporate identity 
 4a Questão 
The process by which one generation passes culture to the next is called 
cultural universals. 
cultural manifestation. 
 cultural transmission. 
cultural repression. 
cultural integration. 
 5a Questão 
What does agency refer to? 
 It refers to the freedom individuals have to act on their own choices. Commonly, it is referred to as 
free will. 
It is a set of norms that may exist in certain societies by means of which just the wealthy people 
have power. 
It is the power certain people have to inhibit social development. 
It is the cognitive belief structure one has of acquiring languages. 
It refers to a number of factors (such as social class, religion, customs, etc.) that determine our 
future in life. 
 6a Questão 
What ´s the ´ mass society thesis ´? 
 It is a pessimistic critique of mass/popular culture, based on sociological theories such as Marxism. It 
suggests that popular culture prevents critical and revolutionary thought. It leads to a society where 
individuals lose their sense of community, their individuality and come to rely on strong authority 
from above. 
It is a positive view about mass/popular culture. It allows masses of people to think for themselves 
and dominate the rulers of a state or country. 
It is a kind of society whose arguments owe a great deal to the ideas of traditional Marxism. It is a 
positive critique to popular culture, giving value to the art which has its origin at the birth of each 
It is a thesis which defends the consumption of cultural products as a means of improving people´s 
view of culture of their own country. 
It is an idea which is based on Adorno´s proccess of creating false needs by making people purchase 
objects/products they really need in order to provide capitalists with profits. 
 7a Questão 
Which of the following options is related to postmodernism? 
It is ideological and leads to false consciousness. 
It is in some senses anti-elitist in nature since technology enables elite-only high¿. 
It is based on the assumption that the audience, consumers and users of popular culture are a 
massive lump¿of∈dividuals. 
It can be used by audiences in an active and highly critical fashion. 
 It is characterized by an unprecedentely rapid expansion in the consumption of popular culture. 
 8a Questão 
How does the Frankfurt School present the interpretation of mass culture and commodification? 
 Adorno and Horkheimer argued that advertising in capitalism creates and subsequently manipulates 
false needs and desires that are fulfilled by consumption. 
Goffman relates human interaction to structures of a sort. He notes in his study that interaction can 
be patterned and routinized by institutions. 
They seek to take control of the situation for their own ends by presenting a mask or impression. 
They are interested in how and why people act as they do, and in particular the role playedby 
language, or rather by communication in social relations. 
It is presented in terms of the components of a society and their functions.

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