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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Aluno(a): DANIELLI HLADKI Acertos: 10,0 de 10,0
	1) Pesquisas apontam para a necessidade de se reconhecer o fato de que a habilidade de "speaking" envolve três áreas de conhecimento:
	c) mecânico, funções, autônomo.
	d) mecânico, funções, regras sociais e culturais.
	e) autônomo, fluência, regras sociais e culturais.
	a) funções, regras sociais e culturais, fluência.
	b) mecânico, autônomo e regras sociais e culturais.
	2a Questão (Ref.:201709700823)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	A princípio, podemos dizer que há três tipos de situações comunicativas orais em que nos podemos encontrar: interacional, parcialmente interacional e a não interacional. Um exemplo de situação interacional é:
	palestras ao vivo.
	apresentações de trabalhos acadêmicos.
	atos de fala em que o público não interrompe o discurso.
	gravar uma fala para ser exibida em programa de TV.
	conversações face a face.
	3) Esta habilidade envolve o processo de receber e, ao mesmo tempo, de construir significados a partir de mensagens verbais. Refere-se ao processo de escutar algo com atenção minuciosa. Uma comunicação eficaz depende necessaria e primeiramente dela:
	4a Questão (Ref.:201709695716)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	"Hear" and "listen" are verbs that we use to talk about our sense of hearing - using our ears. But they have important differences in meaning. In which sentence the verb is employed correctly?
	Hear this song. Can you understand the words?
	We went to hear the President's big speech last night.
	Hear! Is someone crying?
	I suddenly listened to a loud noise.
	I listened to a knock at the door.
	5a Questão (Ref.:201709100929)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Você quer verificar a informação dada por Jim em seu cartão. Assinale a informação que não está incluída no cartão. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGLISH NAME: Jim Williams AGE: 25 NATIONALITY: American ADDRESS: 759, North High Hill, New Jersey PHONE NUMBER: 201-775-5369 JOB: Math teacher
	What´s your name?
	How often do you visit New Jersey
	How old are you?
	6) Read the sentence below "Jake was caught cheating in his test, and now he´s got to face the music!" What does the expression "face the music" mean?
	a. congratulations
	b. someone wants to dance
	d. someone is going to be punished
	c. having to face the unpleasant effects of one´s action
	7a Questão (Ref.:201709206602)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	As a teacher of real beginners, which type of language could you teach first in order to foster speaking practice in classroom?
	Formal requests.
	Advanced conversational rules.
	Classroom language.
	8) Qual a melhor maneira de sugerir um filme a alguém?
	Are you going to the movies tonight?
	Do you like to go to the movies at night?
	Which do you prefer: the movies or the theater?
	Why don¿t we go to the movies tonight?
	9) Which alternative CORRECTLY matches the pictures and the descriptions?
(i)                 The accident left a scar on his forehead.
(ii)               He has a birthmark on his head.
(iii)             I¿ve just had a tattoo done.
(iv)             He has a mole on his back.
	i ¿ a; ii ¿ d; iii ¿ c; iv ¿ b
	i ¿ d; ii ¿ b; iii ¿ a; iv ¿ c
	10) Choose the option that the phrasal verb means respect or admire someone:
	I know Peter looked up to Harrison Ford.
	I looked up his name in the telephone book, called, but got the answering machine.
	With that, he got up, looked me up and down and shook my hand.
	I was in town and thought I'd look in on you to see how you're doing in Seattle.
	I'm glad I looked Peter up, it certainly was an interesting day.
Aula 1 
		Segundo Widdowson (1998), o conceito de habilidade pode ser associado a treino, já que exigirá um determinado nível de desempenho. Outros apontam as habilidades como destrezas que requerem uma prática específica. As quatro habilidades são:
	oral, written, verbal and non-verbal
	verbal, non-verbal, text and context
	communication, listenning, writing and reading
	listening, verbal, non-verbal, speaking and communication
	listennig, speaking, reading and writing
		2) O foco em uma determinada habilidade comunicativa geralmente parte da necessidade e objetivo do aprendiz: falar, escrever, ler textos acadêmicos, etc. O fato é que sem praticar nenhuma dessas habilidades, você não irá muito longe. Por isso que, quando se quer falar fluentemente, deve-se exercitar, prioritariamente, a seguinte habilidade comunicativa:
		Para tornar-nos fluentes em uma língua, temos à disposição quatro habilidades comunicativas, a saber: listenning, speaking, _____________ and ______________:
	text and context
	oral and written
	verbal and non-verbal
	reading and writing
		Pesquisas apontam para a necessidade de se reconhecer o fato de que a habilidade de "speaking" envolve três áreas de conhecimento:
	d) mecânico, funções, regras sociais e culturais.
		Which alternative CORRECTLY matches the pictures and the descriptions?
              I.                   He’s unconscious.
           II.              It’s bleeding.
        III.              It’s bruised.
        IV.              It’s swollen.
           V.              He has a black eye.
        VI.              He has a bad scar under his eye.
	I ¿ f; II ¿ b; III ¿ a; IV ¿ d; V ¿ c; VI ¿ e
		According to researchers, which of the following statements is the correct one?
	Children and young adults develop oral language by extensive reading
	Oral language is the base on which the other language arts develop
		A princípio, podemos dizer que há três tipos de situações comunicativas orais em que nos podemos encontrar: interacional, parcialmente interacional e a não interacional. Um exemplo de situação interacional é:
	apresentações de trabalhos acadêmicos.
	palestras ao vivo.
	conversações face a face.
		8) What’s the CORRECT order of the lines of the dialogue below?
            (i)        I have lovely memories of our college days.
            (ii)       What do you mean: it’s possible that I’m right? Here’s a photo of you at the bottom of the stairs as a permanent reminder.
            (iii)      Don’t you remember? She had dark hair and brown eyes. A real beauty if my memory serves me well.
            (iv)      I’ll never forget the day you got drunk and fell down the stairs, for example.
            (v)       I need something to jog my memory. What was Angela like?
            (vi)      Really? Down the stairs? I have no recollection of the incident.
            (vii)     My mind’s a blank, but it’s possible that you’re right.
            (viii)    Yes, me too. Whenever we meet it all comes back to me.
            (ix)      You were in love with someone called Angela, as I recall. That’s what caused it.
Adapted from: HARMER, Jeremy; ROSSNER, Richard. More than Words. Vocabulary for upper intermediate to advanced students. Book 1. Longman, England. (1991)
	(ii), (iii), (v), (vii), (i), (ix), (iv), (vi), (viii)
	(viii), (v), (ix), (iii), (i), (vii), (ii), (iv), (vi)
	(ix), (ii), (iii), (vi), (iv), (viii), (vii), (i), (v)(i), (viii), (iv), (vi), (ix), (v), (iii), (vii), (ii)
	(v), (iv), (ix), (vii), (i), (iii), (vi), (viii), (ii)
		Aula 2 – 1)Esta habilidade envolve o processo de receber e, ao mesmo tempo, de construir significados a partir de mensagens verbais. Refere-se ao processo de escutar algo com atenção minuciosa. Uma comunicação eficaz depende necessaria e primeiramente dela:
		"Hear" and "listen" are verbs that we use to talk about our sense of hearing - using our ears. But they have important differences in meaning. In which sentence the verb is employed correctly?
	Hear this song. Can you understand the words?
	We went to hear the President's big speech last night.
		What can you say to ask someone about their favorite team?
	Did you like it?
	Who¿s winning?
	What team do you see?
	Who is your favorite soccer player?
	What team do you cheer for?
		A commom mistake in the everyday classroom is that speaking and listenning activities usually are:
	vocabulary centered
	grammar centered
	teacher centered
		A finalidade geral de um curso ou escola, no que tange à aprendizagem de inglês como língua estrangeira, é aperfeiçoar as quatro habilidades (listening, speaking, reading e writing), reforçando o conteúdo com doses de gramática, vocabulário e fonética. Embora isso seja demasiadamente importante, não é o objetivo final. O objetivo de se estudar uma dada língua estrangeira é:
	Ler somente
	Falar e escrever
	Tornar-se capaz de usá-la
		6) A habilidade da fala, por exemplo, não pode ser ensinada separadamente. Ela usualmente está conectada à habilidade de :
		7) De acordo com estudos (PCNs, 1998), para ser considerado BOM em uma língua devemos ser capazes de utilizá-la das mais variadas formas, ou seja, se você é um bom falante, mesmo que não goste de ouvir as pessoas, você deve procurar fazê-lo ainda que minimamente. Se você gosta de escutar as pessoas, mas não gosta de ler, estará perdendo chances de se aprimorar. Isso nos leva a crer que, para se comunicar com eficiência em uma dada língua estrangeira é necessário:
	ler bem
	ler somente
	praticar o mínimo possível
	ouvir e falar bem
	praticar muito
		Aula 3 - 1) Mentalmente reorganize a pergunta que se segue " job is your what ?" . Então, escolha a alternativa que a responde.
	I´m his brother.
	I´m tired.
	I love classical music.
	I live near here.
	I´m an English teacher.
		Leia as sentenças abaixo que se referem às diversas nacionalidades. Assinale a alternativa que estabelece uma relação errada.
	Carmen is from Barcelona. She´s Spanish.
	Francesco is from Rome. He´s Italian.
	Bob is from the USA. He´s American.
	José is from Brasília. He´s Brazilian.
	Jane is from Britain. She´s Canadian.
		What can you say if you want to know about someone's age?
	How many years do you have?
	How old are you?
		Which of these expressions is not used to greet people?
	How do you do?
	What´s up?
	Where are you going?
		What can you say if you want to know if someone has siblings?
	Do you have daughters?
	Do you have a child?
	Do you have children?
	Do you have sons?
	Do you have brothers and sisters?
		What can you say when you want to know how someone is?
	How old are you?
	What do you do?
	How are you doing?
		Read the sentence below "Jake was caught cheating in his test, and now he´s got to face the music!" What does the expression "face the music" mean?
	b. someone wants to dance
	c. having to face the unpleasant effects of one´s action
		8) What can you say to greet someone at night?
	Good morning.
	Good afternoon.
	Good evening.
Aula 4
		As a teacher of real beginners, which type of language could you teach first in order to foster speaking practice in classroom?
	Classroom language.
		What is the best way to ask to enter a place?
		Você está numa lanchonete. Qual seria a melhor maneira de fazer o seu pedido?
	Could I have a muffin and a coffee, please?
		Qual a melhor maneira de sugerir um filme a alguém?
	Are you going to the movies tonight?
	Why don¿t we go to the movies tonight?
		Here are some small dialogues. In which one the answer does NOT apply to the question?
	What is your phone number? My phone number is _______.
	Where are you from? I am from Brazil.
	What do you like to read? I like to read short stories
	What is your address? My address is _______.
	What do you do in your free time? No, I don¿t.
		6) As frases abaixo são consideradas frases que iniciam conversas, que dão a partida - conversation starters. Leia uma a uma e escolha a alternativa que as relaciona com seus respectivos assuntos. Someone has a crush on Mike. Do you have an apartment available? I've got a pretty tight schedule today!
	politics - travelling - shopping
	romance  -  housing   -  politics
	romance - housing - duty
		7) What can you say if you want to smoke near someone?
	Do you mind smoking?
	Are you smoking?
	Would you like to smoke?
	Do you mind if I smoke?
		8) How can you thank someone for helping you with some heavy packs?
	Very nice.
	Thank you.
Aula 5 
		Non-verbal information is most likely to be shared/received in a:
	none of the above
	psychological context
	relational context
	cultural context
	non-linguistic context
		One can catch all below BUT....
	a cold
	a time
		Este contexto inclui "quem" somos o que trazemos para a interação (interesses, necessidades, princípios, personalidade, etc). We are talking about:
	d) Relational Context
	e) Semantic context
	b) Linguistic context
	c) Psychological Context
		Which alternative CORRECTLY matches the pictures and the descriptions?
              I.              He’s broken his arm.
           II.              He’s sprained his wrist.
        III.              He’s cut his thumb.
        IV.              He’s burnt his hand.
           V.              He has a nosebleed.
        VI.              He hit his head.
     VII.              He got an electric shock.
  VIII.              He got stung by a bee.
        IX.              He twisted his ankle.
	I ¿ h; II ¿ f; III ¿ g; IV ¿ c; V ¿ b; VI ¿ a; VII ¿ i; VIII ¿ d; IX ¿ e
	I ¿ c; II ¿ a; III ¿ e; IV ¿ i; V ¿ g; VI ¿ h; VII ¿ d; VIII ¿ b; IX ¿ f
	I ¿ a; II ¿ c; III ¿ b; IV ¿ d; V ¿ f; VI ¿ g; VII ¿ h; VIII ¿ e; IX ¿ i
	I ¿ b; II ¿ d; III ¿ c; IV ¿ e; V ¿ i; VI ¿ g; VII ¿ f; VIII ¿ h; IX ¿ a
	I ¿ i; II ¿ d; III ¿ b; IV ¿ f; V ¿ a; VI ¿ e; VII ¿ g; VIII ¿ c; IX ¿ h
		5) Pensando no que foi trabalhadoem aula, leia o trecho que se segue e escolha a alternativa que traduz CORRETAMENTE a palavra EM DESTAQUE: While Annie was a hardworking young bookseller, Max was an INDOLENT rich man who only occasionally dabbled in the world of work.
		6) Choose the proper collocation to complete the sentence: "The first thing I do when I get home from the gym is to _____________ a bath".
		7) Choose the option that the phrasal verb means respect or admire someone:
	I looked up his name in the telephone book, called, but got the answering machine.
	With that, he got up, looked me up and down and shook my hand.
	I was in town and thought I'd look in on you to see how you're doing in Seattle.
	I'm glad I looked Peter up, it certainly was an interesting day.
	I know Peter looked up to Harrison Ford.
		8) In which sentence the phrasal verb with "look" means "not notice something on purpose"?
	I looked him straight in the eye.
	Look out!
	My brother and I look alike.
	Peter quickly looked the other way.
Aula 6 – 
		Read the following sentence: " When in Rome, do as Romans do. ". Mark ( V ) if the sentence explains the meaning of the proverb:
	When you travel, you should respect and copy the local customs.
		The meaning of the expression in capitals in the sentence: LAST WEEKEND LOUIS STUDIED TILL THE COWS WENT HOME is
	He did not study for a very long time.
	He studied for a very long time.
		Slangs and idioms are so old as the act of speaking. They are part of our routine and may reveal excitement, offense, happyness, irony, humor, feelings, state and etc. With the technological progress this kind of language seems to be more and more around. The phrase that provides a good example of it is
	It is raining cats and dogs today.
		The expression ´Can I take a raincheck?´ means that:
	You understand the person does not have cash
	The person needs a raincoat
	You don not like the person
	You expect to see the person again
	You hope the person invites you again another time
		As foreign language learners, we know that in order to express ourselves, understand and improve English fluently, we need to learn not only grammar and a good deal of vocabulary but also how to be capable of using this language according to different contexts. There is a kind of knowledge which is part of our routine and seems to be always around: on TV, radio, movies, magazines, internet and in everyday informal conversation:
	The knowledge of complex clauses.
	The knowledge of the future simple.
	The knowledge of translation.
	The knowledge of subordinate clauses.
	The knowledge of slangs and Idioms.
		Choose the option that means the same as ´success is shown by the deeds´.
	Two heads are better than one
	Confidence of success is almost success.
	Every cloud has a silver lining
	Study till the cows came home
	A tree is known by its fruit
		Semelhante a um ditado conhecido por falantes do português "water under the bridge", significa que...
	Everybody has to discuss about what has happened
	What has happened is past now
		8) Choose the alternative that represents the equivalent or near-equivalent relation between the sentences. 1. You are an old hand at teaching. 2. That's great! You keep everything under your thumb. 3. You don't want to stick your neck out, do you? a. You're experienced. b. You have control of the situation. c. You don't want to take the risk.
	1. b, 2. a, 3. c
	1. a, 2. b, 3. C
		Aula 7- 1) In order to be successful in speaking a foreign language, we should take many aspects into consideration, as for example:
	The recognition of the need of practicing writing and reading.
	The recognition of the need of rarely practicing pronunciation.
	The recognition of the need of rarely practicing listening.
	The recognition of the need of practicing speaking and listening.
		2) The following sets has ONE in which the words do not rhyme. Which one?
	King : kind
		3) Approximately how many sounds are there in American English?
	30-35 depending on dialectical variations
	35-40 depending on dialectical variations
	25-30 depending on dialectical variations
	40-45 depending on dialectical variations
		4) A good pronunciation seems to be a key-element for students to foster a more authentic and efficient communication. If you do not have a good pronunciation you might have bad results, for instance
	Listeners understand what you say.
	It becomes very easy for listeners to understand what you say.
	It becomes very hard for listeners to understand what you say.
		5) Which concept is NOT TRUE about English pronunciation?
	Check words you do not know in a dictionary
	Togheter with intonation, pronunciation is key to a successful oral communication
	One may guess a word´s pronunciation by its spelling
		6) These are words that have different spelling but sound the same. These words are the homophones. In which alternative the pair is NOT an homophone?
	slip - sleep
		7) What kind of error does a non-native speaker of English make if s/he says sheep instead of ship in a conversation?
	s/he is speaking too fast
	s/he is skipping sounds
	s/he is confusing too distinct sounds
		8) A good pronunciation seems to be a key-element for students to foster a more authentic and efficient communication. If you do not have a good pronunciation you might have as result
	Not being able to recognize a word when spoken by another person.
 Aula 8 – 
		if we consider the question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having more than one child? It is useful for:
	expressing future intentions
	expressing opinions
		Chosse the alternative that contains an expression for giving INFORMAL opinion:
	I Think...
		In which alternative the words or phrases express a personal point of view?
	It is thought that...
	It is considered...
	It is generally accepted that...
	Some people say that...
	Speaking for myself¿
		If you were required to write a formal letter to your boss expressing your opinion on a subject, you would start it in the follow way:
	To my mind...
	I am unconvinced that....
		Numa conversa telefônica, você diz que tem 16 anos de idade. Contudo, o seu interlocutor não entende e acha que você tem 60 anos. Ao retificar a informação e dizer "I am sixteen" a que palavra você daria ênfase?
		One of the tips for you to start practicing opinions is
	Choosing familiar and interesting topics.
		Expressing opinions, If you want to be NEUTRAL, for instance, you may make use of the following expressions, but not:
	I think she is beautiful.
	In my opinion, they are excellent.
	I tend to think that he is a brilliant teacher.
	To be quite honest, she is an advanced student.
	Tom Hanks is an excellent actor.
		8) Even in our mother tongue, to express opinion isone very important way of interaction. Choose the option that refers to it:
	What does your mother do for a living?
	How often do you go to the beach?
	What is your father?
	How old is your mother?
	What do you think about Rock?
Aula 9
		What dialogue doesn't match its description?
A: Samantha never stops talking.
B: It seems so.
	Talking about girlfriends:
A: I have the perfect girl for you!
B: Oh no! Not another blind date.
	Looking at photos:
A: So, what are you looking at Steve?
B: Oh. I'm gonna show you the photos from our vacation.
	Talking about work:
A: Hi, Debora. How's your new job? Are you very busy?
B: Oh. It's hard work, you know. I'm exhausted.
	Making new friends
A. Oh, Monika, you really like to knit, don't you?
B. Yes. Really enjoy it.
		Choose the only question above whose question is NOT about profession:
	What is your profession?
	What do you do?
	Where do you work?
	What is your occupation?
	Where do you live?
		What is the answer to the question: "How do you go there?"
	Either by bus or by dad's car.
		What's the possible answer for the question: "What's she like?"
	   She has blond hair.
	   She is extremely beautiful.
	   She's very talL
	   She is very cute
	   She is very confidente.
		Leia o texto e assinale a alternativa que expressa a sua idéia central . If there´s one thing we´re good at, it´s shopping. We love shopping in the States, and we have huge shopping malls which are designed for two purposes: to give us the greatest possible choice of things to buy, and to separate us from our money
	Shopping malls are the highest buildings in the USA.
	The shopping malls are very big.
	We need to be separated from our money
	Americans don´t like going shopping.
	Americans love buying things in general.
		If you have a terrible headache, you have to
	read a long and boring report
	take a medicine and go to bed
		Na oralidade, é comum fugirmos ao padrão:How many brothers do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Não costumamos dar respostas completas e gramaticalmente impecáveis no dia a dia. Assinale o diálogo que possui uma forma mais formal, diferente da oralidade:
	How many brothers do you have? Two.
	Why are you sad? I'm sad because my boyfriend has dumped me.
		8) How would you talk about future plans? Choose the alternative which is grammatically coherent:
	Tomorrow, I am going to the park with my kids.
		Aula 10 - 1) In order to maintain a conversation,  we may have to use the so-called hesitations'.  Which alternative does NOT have a so-called hesitation'?
	You know...
	The rest you can guess...
	Tell me more about it.
		Leia o texto que se segue e assinale a alternativa incorreta em relação ao conteúdo: Bullying in Schools: Harassment Puts Gay Youth at Risk While trying to deal with all the challenges of being a teenager, gay/ lesbian/ bisexual/ transgender (GBLT) teens additionally have to deal with harassment, threats, and violence directed at them on a daily basis. They hear anti-gay slurs such as ¿hom, faggot and sissy about 26 times a day or once every 14 minutes.[1] Even more troubling, a study found that thirty-one percent of gay youth had been threatened or injured at school in the last year alone! Schools should offer a safe and respectful learning environment for everyone. When bullying is allowed to take place, it affects everyone. Their mental health and education, not to mention their physical well-being, are at-risk.
	According to the text, gay teen's health is not affected by such abuses.
		We need to take care of simplification in informal speech. Many proficient learners know a lot of vocabulary and master pronunciation, but they sometimes do not know how to end a conversation in a formal way. Choose the alternative that DOES NOT contain a FORMAL closing:
	It's been great talking with you.
	see you
		Read the dialogue below: A: Do you accept credit cards? B: Yes, of course. Please fill in this form. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. If you need something, you can dial 100 to call the front desk. A: Thank you. Where's the lift? B: It's at the end of the hall. Now, where is this conversation most likely to take place?
	in a hotel
		Besides verbal expressions, we also have NON-VERBAL OPENERS. Choose the alterantive that DOES NOT contain a non-verbal openers:
	Shaking Hands
	Eye Contact
		6) What would it be a non-verbal opener in a conversation?
	Eye Contact
	Introducing yourself
		7) Make common English phrases by choosing the alternartive that fills the blank: Excuse me, _____!
	Shall you
		8) One of the actions below is an indicator of a non-verbal closing of a conversation:
	An open posture
	make faces
	Breaking eye contact

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