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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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	Avaliação Parcial: CEL0561_SM_201708006354 V.1 
	Matrícula: 201708006354
	Acertos: 10,0 de 10,0
	Data: 03/10/2018 06:52:01 (Finalizada)
	1a Questão (Ref.:201708172225)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Many of Heathcliff¿s actions are motivated by his desire for¿
	social status
	2a Questão (Ref.:201708623550)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Who wrote Frankenstein?
	Sir Walter Scott.
	Charles Lamb.
	Willian Shakespeare.
	Mary Shelly.
	Jane Austen.
	Gabarito Coment.
	3a Questão (Ref.:201708171796)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Who was the first one to use the term "Romantic" to the literary period dating from 1785 to 1830?
	English historians half a century after the period ended.
	Lord Byron.
	4a Questão (Ref.:201708171790)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	The effects of the revolution abroad, the demands for a more democratic government, and a growing awareness of social injustice at home were all reflected in a new spirit that over a period of years affected every aspect of English life. How were the years characterized by this new attitude known as?
	The Victorian Age.
	The Age of Romanticism.
	The Elizabethan Age.
	The Age of Reason.
	The Age of Milton.
	5a Questão (Ref.:201708211861)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	In relation to Romanticism and its relation with nationalism IT IS NOT true to say that
	The romantic revival of national roots is attested by the collection and imitation of native folklore, folk ballads and poetry, folk dance and music, and even previously ignored medieval and Renaissance works.
	Romantic writers and poets focused on futuristic scientific fiction due to their passion for machines and technology.
	The romantic writer, Sir Walter Scott, invented the historical novel focusing on medieval themes and symbols
	Romanticism is, in a way, a collection and imitation of native folklore, folk ballads and poetry, folk dance and music, and even previously ignored medieval and Renaissance works.
	The revived historical appreciation was translated into imaginative writing by Sir Walter Scott, who invented the historical novel.
	6a Questão (Ref.:201708266483)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Although Jane Austen´s novels did not prove especially popular in her own days, one of her novels, Emma, was dedicated to an admirer of her work, The Prince Regent.
 What would you say about Jane Austen´s novels?
	She was committed with a strong reaction to puritanism, she distrusted innovation and invention and there is a widespread acceptance of classical literature.
	They already bear some of the characteristics of the movement that was to follow Romanticism, Realism, because of the way she describes the society she was immersed in.
	Their success depends partly on the end of the stories and partly upon her spectacular style of writing, in which comic aspects as well as tragic ones play an important role on stage.
	She provides the reader with an emphasis on biological determinism, and in the environmental forces and internal stresses that drive the individuals to act the way they do.
	She used conventional situations as well as melodic phrases to keep the interest of the reader. There is always the presence of moral which were typical of the time she lived, Elizabethan Age.
	7a Questão (Ref.:201708623671)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	What is the term The Industrial Revolution associated with in England?
	The term the Industrial Revolution improved farming techniques, which generated both increased agricultural production and growing prosperity even for the poor people all over the country so the term is associated with an agricultural revolution.
	The term is associated with the fight for power England went through against the U.S.A.
	The most important feature of the revolution in Britain is associated with the declining number of people who were expected to come to the rapidly expanding urban areas to provide much of the labour-force for the new manufacturing industries.
	The term Industrial Revolution is associated with the use of iron, steel and aluminum as growing characteristics in English dressing- style industry.
	Broadly speaking, The industrial revolution defines the transformation of Britain from a predominantly rural and agrarian society to an increasingly urban one based on manufacturing and industry, new transportation and communication systems and the application of scientific principles to industry among others.
	8a Questão (Ref.:201708172268)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	The record of marriage the person reads to stop the wedding is from how many years back?
	9a Questão (Ref.:201708212563)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	What do the opening lines of Pride and Prejudice: " "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." accomplish?
	It indicates the novel's central subject of marriage, along with the financial considerations usually involved in it. It also sets the tone of irony that will pervade the novel.
	It indicates the basic necessity of women in the beginning of the XIX century in Europe.
	It accomplishes that men who had no money were not interested in getting married.
	It accomplishes that women were subject to men's rule, a fact which is developed throughout the book, along with the fight for women's liberation, which, as a consequence of this novel, gave women the right to belong to the English Parliament.
	It indicates that single men needed to find a wife if they wanted to keep their fortune.
	10a Questão (Ref.:201708172234)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Why did Mr. Lockwood stay overnight when Heathcliff obviously disliked his company?
	because of the fog
	because of the author.
	because of the pouring rain
	because of love
	because of the snow

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