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Wearing white and beaming broadly, Laura Mardovich married 
family friend Robert Balemian Friday. People exchange their 
wedding vows every day, but what [TO BE 1] unusual about this 
marriage is that Laura is a Sept. 11 widow – perhaps the first to 
The priest who pronounced Laura and Robert man and wife saw 
their union as an uplifting sign for a parish that lost 18 people in the 
terrorist attacks – a sign that Laura is moving on with her life. But to 
some friends and relatives, seven months is a short time to grieve – 
and they [TO BE 2] stunned by the marriage. Their feelings [TO BE 
3] all the more intense because Laura, 41, and her first husband, 
Ed Mardovich, 42, had what by all accounts was a storybook union. 
He [TO BE 4] the president of the securities division of Euro 
Brokers, a thriving investment firm, and the couple and their four 
children lived in Lloyd Harbor on Long Island's North Shore. 
The night before the attacks, Laura and Ed celebrated their 16th 
anniversary at Alain Ducasse, the exclusive Manhattan restaurant. 
The next morning Ed went to his office on the 84th floor of the 
south tower of the World Trade Center. When the first hijacked 
plane ripped into the WTC's north tower, Ed called Laura on his cell 
phone to say he [TO BE 5] safe. He never came home – one of 60 
Euro Brokers employees to die on Sept. 11. 
After Ed's death, Laura changed. She didn't return calls from 
relatives, who interpreted this as meaning she didn't want 
reminders of the past. And she began seeing Robert, a family 
friend and a widower with a child. The couple got married at St. 
Patrick's Church in Huntington and toasted their union at a 
reception at the Waldorf-Astoria. They left on their honeymoon 
(Adaptado de uma reportagem de Maria Alvarez, Adam Miller e Andy 
Geller para o periódico New York Post, em sua versão online de 14/4/02) 
beaming = radiante, sorridente 
vows = promessa solene, juramento 
priest = sacerdote 
uplifting = moralmente edificante 
parish = paróquia 
stunned = surpreso, chocado 
storybook = de conto de fadas 
thriving = próspero 
to rip into = atacar 
to toast = brindar 
widow = viúva 
widower = viúvo 
26. Assinale como verdadeiras as alternativas que contêm a 
forma correta dos verbos destacados no texto e como 
falsas as que não contêm. 
No texto a forma correta de 
00. [TO BE 1] é is. 
11. [TO BE 2] é are. 
22. [TO BE 3] é is. 
33. [TO BE 4] é were. 
44. [TO BE 5] é was. 
27. A respeito desta reportagem, que trata do casamento de 
Laura Mardovich com Robert Balemian, julgue os itens. 
0 0. Foi o segundo casamento de Laura. 
1 1. Ela era viúva de Ed Mardovich, morto nos ataques 
terroristas ao World Trade Center em 11 de 
2 2. De acordo com os registros oficiais, Laura é a 
primeira viúva da tragédia do World Trade Center a 
se casar novamente. 
3 3. Robert também era viúvo. 
4 4. O casamento se restringiu a uma discreta 
cerimônia religiosa. 
28. Sobre Laura e Ed e o contexto dos ataques terroristas, 
assinale o que for correto. 
0 0. O casal tinha uma situação financeira bastante 
1 1. Ed trabalhava no World Trade Center. 
2 2. No dia anterior aos ataques, Laura e Ed jantaram 
3 3. Quando a primeira torre do World Trade Center foi 
atingida, Ed, que estava na outra, telefonou para 
4 4. Ed morreu no dia em que completou 42 anos. 
29. O texto informa 
0 0. o tempo de casamento de Laura e Ed. 
1 1. onde morava a família Mardovich. 
2 2. quantos empregados da firma para a qual Ed 
trabalhava morreram nos ataques. 
3 3. a profissão de Robert. 
4 4. o nome da igreja em que Laura e Robert se 
30. Assinale como verdadeiras as alternativas que estão 
gramaticalmente corretas e como falsas aquelas em que 
isso não ocorre. 
0 0. Is important to study English? 
1 1. There is a coffee shop near here? 
2 2. When was you born? 
3 3. She and I am great students. 
4 4. Aren’t I your friend? 

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