
Inverted case in English sentences

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Prévia do material em texto

What is the right inverted case considering the sentence "If you had known my dad, you would have thought he was
wonderful too."?
Only by working three jobs _____ able to support his large family
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para
sua avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
Knew my dad, you would have thought he was wonderful too.
Have you known my dad, you would have thought he was wonderful too.
You have known my dad. you would have thought he was wonderful too.
Had you known my dad, you would have thought he was wonderful too.
Known my dad, you would have thought he was wonderful too.
We use an Unreal Past Perfect in the if-clause when we are thinking about how
things might have been
different. In the conditional sentence we can omit if or other conditional words and
start with Had:
Had I believed her for one moment, I wouldn¿t have refused to help.
Had you told me earlier, I would/could/might have done something about it.
he was
being he
he's being
was he
he is
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1 of 4 10/2/2019, 2:39 PM
Complete the sentence: (Never/I/meet) _________________such well-behaved children before. They are as good as
Choose the best inversion structure to complete the sentence. "The view of the canyon was breathtaking. Never before
__________such beauty."
What is the right inverted case considering the sentence "If you should need some more money, take an extra twenty."?
Inversion brings about fronting, the re-ordering of information in a sentence to
give emphasis in a particular place. Often this causes an element to be postponed
until later in the sentence, focusing attention on it.
Only by working three jobs _____ able to support his large family. (WAS HE) 
a) Never have I met
d) Never met I
b) Never I met
c) Never I have met
e) Never has I met
When a story is told in the past tense, the adverbials hardly, scarcely, barely and no sooner are often used to emphasise that
one event quickly followed another. The verb describing the earlier event is usually in the past perfect tense. If hardly,
scarcely, barely and no sooner are in the initial position, the subject and auxiliary are inverted:
I had never seen so many people in one room. (= normal word order)
Never had I seen so many people in one room. (= inversion)
had seen we
had we saw
had we seen
we hadn't seen
we had seen
When a story is told in the past tense, the adverbials hardly, scarcely, barely and no sooner are often used to emphasise that
one event quickly followed another. The verb describing the earlier event is usually in the past perfect tense. If hardly,
scarcely, barely and no sooner are in the initial position, the subject and auxiliary are inverted:
Never (before) have we faced such a challenge! (We have never faced such a challenge!)
Should you need some money, take an extra money.
Should you needed some money, take an extra money.
Were you need some money, take an extra money.
EPS http://simulado.estacio.br/bdq_simulados_exercicio.asp#ancora_8
2 of 4 10/2/2019, 2:39 PM
Complete the sentence: ___ you see Frank at the conference, give him my regards
Make a new sentence beginning with the word in brackets. "I had hardly begun to apologize when the door closed"
Needed some money, take an extra money.
Had you need some money, take an extra money.
Sometimes conditional forms are inverted as a means of sounding more formal. In this case, the conditional 'if' is dropped
and the inverted forms takes the place of the 'if clause'.
In formal contexts we can omit if or other conditional words and start the sentence
with should:
Should you change your mind, please let me know.
b) Would
e) Have to
d) Could
a) Should
c) Might
Sometimes conditional forms are inverted as a means of sounding more formal. In this case, the conditional 'if' is dropped
and the inverted forms takes the place of the 'if clause'.
In formal contexts we can omit if or other conditional words and start the sentence
with should:
Should you change your mind, please let me know.
Hardly had I begun to apologize when the door closed.
Hardly would I begin to apologize when the door closed.
Hardly have I begun to apologize when the door closed.
Hardly I began to apologize when the door closed.
Hardly I begun to apologize when the door closed.
When a story is told in the past tense, the adverbials hardly, scarcely, barely and no sooner are often used to emphasise that
one event quickly followed another. The verb describing the earlier event is usually in the past perfect tense. If hardly,
scarcely, barely and no sooner are in the initial position, the subject and auxiliary are inverted.
EPS http://simulado.estacio.br/bdq_simulados_exercicio.asp#ancora_8
3 of 4 10/2/2019, 2:39 PM
Complete: No sooner ____________the receiver than the telephone began to ring again.8.
down had I put
had put I down
down had put I
had I put down
I had put down
When a story is told in the past tense, the adverbials hardly, scarcely, barely and no sooner are often used to emphasise that
one event quickly followed another. The verb describing the earlier event is usually in the past perfect tense. If hardly,
scarcely, barely and no sooner are in the initial position, the subject and auxiliary are inverted:
No sooner had the company launched its new product than it went bankrupt. (The company had no sooner launched its
new product than it went bankrupt.)
Legenda: Questão não respondida Questão não gravada Questão gravada
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