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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Passei Direto grátis

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		Reading is a relevant ability which needs to be taken into account.
Read the following comments about it and choose the one which is inappropriate.
	According to Kleiman (2004), the process of reading is regarded as passive due to the very reason that there are varied levels of knowledge interacting between themselves during the act.
	Reading, for some, means reading words, and success is judged by the number of words which can be read out of context.
	For some researchers, successful reading is judged from the earliest levels, even by beginner readers, in terms of the ability to make sense of continuous text, beyond word level.
	It is argued that effective reading is judged not by reference to the accurate rendering aloud of a written text, but by strategies which the reader can be observed to draw on which may signal progress, even in the absence of accurate text decoding.
	According to Aebersold and Field (1997), it is difficult to define what reading is due to the fact that it is not a process easily understood or defined.
According to Kleiman (2004), the process of reading is regarded as interactive due to the very reason that there are varied levels of knowledge interacting between themselves during the act.
		Why are listening comprehension exercises important?
	Because they promote feeling of disappointment in the learners.
	Because as they are usually easy types of exercises, learners tend to appreciate them.
	Because they are rarely part of tests in the English language.
	Because they do not necessarily help in communication.
	Because they help learners to master the effective communication in a foreign language.
Most learners have difficulty with listening comprehension exercises because of the sentence structures and vocabulary so they are of great relevance so as to help learners to master the effective communication in a foreign language.
		Being considered a FLUENT reader means that the individual  can 
	translate basic text from one language to another
	pronounce authentic text properly when reading aloud
	read quickly and accurately without great effort in decoding
	read many texts and books monthly
	read loudly without making any pronunciation mistake
Read quickly and accurately without great effort in decoding
		Read the statements below and find the correspondent alternative considering if they are TRUE or FALSE
Reading, for some, means reading words, and success is judged by the number of words which can be read out of context. (   )
If a text is written in a language the reader cannot easily recognize and/or does not know how it works, s/he will not be able to make any sense of it. (   )
Effective reading is judged not by reference to the accurate rendering aloud of a written text, but by strategies which the reader can be observed to draw on which may signal progress, even in the absence of accurate text decoding.(   )
The process of reading is regarded as interactive due to the very reason that there are varied levels of knowledge interacting between themselves during the act.(   )
	F, T, F, T
	T, T, T, T
	T, F, T, F
	F, F, T, T
	F, F, F, F
All the alternatives are correct.
		Listening and reading are called receptive skills because when doing these, learners do not need to produce language; instead, they receive language and understand the message (or they don¿t!), or to put it another way, they decode meaning from the discourse they hear or see.
It's important to note, however, that receptive is not the same as passive. In fact, there is active involvement of the listener/ reader in the complex processes of listening and reading. Let¿s now consider each of these skills in turn.
Listening is an oral language skill, i.e., when we speak of listening, we mean the ability to hear a piece of language and understand what we hear.
Based on the characteristics studied in our class seven about receptive skills, choose the comment which DOES NOT fit in the group.
	Reading is a receptive skill because it is the same as passive.
	Learners decode meaning from the discourse they hear or see.
	Listening and reading are called receptive skills because  they receive language and understand the message (or they don¿t!).
	There is active involvement of listener in the complex processo f listening.
	Listening and reading are called receptive skills because when doing these, learners do not need to produce language.
It¿s important to note, however, that receptive is not the same as passive. In fact, there is active involvement of the listener/ reader in the complex processes of listening and reading. Let¿s now consider each of these skills in turn.
		Like the skill of listening, reading is typically classified as a
	none of the alternatives above
	reproductive skill
	artistic skill
	 receptive skill 
	productive skill
 Receptive skill

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