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AULA 08 
 1a Questão 
In the sentence ''I hope to vacation in Canada next year'', which of the following is true? 
An infinitive serves as an indirect object. 
A participle serves as an adverb. 
 An infinitive serves as a direct object. 
An infinitive serves as an adverb. 
A participle serves as an indirect object. 
 2a Questão 
Which sentence presents an -ING structure functioning as a NOUN? 
 There are not many ways of mending somebody´s heart. 
What an alarming noise! 
This weather is depressing! 
I've never seen such a boring film! 
That TV programme is really amusing. 
 3a Questão 
What does the underlined word in the following sentence exemplifiy? 
The dancing dogs entertained the crowd. 
Dangling construction. 
Split infinitive. 
 4a Questão 
''The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to [singing] and to [laughing] 
gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken''. (Homer). The 
verbs in brackets are, respectively: 
gerund and participle 
participle and participle 
participle and infinitive 
 gerund and gerund 
participle and gerund 
 5a Questão 
In which sentence can we find an example of a gerund serving as SUBJECT? 
 Running is an excellent activity. 
It's raining. 
My working hours are really intense. 
The train leaving the station is the fastest in Europe. 
She likes dancing. 
 6a Questão 
In this sentence, the participial clause is ambiguous. ''Delores noticed her cousin walking along the 
shoreline''. (Who was walking along the shoreline, Delores, her cousin or both?) Rewriting the sentence, 
which of the following options implies that IT WAS THE COUSING WHO WAS WALKING ALONG THE 
SHORELINE (attention to the punctuation)? 
Delores noticed her cousin when she walking along the shoreline. 
 Delores noticed her cousin, who was walking along the shoreline. 
When she walking along the shoreline, Delores saw her cousin. 
Delores, who was walking along the shoreline, saw her cousin. 
Delores, seeing her cousin along the shoreline, noticed him. 
 7a Questão 
What does the word in brackets in the following sentence exemplifiy? "The kittens [crouching] under the 
bed have refused to come out". 
Split infinitive 
Dangling modifier 
 8a Questão 
In the sentence ''He was eager to leave for vacation'', which of the following is true? 
An infinitive serves as an adjective. 
A participle serves as an adjective. 
A participle serves as an adverb. 
An infinitive serves as a direct object. 
 An infinitive serves as an adverb. 
 1a Questão 
Choose the comment which is adequate. 
I was talking to such a boring guy at the party.- dangling construction 
 The student earning the highest grade point average will receive a special award. - 
participial clause 
The boy, wearing the clown costume, has just left. - gerund clause 
My maths teacher at school was really frightening. - modal verb. 
The old school building, destroyed by a tornado was never rebuilt. - infinitive clause 
 2a Questão 
''The flag [waving] in the wind is inspirational''. The word in brackets in the previous sentence is good 
example of a/an: 
Split infintive 
Dangling modifier 
 3a Questão 
What does the underlined word in the following sentence exemplifiy? 
The dancing dogs entertained the crowd. 
Dangling construction. 
Split infinitive. 
 4a Questão 
''The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to [singing] and to [laughing] 
gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken''. (Homer). The 
verbs in brackets are, respectively: 
participle and infinitive 
participle and gerund 
gerund and participle 
 gerund and gerund 
participle and participle 
 5a Questão 
In the sentence ''I hope to vacation in Canada next year'', which of the following is true? 
 An infinitive serves as a direct object. 
A participle serves as an indirect object. 
A participle serves as an adverb. 
An infinitive serves as an indirect object. 
An infinitive serves as an adverb. 
 6a Questão 
Which sentence presents an -ING structure functioning as a NOUN? 
What an alarming noise! 
 There are not many ways of mending somebody´s heart. 
This weather is depressing! 
That TV programme is really amusing. 
I've never seen such a boring film! 
 7a Questão 
In the sentence ''He was eager to leave for vacation'', which of the following is true? 
A participle serves as an adverb. 
An infinitive serves as a direct object. 
 An infinitive serves as an adverb. 
A participle serves as an adjective. 
An infinitive serves as an adjective. 
 8a Questão 
In which sentence can we find an example of a gerund serving as SUBJECT? 
It's raining. 
My working hours are really intense. 
The train leaving the station is the fastest in Europe. 
 Running is an excellent activity. 
She likes dancing. 
 1a Questão 
In this sentence, the participial clause is ambiguous. ''Delores noticed her cousin walking along the 
shoreline''. (Who was walking along the shoreline, Delores, her cousin or both?) Rewriting the sentence, 
which of the following options implies that IT WAS THE COUSING WHO WAS WALKING ALONG THE 
SHORELINE (attention to the punctuation)? 
Delores, seeing her cousin along the shoreline, noticed him. 
Delores, who was walking along the shoreline, saw her cousin. 
When she walking along the shoreline, Delores saw her cousin. 
 Delores noticed her cousin, who was walking along the shoreline. 
Delores noticed her cousin when she walking along the shoreline. 
 2a Questão 
What does the word in brackets in the following sentence exemplifiy? "The kittens [crouching] under the 
bed have refused to come out". 
Dangling modifier 
Split infinitive 
 3a Questão 
In the sentence ''He was eager to leave for vacation'', which of the following is true? 
A participle serves as an adjective. 
An infinitive serves as a direct object. 
 An infinitive serves as an adverb. 
A participle serves as an adverb. 
An infinitive serves as an adjective. 
 4a Questão 
What does the underlined word in the following sentence exemplifiy? 
The dancing dogs entertained the crowd. 
Split infinitive. 
Dangling construction. 
 5a Questão 
''The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to [singing] and to [laughing] 
gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken''. (Homer). The 
verbs in brackets are, respectively: 
participle and participle 
participle and gerund 
gerund and participle 
participle and infinitive 
 gerund and gerund 
 6a Questão 
In which sentence can we find an example of a gerund serving as SUBJECT? 
The train leaving the station is the fastest in Europe. 
It's raining. 
She likes dancing. 
 Running is an excellent activity. 
My working hours are really intense. 
 7a Questão 
In the sentence ''I hope to vacation in Canada next year'', which of the following is true? 
A participle serves as an adverb. 
A participle serves as an indirect object. 
Aninfinitive serves as an indirect object. 
 An infinitive serves as a direct object. 
An infinitive serves as an adverb. 
 8a Questão 
Which sentence presents an -ING structure functioning as a NOUN? 
That TV programme is really amusing. 
 There are not many ways of mending somebody´s heart. 
What an alarming noise! 
This weather is depressing! 
I've never seen such a boring film!

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