
AD1 2020 semestre 1 - gabarito

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Fundação CECIERJ - Vice Presidência de Educação Superior a Distância
Curso de Tecnologia em Sistemas de Computação
Disciplina: Inglês Instrumental
AD1 1° semestre de 2020
Fake news is about to get much more dangerous
By Thomas Kent 
The most powerful false-news weapon in history is around the corner. In some ways, deep fake videos are no worse than rumors or false news stories. People will believe and share anything they find engaging or that reinforces their beliefs. But videos are more dangerous because of the authority this medium has taken on in society. 
Faced with this menace, experts have looked to search engines and social media platforms to identify and expunge deep fakes, and to governments to find ways to outlaw them. While the prospect of deep fakes has evoked proper alarm in the journalistic, technical, political and security worlds, it hasn’t gained sufficient public attention. 
Given the existential danger to truth that deep fakes present, the media industry must make its own efforts to counter the threat — and it can be effective, if it acts quickly. Right now, we have a window of opportunity in which most fake videos are far from perfect. In many cases, it’s laughably obvious that the images are manipulated. In others, fake video looks convincing to the naked eye, but technical tests can easily demonstrate that it’s a fraud. 
The quality of technology we already see in the best science-fiction and fantasy movies, as well as the most sophisticated video games, shows us what will inevitably be available for broader exploitation — to far more ominous ends. Fake video could show football teams scoring touchdowns that never happened, or a singer’s voice cracking when in fact she sang perfectly. 
Unless the dangers of fake video receive broad public attention now, the public will be caught unaware when truly convincing fakes appear, perhaps with disastrous results. In publicizing the dangers, media need to avoid a tone of hopelessness. They should make sure their ethics codes and verification procedures adequately address the dangers. Otherwise, audiences will doubt any video — including legitimate and important footage that media outlets gather in their own breaking-news coverage and investigative work.
weapon: arma; engaging: atraente; menace: ameaça; outlaw: proibir; to counter: combater/enfrentar; laughably: ridicularmente/risivelmente; naked: nu; omnious: nefasto; touchdowns: pontuação no futebol americano; footage: sequência; gather: reunir; news: notícias
1. Na frase “The most powerful false-news weapon in history is around the corner” (primeiro parágrafo), a expressão ‘around the corner’ sugere que: (1pt)
A. ( ) algo já aconteceu.
B. ( X ) algo está prestes a acontecer.
C. ( ) a história se repete.
2. De acordo com o texto, a propagação de vídeos é ameaçadora porque (1pt)
A. ( X ) a sociedade os vê como fonte de verdade. 
B. ( ) os vídeos incitam a sociedade a esquecer os problemas.
C.( ) Kent descarta um grande risco em sua propagação.
3. Qual a alternativa que os ‘experts’ vislumbram para enfrentar o problema das fakes news? Marque a resposta que não é correta. (1pt)
A. ( ) Encontrar mecanismos e plataformas para identificar e eliminar graves notícias falsas.
B. ( ) Incentivar os governos a encontrar meio de proibir notícias falsas.
C. ( X ) Manipular informações a fim de que os governantes recebam alertas de notícias falsas. 
4. Entre as frases abaixo, que foram retiradas do texto, marque aquela que sugere que é possível detectar a falsidade dos vídeos.
(1 pt)
A. ( ) “People will believe and share anything they find engaging or that reinforces their beliefs.”
B. ( X ) “Right now, we have a window of opportunity in which most fake videos are far from perfect.”
C. ( ) “In some ways, deep fake videos are no worse than rumors or false news stories.”
5. Segundo o autor, a fim de evitar as consequências nefastas dos vídeos falsos, a ‘media’ deve (1 pt)
A. ( ) estimular a desesperança da audiência.
B. ( X ) tornar público os perigos dos vídeos falsos. 
C. ( ) desacreditar a qualidade da alta tecnologia. 
6. Cite um exemplo de vídeo fake que o texto apresenta. Copie a frase em inglês. (1,5 pt)
football teams scoring touchdowns that never happened
a singer’s voice cracking when in fact she sang perfectly. 
7. Qual é a relação lógica que o conector WHILE estabelece nesta sequência do segundo parágrafo: “While the prospect of deep fakes has evoked proper alarm in the journalistic, technical, political and security worlds, it hasn’t gained sufficient public attention.”? (1 pt)
A- ( X ) Contraste
B- ( ) Causa
C- ( ) Consequência
8. Na frase “[...] including legitimate and important footage that media outlets gather in their own breaking-news coverage and investigative work.” a que se refere their? (1 pt)
A. ( ) audiences
B. ( X ) media outlets
C. ( ) investigative work
9. Estes dois sintagmas nominais foram retirados to texto. Sublinhe o núcleo de A e circule os modificadores de B. (1,5 pt)
A. sufficient public attention
B. social media platforms
C. legitimate and important footage
A. Sublinhar: attention. Circular: sufficient, public.
B. Sublinhar: platforms. Circular: social, media.
C. Sublinhar: footage. Circular: legitimate, important.

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