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C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\spo\VV\100\HBT-PD-100-01026.dwg	Model	09/04/2020 14:54:21	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:5.36101	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\SPO EMAIL FF\HBT-PD-101-00189.dwg	Model	09/04/2020 15:02:52	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:5.36101	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\sdsc\HBT-PD-102-00287.dwg	Model	13/04/2020 07:14:46	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:6.0722	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\peh\HBT-FR-300-00519-02.dwg	Model	13/04/2020 16:05:07	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:4.28881	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\Nova pasta\HBT-PD-100-01033.dwg	Model	15/04/2020 13:40:57	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:5.36101	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\OV 5000440503 - MINERACAO MORRO DO IPE S.A #7165\HBT-PD-100-01034.dwg	Model	16/04/2020 14:53:39	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:5.36101	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\HBT-PD-100-01032.dwg	Model	17/04/2020 13:09:12	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:5.36101	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\HBT-PD-102-00175.dwg	Model	20/04/2020 07:37:54	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:10.722	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\OV\HBT-PD-102-00294.dwg	Model	20/04/2020 22:17:50	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:5.36101	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\OV\HBT-FR-802-00172.dwg	Model	20/04/2020 22:31:02	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:4.28881	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\RTRT\HBT-PD-104-00896.dwg	Model	28/04/2020 17:02:20	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:2.1444	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\RTRT\HBT-FR-300-01027-00.dwg	Model	28/04/2020 22:02:01	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:2.1444	
	C:\Users\Lucas\Desktop\#5833 - VALE CONTRATO.dwg	Model	30/04/2020 10:51:15	Lucas	DWG To PDF.pc3	ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)	1:5.36101

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