
Inglês instrumental

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

1.Para compreensão geral, ou seja, compreender o texto, examinando-o de forma rápida e 
sucinta, com a finalidade de obtermos uma ideia geral, utilizamos a estratégia de: 
A) Scanning. 
B) Dynamic reading. 
C) Nenhuma das alternativas. 
D) Skimming. 
2. “(...) é uma das várias abordagens para o ensino e aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa, e objetiva 
desenvolver no aprendiz habilidades de leitura para fins específicos, contribuindo para a 
formação de leitores mais eficientes e autônomos. Suas características compreendem: atender às 
necessidades específicas do aluno; relacionar o estudo do idioma ao conteúdo (isto é, em seus 
temas e tópicos) de disciplinas particulares, profissões e atividades; e centrar na linguagem 
apropriada para essas atividades em sintaxe, léxico, discurso, semântica, etc., e análise do 
O fragmento de texto refere-se à: 
A) E.S.P. 
B ) Inglês Instrumental 
 C)Todas as alternativas. 
 D)English for Specific Purpose 
3. Utilize as técnicas de Immediate and Global Context e previous knowledge, entre outras que 
incidem de forma automática (repeated words, keywords, etc.), na leitura do texto abaixo e 
responda: Qual o erro cometido na premiação do Oscar 2017? 
By Jim Donnelly 
In an Oscar finale that will go down as one of the most memorable ever, MOONLIGHT wins 
the 2017 Oscar for Best Picture after a mishap occurred during the announcement. Shockwaves 
ripped through the entire room as everyone wondered what happened. In the end, the people 
behind LA LA LAND were incredibly gracious as they handed over the Oscar for Best Picture 
at the 89th Academy Awards to the folks behind MOONLIGHT! A similar switch-up happened 
at the 1964 Oscars where presenter Sammy Davis, Jr. mistakenly opened the wrong envelope 
and named the winner for another category. Fortunately, Sammy was able to correct things 
before anyone reached the stage and the show continued on. For the 2017 Oscars, you can see 
the moment everyone is talking about from the beginning of the announcement right through all 
the action on the stage. 
 Fonte: Disponível em: <http://oscar.go.com/news/winners/after-oscars-2017-mishap-
moonlight-wins-best-picture>. Acesso em: 20 ago. 2017. 
A) La La Land foi anunciado como ganhador do Oscar ao invés de Moonlight. 
 B) Os atores de La La Land deixaram cair a estatueta do Oscar. 
 C) O oscar de melhor ator foi anunciado para Sammy Davis Jr.. 
D) La La Land foi anunciado como ganhador do Oscar de melhor filme por engano. 
4. O texto a seguir é uma reportagem publicada no jornal The Guardian. Utilizando a estratégia 
de key words, que palavras são derivadas ou relacionadas ao espião alemão Werner Mauss? 
“In secret service circles, he was either known as “Institution M” or “The Man with Nine 
Fingers”, because of a missing digit on his left hand. Locals in his village thought he was called 
“Richard Nelson” but his bank clerk knew him as “Claus Möllner”. Politicians at the top of 
government simply referred to their top secret agent as “007”. 
For at last three decades Werner Mauss was Germany’s real-life answer to James Bond: a rogue 
operator who moved in the shadowy realm between criminal underworld and intelligence 
agencies, entrapping drug dealers, retrieving stolen goods, negotiating with terrorists, often 
changing identity on his private plane mid-air. 
But now, at the end of a career of dodging bullets and speeding cars, the 77-year-old has been 
caught in the web of a more mundane nemesis: the taxman. 
On Monday, Mauss will appear in a county court in Bochum for the closing argument of a trial 
in which he stands accused of evading €14m (£12.3m) in tax to help fund a lifestyle of fast cars 
and thoroughbred horses. If the state prosecution has its way, he could be sentenced to six years 
and three months in prison by the end of the week.” 
 Fonte: Disponível em: <https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/17/institution-m-the-
german-spy-on-trial-for-tax-evasion-werner-mauss>. Acesso em: 17 ago. 2017. 
A) Politicians, underworld, top secret agent, speeding cars. 
 B) Secret service, top secret agent, James Bond, intelligence agencies. 
C) Secret service, left hand, terrorist, intelligence agencies. 
D) Missing digits, changing identity, taxman, 77-year-old 
5. Leia, abaixo, o fragmento de uma reportagem publicada no jornal The Guardian. Utilizando 
as diversas estratégias de leitura aprendidas, qual o acontecimento reportado? 
“In secret service circles, he was either known as “Institution M” or “The Man with Nine 
Fingers”, because of a missing digit on his left hand. Locals in his village thought he was called 
“Richard Nelson” but his bank clerk knew him as “Claus Möllner”. Politicians at the top of 
government simply referred to their top secret agent as “007”. 
For at last three decades Werner Mauss was Germany’s real-life answer to James Bond: a rogue 
operator who moved in the shadowy realm between criminal underworld and intelligence 
agencies, entrapping drug dealers, retrieving stolen goods, negotiating with terrorists, often 
changing identity on his private plane mid-air. 
But now, at the end of a career of dodging bullets and speeding cars, the 77-year-old has been 
caught in the web of a more mundane nemesis: the taxman. 
On Monday, Mauss will appear in a county court in Bochum for the closing argument of a trial 
in which he stands accused of evading €14m (£12.3m) in tax to help fund a lifestyle of fast cars 
and thoroughbred horses. If the state prosecution has its way, he could be sentenced to six years 
and three months in prison by the end of the week.” 
 Fonte: Disponível em: <https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/17/institution-m-the-
german-spy-on-trial-for-tax-evasion-werner-mauss>. Acesso em: 17 ago. 2017. 
A) A candidature de Werner Mauss depois de se aposentar como espião. 
B) Os problemas de Werner Mauss com impostos aos 77 anos. 
C) Nenhuma das alternativas. 
D) A vida secreta de Werner Mauss 
6. Com o uso dos afixos estudados, que palavras podem ser formadas pelo sufixo -SION? 
A) informasion, educasion, acsion. 
 B) decision, mission, expression. 
C) decision, educasion, mission. 
D) Nenhuma das alternativas. 
7. Além das definições de palavras, encontramos num dicionário a representação fonética dos 
vocábulos, abreviações e sua classe gramatical. Selecione, abaixo, a opção que apresenta 
corretamente a abreviação para masculino plural: 
A) masc. Plu 
B) masc. pl 
C) m. plu 
D) m. pl 
8. Diversas palavras em Inglês possuem polissemia, ou seja, múltiplos significados, e apenas 
por meio de uma seleção criteriosa do contexto no qual o vocábulo está inserido podemos 
definir o efeito de sentido ao texto. 
A palavra close quando usada como um substantivo ou adjetivo têm um significado e quando 
usada como verbo tem outro totalmente diferente Qual a opção que apresenta um dos 
significados da palavra close como adjetivo? 
A) Longe. 
B) Abrir. 
C) Fechar. 
D) Íntimo. 
9. Leia o texto a seguir. Com o uso das técnicas de Immediate and Global Context e previous 
knowledge, responda: 
By Jim Donnelly 
In an Oscar finale that will go down as one of the most memorable ever, MOONLIGHT wins 
the 2017 Oscar for Best Picture after a mishap occurred during the announcement. Shockwaves 
ripped through the entire room as everyone wondered what happened. In the end, the people 
behind LA LA LAND were incredibly gracious as they handed over the Oscar for Best Picture 
at the 89th Academy Awards to the folks behind MOONLIGHT! A similar switch-up happened 
at the 1964 Oscars where presenter Sammy Davis, Jr. mistakenly opened the wrong envelope 
and named the winner for another category. Fortunately, Sammy was able to correct things 
before anyone reached the stage and the showcontinued on. For the 2017 Oscars, you can see 
the moment everyone is talking about from the beginning of the announcement right through all 
the action on the stage. 
 Fonte: Disponível em: <http://oscar.go.com/news/winners/after-oscars-2017-mishap-
moonlight-wins-best-picture>. Acesso em: 20 ago. 2017. 
 Todas as alternativas estão corretas, exceto: 
A) Moonlight ganhou o Oscar de Melhor Fotografia em 2017. 
B)Em 1964, o erro foi corrigido antes que qualquer um subisse ao palco para premiação. 
 C)Um engano parecido aconteceu em 1964, quando Sammy Davis Jr. foi anunciado como 
ganhador do Oscar de melhor ator. 
D)La La Land foi anunciado como ganhador do Oscar por engano. 
10. Leia o texto abaixo e responda a questão a seguir: 
English language teaching and the challenges for citizenship and identity in the current century 
The teaching of a foreign language in schools in Brazil has been subject to changes in the last 
decades, following changes in the society as a whole. From the point of view of legislation, a 
foreign language must be taught at high school level (5th to 8th grades) and at secundary school 
(Ensino Médio), with the possibility of adding another language to this latter level. The choices 
must take into account the community the school belongs to and the conditions for language 
teaching. In practice, English is the language chosen by the majority of the schools. This option 
is, of course, linked to the “value” it is given by the whole society. 
Acesso em: 12 set. 2017. 
 No título, a palavra “citizenship” está para “citizen” como: 
A)“pitiable” é para “pity”. 
B)“graceful” é para “grace”. 
 C)“belonging” é para “belong”. 
 D)“musician” é para “music”. 
11. Leia o texto abaixo e por meio da estratégia predição, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o 
que o vocábulo casc significa: 
Now that you've bought a casc, here are some ideas about what to start observing. 
Congratulations. You've purchased a casc. What now? You don't know what to look at? 
Welcome to the beginning of your journey as an amateur astronomer. 
 I've been observing for many years, yet I still look at Jupiter and the Moon as often as I ever 
did. The Moon has so many features and details that if you observed it each possible night for 
the next decade, you wouldn't see everything. There's an added benefit to looking at brighter 
objects when you're first starting out — they're easier to find. 
 Fonte: Disponível em: <http://www.astronomy.com/observing/equipment-use/2004/07/using-a-
casc> Acesso em: 16 ago. 2017. 
B)Wash machine. 
12. Observe os textos. Identifique e correlacione os gêneros de texto apresentados: 
A)Texto 1: Propaganda; Texto 2: E-mail de candidatura; Texto 3: Reportagem de Jornal. 
B)Texto 1: Propaganda; Texto 2: Classificados de Jornal; Texto 3: Reportagem de 
C)Texto 1: Artigo Científico; Texto 2: Notícias de Jornal; Texto 3: Sinopse de filme. 
D)Texto 1: Artigo Científico; Texto 2: Classificados de jornal; Texto 3: Reportagem de Jornal 
13. Leia rapidamente o texto abaixo e em seguida responda à pergunta: 
"Electric fields are created by charged bodies, and their effects can only be experienced by 
charged bodies. Magnetic fields are produced by moving charges, that is, by electric currents, 
and the resulting magnetic forces can be felt by other moving charges". (F. Capra). 
 Fonte: Disponível em: <http://www.ibpan.com.br/images/stories/Downloads/Estudos_Biblicos/ 
Curso%20de%20Leitura%20Dinamica.pdf> Acesso em: 05 ago. 2017. Tradução nossa. 
 Os campos elétricos só podem ser experimentados por: 
A)Moving charges. 
B)Charged bodies. 
 C)Nenhuma das alternativas. 
 D)Magnetic fields. 
14. Fazendo uso dos afixos, que palavras podem ser formadas pelo -ANT? 
A)important, participant, immigrant, giant. 
B)important, importance, immigrant, giant. 
C)important, participant, distance, giant. 
D)Nenhuma das alternativas. 
15. Leia o texto abaixo e selecione a opção que apresenta os cognatos (palavras idênticas ou 
semelhantes ao português) corretamente: 
Is there a formula for setting up a music festival? Perhaps, but the fact is that Roberto Medina 
invented his own, and with it he held one of the biggest festivals in the world, and he did it 
when that dream seemed almost impossible in Brazil. 
The year was 1985 and the country was undergoing major changes. After a long period under a 
military dictatorship, the country was beginning to take its first steps toward democracy. It was 
in this scenario that Rock in Rio was born. For the first time, a South American country hosted a 
musical event of this type. 
Rock in Rio completes 32 years of history in 2017, and we will not stop there! The search for 
the best experiences and for an ever better festival continues! 
 Fonte: <http://rockinrio.com/rio/en/history> Acesso em: 12 set. 2017. 
A)formula, a, but, fact, long, period, military, democracy, completes, history, experiences, 
B)formula, fact, invented, festivals, impossible, long, steps, toward, stop, completes. 
C)formula, music, fact, festivals, impossible, long, period, military, democracy, event, 
completes, experiences, continues. 
 D)formula, music, invented, world, seemed, period, military, event, completes, history, 
experiences, continues

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