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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Amadeu Marques - Ana Carolina Cardoso
Learn and Share in English 2
Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês - Ensino Médio
Manual do Professor
Amadeu Marques
Autor de diversos livros didáticos, paradidáticos, do Dicionário Amadeu Marques de Inglês-Português/Português-Inglês e, mais recentemente, de Inglês para o Enem. Licenciado em Língua Inglesa pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Certificado de Proficiência em Inglês pelas universidades de Michigan, Estados Unidos, e Cambridge, Inglaterra. Certificado de inglês falado e compreensão com grau de distinção no exame da Arels, Inglaterra. Curso de extensão na Regent School, Londres, e na EF (Education First), Cambridge.
Ana Carolina Cardoso
Doutora em Linguística Aplicada pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e mestra em Linguística Aplicada pela mesma instituição. Especialista em Design Instrucional para a EaD Virtual pela Universidade Federal de Itajubá (Unifei-MG) e licenciada em Letras Português-Inglês pela UFRJ. Professora de língua inglesa do Colégio de Aplicação da UFRJ.
1ª edição
São Paulo - 2016
Diretoria editorial: Lidiane Vivaldini Olo
Gerência editorial: Luiz Tonolli
Editoria de Língua Estrangeira e Arte: Mirian Senra
Edição: Caroline Santos, Danuza Dias Gonçalves e Barbara Manholeti (estag.)
Gerência de produção editorial: Ricardo de Gan Braga
Arte: Andréa Dellamagna (coord. de criação), Erik TS (progr. visual de capa e miolo), Leandro Hiroshi Kanno (coord. e edição), Letícia Lavôr (assist.), Lívia Vitta Ribeiro (assist.) e Tangente Design (diagram.)
Revisão: Hélia de Jesus Gonsaga (ger.), Rosângela Muricy (coord.), Ana Paula Chabaribery Malfa, Heloísa Schiavo e Luís Maurício Boa Nova; Brenda Morais e Gabriela Miragaia (estagiárias)
Iconografia: Sílvio Kligin (superv.), Denise Durand Kremer (coord.), Carlos Luvizari e Evelyn Torrecilla (pesquisa), Cesar Wolf e Fernanda Crevin (tratamento de imagem)
Ilustrações: Alexandre/Imaginário
Foto da capa: Australian War Memorial, Campbell, Australia, detail. Walter Bibikow/Getty Images
Protótipos: Magali Prado
Direitos desta edição cedidos à Editora Ática S.A.
Avenida das Nações Unidas, 7221, 3º andar, Setor A
Pinheiros - São Paulo - SP - CEP 05425-902
Tel.: 40 03-30 61
www.atica.com.br / editora@atica.com.br
ISBN 97885O817993 O (AL)
ISBN 97885O817994 7 (PR)
Cód. da obra CL 713416
CAE 566183 (AL) / 566 184 (PR)
1ª edição
1ª impressão
Impressão e acabamento
Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)
(Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)
Marques, Amadeu
Learn and share in English : língua estrangeira moderna : inglês / Amadeu Marques, Ana Carolina Cardoso. -- 1ª ed. -- São Paulo :
Ática, 2016.
Obra em 3 v.
1. Inglês (Ensino médio) I. Cardoso, Ana Carolina. II. Título.
16-01898 CDD-420.7
Índices para catálogo sistemático:
1. Inglês : Ensino médio 420.7
Caros alunos
Este livro foi feito com muito cuidado para vocês e com muito respeito por vocês.
Nosso objetivo é ajudá-los a construir e ampliar o seu conhecimento não apenas de inglês - língua que desempenha um papel importante no mundo do trabalho, na área do desenvolvimento científico e acadêmico, na comunicação internacional, no acesso à informação e a diferentes culturas -, mas também de outras disciplinas e temas, igualmente relevantes.
Vocês serão convidados a explorar temas atuais, discutir, refletir e posicionar-se em relação a eles. São assuntos de diferentes esferas comunicativas integrados ao universo dos jovens, em constante diálogo com outras disciplinas do currículo escolar e importantes para a afirmação da cidadania. Nos textos desta coleção, serão abordadas questões a respeito de saúde, meio ambiente, educação, tecnologia, arte, igualdade social, integridade moral, coragem e superação, amizade, amor, ética, sustentabilidade e diversidade cultural.
Em todas as Unidades, não só deste livro, mas de toda a coleção, vocês terão oportunidades de compartilhar seus saberes e conhecimentos, poderão manifestar opiniões, refletir criticamente quanto aos temas, trabalhar de forma colaborativa com os colegas, usar recursos tecnológicos para pesquisar e aprofundar esses saberes e conhecimentos, estender a abordagem e promover a conscientização a respeito de questões que envolvem a comunidade escolar e seu entorno.
Dessa forma, enquanto desempenham um papel ativo nas aulas de Inglês, vocês serão protagonistas da própria aprendizagem e da sua formação como cidadãos.
No trabalho com este livro vocês serão levados a desenvolver as habilidades de compreensão e produção escrita e oral de forma integrada. Estudarão e produzirão textos de diferentes gêneros, fazendo uso da linguagem em diversas práticas sociais.
Hoje em dia, o conhecimento efetivo da língua inglesa abre portas no presente e caminhos para o futuro.
Desejamos a vocês um trabalho ao mesmo tempo eficiente, produtivo e prazeroso com esta coleção.
Agora, é só virar a página. Let's get started!
Os autores
Conheça seu livro
Esta é uma coleção didática em três volumes, projetada para os anos letivos que compõem o Ensino Médio. Conheça as Unidades e seções que encontrará ao longo do livro:
Starter Unit
Nesta Unidade você resgata assuntos previamente estudados por meio de atividades que abordam diversos temas e tipos de texto.
Abertura de Unidades
Na página dupla de abertura, você é convidado a explorar o título da Unidade e uma imagem relacionada ao seu tema central.
Learning How to Learn
Em Learning How to Learn você desenvolve estratégias para aprimorar o seu desempenho escolar e a aprendizagem de língua inglesa.
Let's Start
Ao realizar as atividades desta seção, você ativa seu conhecimento prévio e explora o vocabulário a respeito do assunto que será abordado na Unidade.
Nesta seção você explora o texto principal da Unidade, fazendo inferências, identificando sua ideia central e informações específicas, estabelecendo relações entre o texto lido e a sua realidade, refletindo e se posicionando criticamente a respeito dele.
More Food for Thought
Nesta seção você explora um texto que retoma o assunto abordado no texto principal, faz associações entre eles e expressa suas opiniões a respeito do tema.
Pronunciation Tips
Nesta seção você estuda a pronúncia, acentuação ou entonação de palavras e de expressões presentes nos textos da Unidade.
Word Study
Aqui você estuda o vocabulário de forma contextualizada.
Language Study
Em Language Study você estuda aspectos gramaticais de forma contextualizada a fim de compreender mecanismos de uso da língua inglesa.
Let's Practice
Nesta seção você realiza atividades que focalizam aspectos gramaticais da língua inglesa de forma contextualizada.
Nesta seção você interage com colegas de turma, produzindo diferentes tipos de textos orais relacionados ao seu cotidiano e ao tema da Unidade.
Nesta seção você é levado a compreender diferentes tipos de textos orais e discutir os assuntos abordados neles.
Nesta seção você produz diferentes tipos de textos escritos, a partir da observação daqueles explorados na Unidade.
Think About It
Aqui você explora outro texto relacionado ao tema da Unidade, reflete e discute a respeito dele, relacionando o assunto em destaque com a sua realidade.
Neste momento você reflete acerca do seu aprendizado por meio de um questionário.
Keep Exploring
Em Keep Exploring você aprofunda a compreensão de temas relacionados à Unidade com sugestões de filmes, livros, canções, vídeos e sites.
Check Your English
Nesta Unidade você revisa assuntos estudados a cada quatro Unidades e se prepara para o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio com a seção De Olho no Enem.
Aqui você desenvolve um projeto interdisciplinar em grupo, debate com os colegas acerca de temas abordados nas Unidades e se envolve em questões referentes à comunidade escolar e seu entorno.
Starter Unit - Getting Started,p. 10
Unit 1 - Help! I Can't Put Down My Phone
Interconnections: IT; Sociology
Life Skills: Keeping a Positive, Healthy Attitude As To the Use of Technological Devices
Let's Start, p. 18
Technological Devices
Reading, p. 19
Help! I Can't Put Down My Phone
Word Study, p. 22
False Cognates
Wonder or Wander?
Word Building: Suffixes -ing and -ed
Phrasal Verbs
In Other Words
Function Words (but, however, despite)
Language Study, p. 25
Modal Verbs: Can, May, Could
Writing, p. 28
Listening, p. 28
Interview with the Author of a Book about
Learning in the Age of Technology
Speaking, p. 29
Debate: Is Technology Good or Bad?
FONTE: VOOK/Shutterstock
Unit 2 - Why Should Animals Have Rights?
Interconnections: Biology; Philosophy
Life Skills: Ethics: Raising Awareness of the Moral Issue of Animal Rights
Let's Start, p. 34
Attitudes Toward Animals
Reading, p. 34
Animals Are Not Ours
Word Study, p. 38
False Cognates
Exploitation or Exploration?
Understanding References
In Other Words
Language Study, p. 39
Possessive Pronouns
Another Use of the Auxiliary Verb Do
Modal Verbs: Can, Should, Would
Verb Tenses Revision
Writing, p. 44
A Campain Poster about Animal Protection
Listening, p. 45
The Mission of an Animal Protection Organization
Speaking, p. 46
Describing an Organization Concerned with
Animal Welfare
Unit 3 - Why Humanity Must Unite
Interconnections: Philosophy; Sociology
Life Skills: The Value of Cultural Diversity and the Need to Fight Prejudice
Let's Start, p. 50
Cultural Diversity
Reading, p. 50
I. Asimov
Word Study, p. 54
Word Building: Suffixes -al, -less, and -able
Phrasal Verbs
Like, Likely and Alike
In Other Words
Language Study, p. 55
Modal Verbs: Must, Might
Modal Verbs Revision: Will, Would, Can, Could and Should
Writing, p. 58
Classroom Rules
Listening, p. 59
Speaking, p. 60
Talking to a Tourist about Your Culture
Unit 4 - Hi! You Must Be a Robot...
Interconnection: Philosophy
Life Skills: Ethics: Man and Machine or
Man vs. Machine?
Let's Start, p. 64
Reading, p. 65
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): Movie Script
Word Study, p. 69
In Other Words
False Cognates
Adoptive or Adopted?
Language Study, p. 70
Must, Have to, Mustn't, Don't/Doesn't
Have to, Ought to
The Structure: Subject + Verb + Object + Infinitive
Question Tags
Listening, p. 73
Asimov's Laws of Robotics
Writing, p. 74
A Movie Script
Speaking, p. 74
A Conversation with a Domestic Robot
Check Your English 1, p. 76
Project 1 A School Play, p. 81
FONTE: Dario Pignatelli/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Unit 5 - The Young Man Who Would Love to Live in Sunset Land
Interconnection: Philosophy
Life Skills: Pursuing Your Own Dreams
Let's Start, p. 84
Reading, p. 85
Sunset Land
Word Study, p. 88
In Other Words
Function Words
Foreign or Strange?
Language Study, p. 89
Modal Verb: Would
Modal Verbs Revision: Must, Can, Will
Verb Tenses Revision: Simple Present, Present Continuous, Simple Past, Past Perfect, Future
Comparative Adjectives
Writing, p. 93
An Ending to a Short Story
Listening, p. 93
An Interview on Happiness
Speaking, p. 94
Talking about Your Dreams
Unit 6 - Science Has Remade the World
Interconnections: Biology; Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry
Life skills: Science: Keeping Track of Modern Scientific Discoveries and Enjoying their Fruits
Let's Start, p. 98
Famous Scientists
Reading, p. 99
Life, the Multiverse and Everything
Word Study, p. 101
False Cognates
In Other Words
Word Building: Prefixes and Suffixes
Compound Words
Function Words
Language Study, p. 103
Verb Tenses: Present Perfect, Simple Past
Comparatives and Superlatives
Writing, p. 106
A News Summary
Listening, p. 107
Scientific Discovery Breaking News
Speaking, p. 108
Talking about Important Modern Scientific Inventions
FONTE: National Geographic Creative/The Bridgeman Art Library/Keystone
Unit 7 - Have You Ever Heard of Banksy?
Interconnection: Art
Life Skills: Culture: Enjoying Different Art Forms
Let's Start, p. 112
Reading, p. 114
Who Is Banksy?
Word Study, p. 116
False Cognates
Function Words
Language Study, p. 117
Uses of the Present Perfect
Modal Verbs Revision: Might, Could, Must, Will
Speaking, p. 120
Have You Ever Done That?
Listening, p. 120
A Museum Audio Guide About The Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh
Writing, p. 121
A Quiz about Art
FONTE: Picture Hooked/Loop Images/Corbis/Latinstock
Unit 8 - We Have Been Talking About That for Decades
Interconnections: Geography; Biology
Life skills: The Value of Water and the Importance of Saving It
Let's Start, p. 126
Saving Water
Reading, p. 127
Water Scarcity
Word Study, p. 129
Function Words
Language Study, p. 130
Present Perfect vs. Simple Past (Revision)
Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous
Used to
Listening, p. 133
Tips on How to Save Water
Speaking, p. 134
Ideas on How to Save Water at School
Writing, p. 134
A Letter of Complaint
Check Your English 2, p. 138
Project 2 - Poetry Board, p. 143
Grammar Reference, p. 144
Irregular Verbs, p. 151
False Cognates, p. 157
Glossary, p. 159
Index, p. 167
Bibliography, p. 168
Nesta Unidade Introdutória você vai:
- Discutir a respeito de diferentes temas relevantes;
- Aplicar estratégias de leitura essenciais para a compreensão textual;
- Explorar textos de diferentes gêneros.
Atenção professor: Nesta Unidade Introdutória são apresentadas atividades que contemplam diferentes temas, gêneros textuais e aspectos linguísticos estudados no volume 1 desta coleção. Para ajudar os alunos a resolver as atividades propostas, incentive-os a fazer uso de estratégias de leitura (também já abordadas no volume 1). Na seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto, você poderá saber mais a respeito delas. Explore-as com a turma nesta Unidade Introdutória e sempre que julgar necessário ao longo do ano. Fim da observação.
Getting Started
FONTE: Rido/Shutterstock
Read the poem by Carl Sandburg and answer questions 1 to 5 in your notebook.
I saw a famous man eating soup.
I say he was lifting a fat broth
Into his mouth with a spoon.
His name was in the newspapers that day
Spelled out in tall black headlines
And thousands of people were talking about him.
When I saw him,
He sat bending his head over a plate
Putting soup in his mouth with a spoon.
FONTE: Available at: http://allpoetry.com/poem/8478921-Soup-by-Carl-Sandburg. Accessed on: October 30, 2015.
Boxe complementar:
FONTE: Allan Grant/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) was an American poet, writer, and editor. During his lifetime, Sandburg was widely regarded as "a major figure in contemporary literature".
Available at: www.outlived.org/ person.php?id=2909. Accessed on: October 30, 2015.
Fim do complemento.
1. What was the famous man doing when the poet saw him?
- He was eating some solid food.
- He was lifting a spoon over his head.
- He was doing a common, ordinary thing.
- He was doing something nobody does.
Resposta correta: He was doing a common, ordinary thing.
2. Why was the man's name in the newspapers that day?
- Because he was lifting a fat broth into his mouth.
- Because the poet saw him eating soup.
- Because he was bending his head over a plate.
- Because he was famous.
Resposta correta: Because he was famous.
3. The poet's words teach us
- that some people do common things in a special way.
- that even famous people like soup.
- that we are all made of the same stuff - rich or poor, general or soldier, celebrity or common person.
- that it is a good idea to eat soup if you want to become famous.
Resposta correta: that we are all made of the same stuff - rich or poor, general or soldier, celebrity or common person.
4. Mark the question to which this could be the answer:
"I saw a famous man eating soup."
- Who was the man?
- What did you see?
- Whatdid he do?
- What did he eat?
Resposta correta: What did you see?
5. Transcribe the line of the poem where the verb expresses an action that was in progress at a certain moment in the past.
- "Into his mouth with a spoon"
- "His name was in the newspapers that day"
- "And thousands of people were talking about him."
- "When I saw him,"
Resposta correta: "And thousands of people were talking about him."
Read the text below and do activities 6 to 8 in your notebook.
FONTE: ADN-Bildarchiv/ullstein bild/Getty Images
Anne Frank (1929-1945) is seen here aged 12, in 1940, at her desk at the Montessori school in Amsterdam. Her The Diary of a Young Girl is one of the most important books of the 20th century. Frank, a Jewish victim of the Holocaust, died at the age of 15.
Available at: www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/40-quotes-about-life-for-an-optimist/anne-frank/. Accessed on: October 30, 2015.
6. Complete the following questions with a question word, as appropriate. Choose from the box. Two of the question words may be used more than once. Be careful! Two of those question words will not be necessary.
Where - Why - How old - When - Which - Who - How - What
End of box.
a) ____ can we see in that picture?
Resposta: Who
b) ____ was that photo taken?
Resposta: When
c) ____ was Anne Frank at that moment?
Resposta: Where
d) ____ school did she go to, Piaget or Montessori?
Resposta: Which
e) ____ was she living in 1940?
Resposta: Where
f) ____ was she when that photo was taken?
Resposta: How old
g) ____ was Anne Frank a victim of?
Resposta: What
h) ____ was Anne when she died?
Resposta: How old
7. Now answer the questions you completed in the previous activity.
Resposta: a) (We can see) Anne Frank.; b) (That photo/It was taken) In 1940.; c) (Anne Frank/She was) At her desk (at school).; d) (Anne Frank/She went) To Montessori school (in Amsterdam).; e) (Anne Frank/ She was living) In Amsterdam.; f) (Anne Frank/She was) Twelve (years old).; g) (Anne Frank/She was a victim of) The Holocaust.; h) (Anne Frank/ She died) At the age of fifteen/When she was fifteen.
8. Rewrite the sentence below using the correct verb form in the box to complete the quotation from Anne Frank.
start - starts - started - starting - was starting
End of box.
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before to improve the world."
Available at: www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/40-quotes-about-life-for-an-optimist/anne-frank/. Accessed on: October 22, 2015.
Resposta: starting
Atenção professor: Ao fazer a verificação da atividade, lembre aos alunos que before é uma preposição e que o verbo depois de uma preposição deve estar na forma terminada em -ing. Fim da observação.
9. Observe the infographic and read the text. In your notebook, complete the statement with the correct alternative.
FONTE: Available at: www.inpowerwomen.com/research-summary-statistics-on-women/. Accessed on: November 1, 2015. CRÉDITOS: Reprodução/www.inpowerwomen.com
Up-to-date statistics show that
- all over the world women have been occupying positions that were formerly held only by men.
- men used to be at the wheel for thousands of years, but now that position is held by female drivers.
- most American women in the 21st century wear pants instead of a skirt and blouse.
- in this century power is held by those who wear the pants, especially in the United States.
Resposta correta: all over the world women have been occupying positions that were formerly held only by men.
10. Observe the cartoon, paying close attention to the verbal and non-verbal language, and use your background knowledge of History and Geography to answer the question. What does the cartoonist suggest?
FONTE: Available at: www.davegranlund.com/cartoons/2009/12/13/climate-changeand-atlantis/. Accessed on: November 1, 2015. CRÉDITOS: © 2009 David Granlund/PoliticalCartoons.com
Atenção professor: Atlântida é uma lendária ilha que teria afundado. A primeira menção conhecida a essa ilha remonta às obras A Natureza e Atlântida, de Platão. Veja mais na seção Cultural Notes e Language in Use do Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
- Atlantis submerged as a consequence of climate change.
- History never repeats itself.
- People who lived in Atlantis did not believe in global warming.
- Atlantis went completely underwater because ancient people did not care for the planet.
Resposta correta: Atlantis submerged as a consequence of climate change.
11. Read the extract below and then answer the question on it.
Sunlight radiating heat, visible light, and ultraviolet light is the source of almost all life on Earth. Everything you see alive around you is there because a plant somewhere was able to capture sunlight and store it. All animals live from these plants, whether directly (as with herbivores) or indirectly (as with carnivores, which eat the herbivores). This is true of mammals, insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and bacteria, everything living. Every life form on the surface of this planet is here because a plant was able to gather sunlight and store it, and something else was able to eat that plant and take that sunlight energy in to power its body.
HARTMANN, Tom. The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, Three Rivers Press, New York, 2004. (Fragment).
The text above highlights the importance of a phenomenon that involves all living things and that we study in Biology class. That phenomenon is
- solar radiation.
- the process of photosynthesis.
- how the human body works.
- cellular organization.
Resposta correta: the process of photosynthesis.
12. Read the following dialogue. In your notebook, complete the statement about it with one of the phrases in the box.
is a pessimist - is in a cranky mood - is an optimist - has no idea of time and space
End of box.
FONTE: MILNE, A. A., Winnie-the-Pooh. Available at: http://happychanson.deviantart.com/art/Winnie-the-Pooh-and-Piglet-339240143. Accessed on: November 1, 2015. CRÉDITOS: Reprodução/happychanson.deviantart.com
Judging from that dialogue, we may infer that Pooh ____.
Possible answer: is an optimist.
Atenção professor: Momento para o aluno refletir a respeito de sua própria aprendizagem e de como desenvolver estratégias para melhorar seu desempenho. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Discuta com os alunos ideias para que eles possam melhorar sua prática de estudos. Se julgar conveniente, liste na lousa, com a contribuição deles, algumas dicas para que todos tenham esse registro e discutam como aplicar essas dicas na rotina de estudo. Fim da observação.
1. How often do you study? What do you do when you have doubts about what you are studying?
Personal answers.
2. Read the text and discuss the following question with some classmates.
Study Every Day
If you study a little bit every day you'll be continually reviewing things in your mind. This helps you understand things. It also helps you avoid the stress of last-minute cramming. [...] If you're finding it hard to find time to study, cut back on some (but not all!) of your other activities. Prioritising study might mean spending less time online, or it might mean cutting back on shifts at work, or giving weekend sport a miss for a while.
Ask for Help
If you're stuck on something, or something just doesn't seem to make sense, you can always ask for help. Talk to your teachers about the things you don't understand. Talk to your friends and fellow students too.
Available at: www.youthcentral.vic.gov.au/studying-training/studying-tips-resources/top-10-study-tips. Accessed on March 22, 2016.
Based on the tips from the text, what can you do to improve your study habits?
Personal answer.
UNIT 1 - Help! I Can't Put Down My Phone
Nesta Unidade você vai:
- Discutir e refletir a respeito da tecnologia no cotidiano dos jovens;
- Compreender e usar os verbos modais can, may e could;
- Explorar infográficos;
- Relacionar os conteúdos com as disciplinasde Sociologia e Informática.
Observe the picture below and discuss the following questions with your classmates.
a) In your opinion, what does the picture represent?
Possible answer: Technology.
b) Which of the technological devices in the picture do you use?
Possible answers: laptop, tablet, smartphone.
c) Which one is your favorite? Why?
Personal answers.
FONTE: Oleksiy Mark/Shutterstock
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são propostas atividades que visam levantar o conhecimento prévio do aluno e apresentar o vocabulário relacionado ao tema da Unidade. Fim da observação.
1. Look at the different technological devices in the pictures below. What do you use them for? Match each device to the activities you normally do with it. You may add some activities to the list.
LEGENDA: computer
FONTE: Kekyalyaynen/Shutterstock
LEGENDA: cell phone
FONTE: Bloomua/Shutterstock
LEGENDA: digital camera
FONTE: jeafish Ping/Shutterstock
LEGENDA: television
FONTE: Africa Studio/Shutterstock
LEGENDA: video game
FONTE: GooGag/Shutterstock
LEGENDA: tablet
FONTE: Peter Kotoff/Shutterstock
a) Take pictures.
b) Chat with friends.
c) Text friends.
d) Watch the news.
e) Listen to music.
f) Download and watch videos.
g) Check e-mails.
h) Check notifications.
i) Search for information.
j) Others.
Personal answers.
2. Now compare your answers with a classmate's. Do you use the same devices to do the same activities?
Personal answer.
Atenção professor: Com as atividades a seguir o aluno prepara-se para a leitura, levantando seu conhecimento prévio e criando hipóteses a respeito do texto. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos que observar o título, o formato, a imagem e a fonte do texto é uma estratégia de leitura importante, pois nos ajuda a identificar rapidamente seu gênero e a levantar hipóteses quanto ao assunto principal. Veja mais na seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
1. Do you have a cell phone? If so, how many times a day do you check it?
Personal answers.
2. Look at the picture and the title of the text below. In what way are they related?
Possible answer: The picture suggests the cell phone is a kind of cage or prison, something the person simply cannot put down or be away from.
3. Observe the source of the text. What is the target audience, what particular group of people is the magazine intended for?
Resposta: Teenagers.
4. Do you think the article focuses on positive or negative aspects of modern cell phones? Make your predictions and check them as you read the text.
Personal answers. 
Atenção professor: O artigo destaca aspectos negativos do uso do celular, mas verifique as previsões dos alunos só depois que todos tiverem lido o texto. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção é apresentado o texto principal, abordando temas que contribuem para a ampliação do conhecimento de mundo do aluno e lhe dão a oportunidade de refletir e se posicionar criticamente. Fim da observação.
Now read the text and do the following activities in your notebook.
Help! I Can't Put Down My Phone
If you feel frantic at just the thought of being digitally disconnected, you're not alone. Find out how your phone is changing the way your brain works. (Sorry, there's no app that can stop it.) [...]
Yes, technology helps us stay connected and informed. Who can even imagine life without the Internet in their hands or being able to text Mom to say "running late, don't worry"? When technology does everything, however, it's easy to become dependent on it. And now, scientists are beginning to wonder if our tech addiction is giving us a leg up, or putting obstacles (in many cases invisible ones!) in our path.
With your phone in your hand, you can look up a date for a history paper without cracking a book or trucking to the library. But despite having these shortcuts, students are still spending the same amount of time on homework today as they were 30 years ago, when smartphones were about as common as flying cars. So where's all that time going? The answer may be at your fingertips. "I usually keep my phone on the desk or in my pocket while I'm doing homework," says seventeen-year-old Oliver. "I'll check any notifications I get, just as a little break."
A "little break" may sound harmless, but more is happening during that brief digression than you think. [...] So what can you do? Consider this scenario: Have you ever stayed up late grappling with a tough problem? You go to sleep and the next morning you're groggy. You hop into the shower, and miraculously - somewhere between the shampoo and conditioner - you find your answer. Is it magic water?
Yes and no. Showers are a great way to wake you up, but they also force you to put down your phone. And when you're finally free from the phone's feedback loop, your mind can wander - often to the answer you were looking for. "Technology is very addictive and very distracting," says Dr. David Greenfield, founder of The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. "When you're using it, it's keeping you from doing something else."
And whether that "something else" is homework, hang time with your friends, or anything in-between, it's important to realize that your phone could be getting in the way - maybe even more than it's helping you out.
FONTE: (Ilustração) Aniwhite/Shutterstock. (Texto) KAMINSKI, Margaret. Help! I can't put down my phone. Choices: The award-winning health & life skills magazine for teens, May 2015. Available at: http://choices.scholastic.com/story/help-i-cant-put-down-my-phone. Accessed on: November 1, 2015. (Fragment). CRÉDITOS: Reprodução/dn-img.choices.scholastic.com
General Comprehension
Atenção professor: Em General Comprehension desenvolve-se a capacidade do aluno de compreender a essência do texto. Fim da observação.
The main idea of the text is
- using your phone all the time is quite harmless.
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos, se julgar necessário, que a palavra harmless é formada pelo sufixo -less, que significa sem. Harmless significa sem danos, ou seja, que não causa danos, inofensivo. Esse mesmo sufixo é usado na formação de outras palavras, como homeless (sem casa), fearless (sem medo, destemido), noiseless (silencioso) etc. Fim da observação.
- when teenagers can't put down their phone, they feel frantic.
- the excessive use of the phone may bring more problems than benefits.
- with your phone in your hand, you can do your homework without having to find information in any other source.
Resposta correta: the excessive use of the phone may bring more problems than benefits.
Atenção professor: Para saber mais a respeito de Skimming, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
Detailed Comprehension
Atenção professor: Em Detailed Comprehension desenvolve-se a capacidade do aluno de extrair informações específicas e estabelecer relações entre as ideias apresentadas no texto. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Explore com os alunos as atividades abaixo, antes de eles realizarem a atividade. Oriente-os a ler o texto de forma direcionada para respondê-las. Circule pela sala enquanto fazem a atividade e auxilie-os em caso de du'vidas. Eles podem fazer as atividades em duplas, mas, se for mais conveniente, deixe-os fazer individualmente. Incentive-os a partilhar as respostas com um ou dois colegas antes da verificação geral. Para saber mais a respeito de Scanning, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
1. Match the two columns to find the right complement to each statement. Write down the complete sentences in your notebook.
Column 1:
a) Technology helps you stay
b) Taking a shower forces you to
c) Phones are changing the way
d) Our tech addiction is probably
e) When you'reusing your phone,
f) Some people feel frantic, extremely worried,
g) While Oliver is doing his homework,
Column 2:
1) when they are digitally disconnected.
2) our brain works.
3) connected and informed.
4) he keeps his phone close at hand.
5) you're not doing something else.
6) not helping us out.
7) be away from your phone for a while.
Possible answers: a) 3); b) 7); c) 2); d) 6); e) 5); f) 1); g) 4)
2. What are some of the benefits of cell phones mentioned in the text?
Possible answer: Phones help you communicate, stay connected and informed. You can do some research for a school paper using your phone, for example.
3. What are some of the problems the excessive use of phones can bring?
Possible answer: You may become addicted. Cell phones can also be very distracting.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são trabalhadas questões que levam o aluno a assumir uma postura crítica em relação ao assunto tratado no texto. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Esta atividade de pós-leitura é um momento de discussão e reflexão a respeito do texto e do assunto nele abordado. Peça aos alunos que discutam as questões em pequenos grupos, em inglês ou em português, a seu critério. Após alguns minutos, expanda a discussão para toda a turma e verifique o posicionamento dos alunos a respeito do assunto em questão. Fim da observação.
Discuss the following questions with a classmate.
a) What other problems (besides those mentioned in the text) can the excessive use of phones bring?
b) Do you admit being a tech addict? Why (not)?
c) What can you do to help someone who is a tech addict?
Personal answers.
Boxe complementar:
Pronunciation Tips
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são destacadas a pronúncia, a acentuação ou a entonação de palavras ou expressões contidas nos textos. Fim da observação.
Recognizing word stress is a very important part in English pronunciation. Column A shows an example of a word stressed on the first syllable. Column B shows an example of a word where the stress falls on the second syllable. Column C is an example of a word stressed on the third syllable.
The words in the box were taken from the text. Listen to them and add, in your notebook, each one to the appropriate column.
history - consider - seventeen - dependent - obstacles - library - addictive - realize - connected - medicine
End of box.
Tabela: equivalente textual a seguir.
	- history
	- consider
	- seventeen
Resposta: A: obstacles, library, medicine; B: dependent, addictive, connected; C: realize Se achar necessário, reproduza o áudio mais de uma vez para os alunos prestarem atenção à sílaba tônica de cada palavra.
Fim do complemento.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção é apresentado um texto para ampliar a discussão e reflexão por parte do aluno a respeito do tema da Unidade e levá-lo a fazer associações com o tema do texto principal. Fim da observação.
Read the infographic below and discuss the following questions in small groups.
FONTE: Available at: http://choices.scholastic.com/story/help-i-cant-put-down-my-phone. Accessed on: December 4, 2015. CRÉDITOS: Reprodução/cdn-img.choices.scholastic.com
a) According to that infographic, teenagers spend an average of seven hours per day using their cell phones. Are you one of those teens?
b) How much time do you spend per day using your cell phone?
c) Do you think a cell phone is vital to your life? Why (not)?
d) What is more vital to you: your cell phone or your toothbrush?
e) Do you use your cell phone for non-school related stuff when you are at school?
f) Do you disconnect your cell phone before going to bed or do you sleep with your phone near at hand?
g) How many times a day do you check your cell phone?
h) How many text messages do you send per day?
i) Do you know teenagers who are tech addicted?
j) Do you fit in any of those statistics?
k) Which piece of information from the infographic do you consider most surprising?
l) Do you think those statistics apply to any teenagers all over the world? Why (not)?
Personal answers.
Boxe complementar:
This activity content could be useful for Project 1, on page 81. You may start taking notes and developing your ideas about it.
Fim do complemento.
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos que eles já podem começar a pensar em ideias para o Project 1. Vá até a página 81 e explique-lhes brevemente o projeto. Fim da observação.
Observação: Na página 157 há uma lista com alguns falsos cognatos que aparecem neste volume. Vá até lá e interaja com a atividade que deverá ser realizada ao longo do ano. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são abordadas questões que destacam alguns aspectos lexicais encontrados nos textos. Fim da observação.
False Cognates
Some words in English are called false cognates, or false friends. They look like other words in Portuguese, but their meanings are different. So what do those words mean, actually?
Read these sentences from the text again, observe the words in bold, pay close attention to the context and find out their true meaning. Then choose the correct options. Write them down in your notebook.
Atenção professor: Oriente os alunos a transcrever a lista de falsos cognatos da página 157 para o caderno. Ao final de cada Unidade eles devem preencher a lista com os significados dos falsos cognatos registrados. Essa é uma tarefa a ser realizada ao longo do ano e servirá ao aluno como fonte de consulta. Fim da observação.
a) "And now, scientists are beginning to wonder if our tech addiction is giving us a leg up [...]."
Word in bold: addiction
- adição
- dependência, vício
- audição
Resposta correta: dependência, vício.
b) "[...] without cracking a book or trucking to the library."
Word in bold: library.
- biblioteca
- livraria
- livreto
Resposta correta: biblioteca.
c) "Technology is very addictive [...]"
Word in bold: addictive.
- aditiva
- aditivado
- viciante
Resposta correta: viciante.
d) "[...] it's important to realize that your phone could be getting in the way [...]."
Word in bold: realize.
- realizar
- perceber, compreender
- tornar real
Resposta correta: perceber, compreender.
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos que adição em inglês, corresponde a addition, que livraria é bookshop (no Reino Unido) e bookstore (nos EUA) e que o substantivo aditivo em inglês é additive (não confundir com o adjetivo addictive). Já realize, no sentido mais comum, significa perceber, notar, compreender, mas realize pode não ser falso cognato, em outro contexto, menos comum. Em realizea dream oragoal, corresponde de fato a realizar um sonho ou um objetivo. Fim da observação.
Wonder or Wander?
Wonder and wander are very similar in form but very different in meaning. Use the context from the text to help you find their meaning in the sentences below. Then choose the correct definition of each of them.
"And when you're finally free from the phone's feedback loop, your mind can wander - often to the answer you were looking for."
"And now, scientists are beginning to wonder if our tech addiction is giving us a leg up, or putting obstacles (in many cases invisible ones!) in our path."
a) ____: think about something and want to know more about it.
Resposta: wonder
b) ____: stop concentrating and start thinking about other things.
Resposta: wander
Word Building: Suffixes -ing and -ed
1. Read the following sentence from the text, paying close attention to the words in bold.
"'Technology is very addictive and very distracting,' says Dr. David Greenfield [...]"
Word in bold: distracting.
In distracting, the suffix -ing is used to form
- a verb.
- an adjective.
- an adverb.
Resposta correta: an adjective.
Atenção professor: Chame a atenção dos alunos para o fato de o verbo distract poder ser considerado uma palavra transparente, significando distrair, em português. Fim da observação.
2. Now read the text below and do the following activitiesin your notebook.
Should Students Be Allowed to Bring Electronic Devices to School?
Why do students need to bring electronics to school? For learning purposes? No! They are very distracting, which causes students to play games, go on inappropriate websites and urges students to text. Students should not be allowed to bring electronic devices to school because students would get easily distracted and some students would feel left out if they didn't have electronic devices.
Available at: www.debate.org/opinions/should-students-be-allowed-to-bring-electronic-devices-to-school. Accessed on: November 10, 2015. (Fragment).
a) Is the author for or against the use of cell phones in the classroom?
Resposta: He is against it.
b) Do you share the author's opinion? Justify your answer.
Personal answer.
3. Observe the words in bold in the text on the previous page. Distracting and distracted are both adjectives, formed from the same verb: distract. What is the difference in meaning between them? Read the text once more and, in your notebook, complete the explanation below using the words in the box.
distracted - ing - passive - -ed
End of box.
Adjectives formed with (I) have an active connotation, they suggest cause. A distracting technology causes you to feel (II). On the other hand, adjectives formed with (III) have a (IV) connotation, they suggest effect.
Words in bold: cause; distracting; effect.
Resposta: (I) -ing; (II) distracted; (III) -ed; (IV) passive
4. Now choose the appropriate adjectives from the box below to complete the following sentences about technology. Not all of them will be used. Write them down in your notebook.
annoying - annoyed - boring - bored - surprising - surprised - amazing - amazed
End of box.
a) Some people think that life without the Internet is not at all interesting; it is ____.
Resposta: boring
b) Being able to look up a date or a word definition using your phone is really ____.
Resposta: amazing
c) Some teenagers feel ____ when they can't surf the Internet.
Resposta: bored/annoyed
d) Receiving text messages all the time can be ____.
Resposta: annoying
e) I was ____ to read those facts about tech addiction. That's really ____.
Resposta: surprised/amazed, surprising/amazing
Phrasal Verbs
1. Read these sentences from the text and observe the words in bold. Then use your notebook to do the activities that follow.
"Find out how your phone is changing the way your brain works."
Words in bold: Find out.
"With your phone in your hand, you can look up a date for a history paper without cracking a book or trucking to the library."
Words in bold: look up.
"And when you're finally free from the phone's feedback loop, your mind can wander - often to the answer you were looking for."
Words in bold: looking for.
"[...] Have you ever stayed up late grappling with a tough problem?"
Words in bold: stayed up.
"[...] Showers are a great way to wake you up [...]"
Words in bold: wake; up.
"[...] your phone could be getting in the way - maybe even more than it's helping you out."
Words in bold: helping; out.
What do the words in bold have in common? Choose the correct answer.
- They are all single-word verbs.
- They are phrasal verbs, a combination of a verb + a particle.
- They all form 3-word expressions.
Resposta correta: They are phrasal verbs, a combination of a verb + a particle.
2. Read the sentences in activity 1 again. In your notebook, match each phrasal verb in bold to its meaning.
a) find out
b) look up
c) look for
d) stay up
e) wake up
f) help out
1) stop sleeping
2) try to find a piece of information
3) discover
4) try to find
5) stay without going to bed
6) help
Resposta: a) 3); b) 2); c) 4); d) 5); e) 1); f) 6)
FONTE: Subidubi/Shutterstock
3. Complete the following explanation about phrasal verbs using the words in the box.
Use your notebook for that.
preposition - verb - meaning - clear
End of box.
Phrasal verbs consist of a combination of a (I) followed by an adverb or a (II) . Some phrasal verbs have a very (III) meaning (put down, stay up, etc.), but in many of those combinations the (IV) is different from that of its separate words (look up, look for, etc.).
Resposta: (I) verb; (II) preposition; (III) clear; (IV) meaning
In Other Words
Observe the expressions and idioms in bold in the sentences below. In your notebook, match them to their respective meanings. Go back to the text on page 19 if necessary. The context will help you understand the meanings.
a) "[...] our tech addiction is giving us a leg up [...]."
Expressions/idioms in bold: giving us a leg up.
b) "The answer may be at your fingertips."
Expressions/idioms in bold: at your fingertips.
c) "[...] when you're finally free from the phone's feedback loop [...]."
Expressions/idioms in bold: free from the phone's feedback loop.
d) "[...] your phone could be getting in the way [...]."
Expressions/idioms in bold: getting in the way.
1) helping us out
2) able to put down the phone
3) putting obstacles in your path
4) very near or in your hand
Resposta: a) 1); b) 4); c) 2); d) 3)
Function Words
1. Read the following sentences from the text, paying close attention to the words in bold. Then choose the correct options to complete the explanation about those words and write them down in your notebook.
"A 'little break' may sound harmless; but more is happening during that brief digression than you think."
Word in bold: but.
"When technology does everything, however, it's easy to become dependent on it."
Word in bold: however.
"But despite having these shortcuts, students are still spending the same amount of time on homework today as they were 30 years ago."
Words in bold: but despite.
"Showers are a great way to wake you up, but they also force you to put down your phone."
Word in bold: but.
But, however, and despite are function words (conjunction, adverb, preposition) used to express (a) addition/contrast, but they have (b) the same/different positions in the sentence. In some of the sentences above (c) two/three function words are possible.
Resposta: contrast; different; two
2. Now complete these sentences based on the infographic on page 21, using but, however, or despite, as appropriate. Use the explanation above as reference if necessary.
a) Texting while driving is dangerous, ____ some people do it.
Resposta: but
b) ____ being a dangerous activity, texting while driving is a fact.
Resposta: Despite
c) Texting while driving is dangerous. Some people, ____, often do it.
Resposta: however
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são estudados alguns dos principais aspectos gramaticais com exemplos de uso presentes nos textos. Fim da observação.
Modal Verbs: Can, May, Could
Observe the verbs in bold in these sentences from the text.
"I can't put down my phone."
Verb in bold: can't.
"Sorry, there's no app that can stop it."
Verb in bold: can.
"With your phone in your hand, you can look up a date for a history paper [...]."
Verb in bold: can.
"So what can you do?"
Verb in bold: can.
"The answer may be at your fingertips."
Verb in bold: may.
"A 'little break' may sound harmless [...]."
Verb in bold: may.
"[...] it's important to realize that your phone could be getting in the way [...]."
Verb in bold: could.
Observação: To learn more about Modal Verbs, go to page 144. Fim da observação.
1. Can, could, and may are some of the words called modal verbs or modal auxiliary verbs. In your notebook, write down the correct options to complete the following sentences about them.
a) In the examples above, the modal verb can expresses
- permission.
- ability.
- request.
Resposta correta: ability.
b) In the examples above, the modal verbs may and could express
- ability.
- prohibition.
- possibility.
Resposta correta: possibility.
2. All modal verbs have some special characteristics. Transcribe the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
a) Modal verbsare used before the infinitive with/without to of another verb, to modify its meaning.
Resposta: without
b) We add/do not add an s in the third person singular.
Resposta: do not add
c) They are used/are not used with do when forming negatives or in questions.
Resposta: are not used
3. Complete the following statement about the negative form of the modals.
For negative sentences with the modal verbs can, may and could, we use cannot or (a), may not and (b).
Resposta: (a) can't; (b) could not or couldn't
Atenção professor: A forma mayn't, ainda que usada em British English, é hoje muito pouco comum. Fim da observação.
4. The modal verbs can, may and could are used to express different meanings. Take a look at the following picture, in which a group of students are in a computer lab doing some research for a school assignment. Then match each question to its appropriate meaning expressed by the modal verbs in the box below.
offer - polite request - request - permission
End of box.
FONTE: Alexandre/Imaginario
Resposta: a) request; b) offer; c) polite request; d) permission
Atenção professor: Nesta seção o aluno é levado a praticar alguns aspectos gramaticais estudados na seção Language Study. Fim da observação.
1. A cartoonist often uses humor to illustrate a topic. What comic device does the cartoonist use in exploring that classroom situation?
FONTE: Available at: www.andertoons.com/teacher/cartoon/6298/i-appreciate-text-kate-but-next-time-you-can-just-raise-your-hand. Accessed on: April 29, 2016. CRÉDITOS: © Mark Anderson/Anderstoon.com
- Symbol.
- Exaggeration.
- Irony.
- Informal language.
Resposta correta: Irony.
2. What's the meaning expressed by the modal verb can in the teacher's words?
- Permission.
- Remote probability.
- Polite request.
- Necessity.
Resposta correta: Permission.
3. What point does the cartoonist want to make, what inferences can you make by observing the situation shown in the cartoon?
- Cell phones are not allowed in schools.
- Teachers do not like texting.
- Students do not raise their hands anymore, every time they have a doubt.
- Tech addiction can be found everywhere these days, even in the classroom.
- Texting is much more efficient than communicating with someone face-to-face.
Resposta correta: Tech addiction can be found everywhere these days, even in the classroom.
4. Have you or has anyone you know ever bought anything online? Do you think it's practical? Do you think it's safe? Read the text about the effects of technology on customers and complete it with the modals can, cannot, may or could.
Effects on Customers
Technology (I) have both a positive and negative effect on customers. While some customers (II) enjoy the convenience of paying bills online, others (III) see this as a possible invasion of their privacy. Some (IV) be frustrated when they (V) reach a live person to help them with a problem.
Available at: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/pros-cons-technology-business-today-2709.html. Accessed on: November 9, 2015. (Fragment).
Resposta: (I) can, may, could; (II) may, can, could; (III) may, can, could; (IV) may, can, could; (V) cannot
5. Discuss with a classmate: do you think online shopping can have a positive or negative effect on you? Why (not)?
Personal answers.
6. In your notebook, complete the following statements with the meaning of the modal verbs in the activity 4.
a) The modal verbs used in (I), (II), (III) and (IV) express ____.
Resposta: ability
b) The modal verb used in (V) expresses ____.
Resposta: possibility
7. Do you like museums? Do you think museums are boring, a home for old stuff? Read the following text about The Tech Museum of Innovation, in San Jose, in the heart of Silicon Valley, California.
FONTE: David McNew/Newsmakers/Getty Images
The Tech Museum of Innovation is a hands-on technology and science museum for people of all ages and backgrounds. The museum - located in the capital of Silicon Valley - is a non-profit learning resource established to inspire the innovator in everyone. Through programs such as The Tech Challenge, our annual team design competition for youth, and internationally renowned programs such as The Tech Awards, The Tech celebrates the present and encourages the development of innovative technology for a more promising future.
Operating Hours and Holidays
Regular galleries are open 357 days a year, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Group Sales
Save up to 20% on museum gallery admission when you make a reservation of 10 or more tickets in advance.
Help! I Can't Put Down My Phone
Available at: www.thetech.org. Accessed on: November 9, 2015. (Fragment).
8. Now transcribe the following sentences using can or can't, according to the text.
a) People of all ages ____ visit the museum.
Resposta: can
b) Visitors ____ touch the exhibits in the museum.
Resposta: can
c) Everyone ____ feel inspired to innovate after a visit to that museum.
Resposta: can
d) You ____ visit the museum regular galleries at night.
Resposta: can't
e) Big groups ____ get a discount.
Resposta: can
f) You ____ say a Museum of Innovation is a thing of the past.
Resposta: can't
9. Do you think The Tech Museum of Innovation is interesting? Why (not)?
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Sugira aos alunos que façam uma busca (na internet, em livros ou revistas) a respeito de outros museus de tecnologia ao redor do mundo, inclusive no Brasil. Essa atividade pode ser passada para casa ou realizada no laboratório de informática da escola se possível. Fim da observação.
1. We have been talking about technology. However, does everybody have access to it? Read and find out.
There are about 4.4 billion people on this planet who have never been online. That number is the finding of a new study that tried to quantify what the global offline population looks like. The report found that of the estimated 7 billion-plus people alive today, more than half are offline.
Available at: www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2014/10/02/353288711/why-4-4-billion-people-still-dont-have-internet-access. Accessed on: November 5, 2015. (Fragment).
2. Why are so many people still not connected? Think about it. Do some research and talk to your classmates and teacher about this issue. Then do the following activity in your notebook.
Atenção professor: Discuta com os alunos as razões para tantas pessoas ainda não terem acesso à internet. Comente com eles que não apenas pessoas que moram em áreas rurais ou mais carentes têm dificuldade de acesso a ela, mas também muitos idosos, pessoas que vivem em países com regimes autoritários etc. Converse com eles a respeito da importância de fazer um rascunho quando se escreve um texto. Nesse rascunho, eles podem inserir as ideias mais básicas e algumas palavras-chave que serão desenvolvidas futuramente. Diga-lhes que, depois de pronto, é interessante partilhar com os colegas e receber um retorno deles e do professor. Comente também que, após a reescrita do texto, deve-se revisar o trabalho para evitar erros e, por fim, passá-lo a limpo. Lembre aos alunos que a troca de rascunhos e o retorno com as impressões entre eles é uma oportunidade de colaboração, em que partilham conhecimentos e um contribui para enriquecer o trabalho do outro. Dessa forma, eles passam a perceber que o professor não é a única pessoa a quem eles podem recorrer para pedir ajuda. Sugira que vejam outros exemplos de infográficos e, se possível, criem (e partilhem) seus próprios infográficos online, usando ferramentas gratuitas como http://piktochart.com ou www.canva.com/create/infographics/ (acesso em: 30 out. 2015). Fim da observação.
a) An NGO (non-governmental organization) is promoting a campaign for technology access. The organization is asking some high school students for help. You have been invited to create an infographic about technology access in your community. The infographics selected by the organization will be printed on flyers and distributed in differentplaces and also shared on social media.
The aim is to make people aware of this issue. Before you start preparing your infographic, go back to page 21, read that infographic again and point out the characteristics you find in it.
- It has many pictures.
- It has numbers and percentages.
- It has a title.
- It focuses on different issues.
- It has long texts.
- It has an attractive modern layout.
- It shows some black-and-white photos.
Respostas corretas: It has many pictures. It has numbers and percentages. It has an attractive modern layout.
b) To create your infographic, you can survey people from your community or school to find out, for example, how many people have access to technology, why some people do not have access to it, what kind of technology people have access to, what they use it for, etc.
An infographic is a representation of information in a graphic format designed to make the data easily understandable at a glance. People use them to quickly communicate a message and to simplify the presentation of large amounts of data.
Available at: http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/infographics. Accessed on: October 24, 2015.
Fim da observação.
c) Write the draft of your infographic. Follow these steps.
- Ask a classmate to read your draft. Get some feedback.
- Rewrite your infographic using the feedback you had as a basis and make any improvements or necessary corrections.
- Proofread your work.
d) Would you say too much technology brings more problems than benefits?
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Com as atividades desta seção é ativado o conhecimento prévio do aluno a respeito do assunto que será abordado no texto oral. Fim da observação.
Discuss the following questions with a classmate.
a) Do you prefer to talk to your friends face-to-face or to text them?
b) Do you think technology can be a useful tool for learning? Why (not)?
c) Do you use technology to help you in your studies?
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são apresentadas atividades variadas de compreensão oral. Fim da observação.
You are going to listen to a TV program called Learning from Authors, where, in this case, a journalist interviews the author of a book about learning in the age of technology.
Listen and identify the correct options according to what the author said.
Atenção professor: Reproduza o áudio uma vez e peça aos alunos que tentem compreender o sentido geral do que ouviram. Reproduza o áudio novamente para que eles respondam às questões. Finalmente, reproduza o áudio uma terceira vez para que verifiquem suas respostas. É interessante pedir aos alunos que leiam as questões antes de ouvir o áudio. Dessa forma, eles ficam atentos às informações de que precisam para respondê-las. A transcrição de áudio está na seção Audio Scripts do Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
a) At the very beginning of the interview, the author makes a philosophical point that has to do with moderation. He says that
- we can never have enough of a good thing.
- too much of anything is bad.
Resposta correta: too much of anything is bad.
b) The author's main point is that
- technology is bad for children's brains.
- technology is a good tool for learning, but children need some limits.
Resposta correta: technology is a good tool for learning, but children need some limits.
c) He also said that
- some schools use too much technology in the classroom.
- his grandchildren prefer to have a conversation rather than texting.
- the excessive use of technology can cause concentration problems.
- both children and adults can get addicted to electronic devices.
Resposta correta: both children and adults can get addicted to electronic devices.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção, o aluno discute, com seu(s) colega(s) o assunto abordado no áudio. Fim da observação.
Discuss the following questions with a classmate.
a) Do you agree with the author's main point? Why (not)?
b) Is tech addiction a teenager's thing or do adults get addicted to their cell phones too?
Personal answers.
Observação: The author tells his grandchildren, "No, we're gonna talk". Gonna is frequently used in speech in colloquial English instead of going to. Fim da observação.
Have you ever watched a debate? What was it about? Who participated in it? Let's have a class debate on the topic: Is technology good or bad?
"Some say technology is a blessing; others say it's a curse. Which is right?"
Daniel Burrus, Technology futurist
Available at: www.huffingtonpost.com/daniel-burrus/is-technology-good-or-evi_b_1826270.html. Accessed on: November 5, 2015. (Fragment).
1. Get together in groups and decide which side your group will support. Then think of some arguments to justify your position. If your group decides to support the idea that technology is good, think of some pros of using it. If your group decides that technology is bad, think of some cons of using it.
2. After some time discussing with your group, get ready for the debate. A student or the teacher can be the moderator, controlling the time and keeping order. The expressions below may be useful for the debate.
Tabela: equivalente textual a seguir.
	Moderating the Debate
	Presenting an Argument
	You have... minutes to answer.
It's your turn now.
Please do not interrupt.
	I believe that...
Without a doubt...
I'm pretty sure that...
In my opinion/view...
	I don't agree.
That's not how I see it.
I understand your point, but...
Atenção professor: Ao final do debate, se achar conveniente, apresente a resposta que o próprio Daniel Burrus dá à sua pergunta: "They both are. It's not about whether technology is good or bad; it's about what we decide to do with technology that matters." Pergunte aos alunos se eles concordam com essa afirmação do autor e por quê. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção o aluno reflete e discute com seu(s) colega(s) a respeito de temas que se relacionam com os textos já trabalhados na Unidade. Fim da observação.
1. Read the text below and discuss the following questions in small groups.
Understanding Internet Slang today
Why Is Internet Slang Used?
Using abbreviations and acronyms to chat and communicate with others helps those who are familiar with technology to chat quicker while saving time. Because of the constant feed of news, media, and technology to keep up with daily, those who are familiar with Internet slang are capable of easily multitasking without taking up too much time to send a formal letter, message, email, or chat reply.
Where Online Slang Is Used Today
The most common places to find Internet slang and abbreviations or acronyms being used includes chat rooms, within text messages, instant messages and programs, along with social media networks.
Internet Slang List
Below are a few examples of the most popular Internet slang words used today:
Dope: good/awesome
Killin' It: doing great
Boss: awesome/top/supreme
Off The Hook: more amazing than expected
Texting Symbols, Abbreviations and Acronyms
Here are some of the most popular symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms you are likely to stumble upon when texting or receiving messages and chatting online:
BRB: Be right back
OMG: Oh my God/oh my gosh
LOL: Laugh out loud/lots of laughs
TTYL: Talk to you later
JK: Just kidding
ILY: I love you
LU2: Love you too
PLZ: Please
IMO: In my opinion
CYA: See you
SUP: What's up?
GL: Good Luck
H8: Hate
L8R: Later
Za: Pizza
Peeps: People/friends
PPL: People
RUS: Are you serious?/Are
you sure?
GN: Good night
Faces, Signs, and Their Meanings in Texts and Messages
:-) happy
:-( sad
:/ unsure/disappointed/ upset
>:( angry
>:O anger/yelling
:O surprised
-_- annoyed/disbelief/ upset
O-o surprised/intrigued/ raising an eyebrow
$$$ money
@ at
FONTE: Available at: http://nobullying.com/internet-slang/. Accessed on: December 4, 2015. (Fragment).CRÉDITOS: VOOK/Shutterstock
Observação: Netspeak (or cyberslang), the Internet slang known as internetês in Portuguese, is the kind of linguistic variety people use on the Internet for the sake of brevity and objectivity when sharing information and communicating with one another. That kind of language may be suitable for informal situations on the Internet, but it is not considered appropriate use of language in formal situations. Fim da observação.
a) Do you think this text is aimed at people who are Internet addicts?
Possible answer: No, because Internet addicts would probably know all those abbreviations, acronyms and slangs.
b) According to the text, why and where are Internet slang, abbreviations and acronyms used?
Possible answer: They are used to save time; they are used in chat rooms, texting, social media.
c) Did you know any of the slang, abbreviations, acronyms or signs on the list? Which ones?
d) Do you use slang, abbreviations, acronyms or signs when texting (in Portuguese)? Which ones do you use?
e) Do you think using slang, abbreviations and acronyms on the Internet may influence the way you write in other situations, as, for example, while taking a test?
f) Write a message to a classmate using slang, abbreviations, acronyms and signs on the list. Does she/he understand your message?
Personal answers.
2. Read the sentence below, taken from the text. Then choose the correct definition of the word in bold.
"[...] those who are familiar with Internet slang are capable of easily multitasking without taking up too much time to send a formal letter, message, email, or chat reply."
Word in bold: multitasking.
- using the ability to write texts.
- using the ability to write Internet slang.
- using the ability to write computer programs.
- using the ability to perform more than one activity at the same time.
Resposta correta: using the ability to perform more than one activity at the same time.
3. Do you usually multitask when using the computer?
Personal answer.
Atenção professor: Esta é uma oportunidade para o aluno verificar seu próprio desempenho quanto aos pontos trabalhados na Unidade. Fim da observação.
1. Evaluate your performance in this Unit. In your notebook, give yourself a score from 1 to 5 for each of the topics below.
Quadro: equivalente textual a seguir.
	I can...
	a) read and understand a text about cell phone addiction.
	b) understand and use the modals can, may, could.
	c) create an infographic about access to technology.
	d) understand an interview about technology and learning.
	e) argue about the pros and cons of technology.
1. poor
2. not so good
3. good
4. very good
5. excellent
Atenção professor: Incentive os alunos a refletir a respeito de sua aprendizagem, da execução das atividades e do seu desempenho em aula. Fim da observação.
2. Take a look at the items in activity 1 in which you gave yourself a score of 1 or 2. Talk to a classmate and think of what you can do to improve your performance. Then discuss your ideas with your teacher.
Atenção professor: Ao discutir com os alunos o que pode ser feito para a melhoria do desempenho em aula, conscientize-os de que, com a autoavaliação, é possível obter um diagnóstico mais preciso em relação ao aproveitamento deles quanto ao conteúdo e às habilidades trabalhadas. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são sugeridos livros, músicas, filmes e sites relacionados ao tema da Unidade. Fim da observação.
Book: ABREU, C.; EISENSTEIN, E.; ESTEFENON, S. Vivendo esse mundo digital. São Paulo: Artmed, 2013.
Movie: MATRIX. Director: Lana Wachowski, Lily Wachowski. Production: Joel Silver. EUA, Silver Pictures, Village Roadshow Productions, 1999. 1 DVD.
Website: British Council: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/science-and-technology. Accessed on: November 10, 2015.
UNIT 2 - Why Should Animals Have Rights?
Nesta Unidade você vai:
- Discutir e refletir a respeito de proteção aos animais;
- Compreender e fazer uso dos verbos modais can, should e would;
- Explorar pôsteres de campanhas;
- Relacionar os conteúdos com as disciplinas de Biologia e Filosofia.
FONTE: Svetlana Foote/Shutterstock
Look at the picture below and discuss with your classmates:
a) Do you like animals? Which one is your favorite?
b) Do you have any pets?
Personal answers.
c) Do you like wild animals? Do you know which of the animals in the picture are endangered?
Possible answer: The jaguar, the tiger, the lynx, the black rhino/rhinoceros, the gorilla, etc. Peça aos alunos que observem a imagem e proponha as perguntas acima para toda a turma. Neste momento, busca-se engajar todos na discussão e levantar o conhecimento prévio deles a respeito do assunto que será abordado na Unidade. A discussão pode ser feita em inglês ou em português, a seu critério.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são propostas atividades que visam levantar o conhecimento prévio do aluno e apresentar o vocabulário relacionado ao tema da Unidade. Fim da observação.
1. Look at the words in the box below. Which lexical area do they belong to: a, b, or c? Use your notebook to classify these words. Check your answers with a classmate's.
abuse - neglect - rabbit - fear - pig - consideration - frustration - fish - bird - cruelty - hen - loneliness - exploitation - guinea pig - pain - prejudice - suffering - pleasure
End of box.
a) Animal Species
Resposta: Animal Species: pig, hen, guinea pig, bird, rabbit, fish; 
b) Animal Feelings
Resposta: Animal Feelings: pain, pleasure, fear, suffering, loneliness, frustration; 
c) Human Attitudes Toward Animals
Resposta: Human Attitudes Toward Animals: prejudice, cruelty, abuse, exploitation, consideration, neglect.
2. Read the following statements and choose the ones you agree with. Then compare your answers with a classmate's.
a) Dogs are people's best friends.
b) Animals belong in the wild, not in cages.
c) Meat is delicious and nutritious food.
d) Adopting a pet is better than buying one.
e) Killing animals for sport is a cruel activity.
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Peça aos alunos que expliquem por que concordam com as frases ou discordam delas. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Com as atividades a seguir o aluno prepara-se para a leitura, levantando seu conhecimento prévio e criando hipóteses a respeito do texto. Fim da observação.
1. All the things below come or are made from animal parts. Match the words to the corresponding picture.
a) meat
b) wool
c) silk
d) leather
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos que observar o título, a fonte e a imagem do texto e fazer previsões a respeito deles são estratégias de leitura importantes. Para saber mais acerca de Exploring the Title and the Format e Making Predictions, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
FONTE: MaraZe/Shutterstock
FONTE: Yuriy Chertok/Shutterstock
FONTE: indigolotos/Shutterstock
FONTE: Nagy Mariann/Shutterstock
Resposta: a) 1; b) 4; c) 3; d) 2
2. Discuss the following questions with a classmate.
a) Do you eat meat?
b) If so, do you consume more white meat or red meat?
c) Do you use objects made from leather, silk or wool?
d) Do you like to see animals kept in zoos or exhibited in circuses?
e) Do you care for animals? Why (not)?
Personal answers.
3. The text you are about to read is from an organization called PETA. Observe the title, source and the logo of the text. What kind of organization do you think PETA is? Make your predictions.
Atenção professor: Depois que os alunos tiverem lido o texto, explique que a organização chama-se People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), uma organização sem fins lucrativos que defende os direitos dos animais. Fim da observação.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção é apresentado o texto principal, abordando temas que contribuem para a ampliaçãodo conhecimento de mundo do aluno e lhe dão a oportunidade de refletir e se posicionar criticamente. Fim da observação.
Read the text and check your predictions. Then do the following activities in your notebook.
Animals Are Not Ours
To eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way
Almost all of us grow up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. Many of us bought our beloved "pets" at pet shops, had guinea pigs, and kept beautiful birds in cages. We wore wool and silk, ate burgers, and fished. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights? [...]
People often ask if animals should have rights, and quite simply, the answer is "Yes!". Animals surely deserve to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation. Jeremy Bentham, the founder of the reforming utilitarian school of moral philosophy, stated that when deciding on a being's rights, "The question is not "Can they reason?" nor "Can they talk?" but "Can they suffer?". In that passage, Bentham points to the capacity for suffering as the vital characteristic that gives a being the right to equal consideration. The capacity for suffering is not just another characteristic like the capacity for language or higher mathematics. All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the same degree that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness, and motherly love. Whenever we consider doing something that would interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them into account. [...]
Animal rights is not just a philosophy - it is a social movement that challenges society's traditional view that all non-human animals exist solely for human use. [...] Only prejudice allows us to deny others the rights that we expect to have for ourselves. Whether it's based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or species, prejudice is morally unacceptable. If you wouldn't eat a dog, why eat a pig? Dogs and pigs have the same capacity to feel pain, but it is a prejudice based on species that allows us to think of one animal as a companion and the other as dinner.
FONTE: Available at: www.peta.org/about-peta/why-peta/why-animal-rights/. Accessed on: November 12, 2015. (Fragment). CRÉDITOS: Reprodução/PETA
General Comprehension
Atenção professor: Em General Comprehension desenvolve-se a capacidade do aluno de compreender a essência do texto. Fim da observação.
Read the text quickly and choose the two sentences below that express the main idea (not the details) of the text.
- Animals should have rights.
- Dogs and pigs have the same capacity to feel pain.
- Animals do not exist only for human use.
- Prejudice is not morally acceptable.
Resposta correta: Animals should have rights. Animals do not exist only for human use.
Atenção professor: Para saber mais a respeito de Skimming, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
Detailed Comprehension
Atenção professor: Em Detailed Comprehension desenvolve-se a capacidade do aluno de extrair informações específicas e estabelecer relações entre as ideias apresentadas no texto. Fim da observação.
1. What argument does the author use to convince the readers that animals deserve rights?
Resposta: He claims that animals have the capacity to suffer.
Atenção professor: Explore com os alunos as atividades abaixo, antes que eles as realizem. Oriente-os a ler o texto de forma direcionada para respondê-las. Circule pela sala enquanto fazem a atividade e auxilie-os em caso de du'vidas. Eles podem fazer as atividades em duplas, mas, se achar conveniente, deixe-os fazer individualmente. Incentive-os a partilhar as respostas com um ou dois colegas antes da verificação geral. Para saber mais a respeito de Scanning, veja a seção Estratégias de Leitura e Compreensão do Texto no Manual do Professor. Fim da observação.
2. Choose the correct options (more than one is possible). The author
- is against any kind of prejudice.
- claims that animals are sacred.
- condemns the use of leather clothes and the imprisonment of birds in cages.
- defends the idea that animals exist exclusively for human use.
Resposta correta: is against any kind of prejudice; condemns the use of leather clothes and the imprisonment of birds in cages.
3. We can infer from the text that the author
- has a domestic pig.
- doesn't eat animals.
- lives in a rural area.
Resposta correta: doesn't eat animals.
4. Match the columns, finding the comments on the right that complement the statements on the left.
Left column:
a) Animals are not ours to wear.
b) Animals should not be used for our food.
c) Animals should not be used just for our entertainment.
d) Animals suffer when they are used in lab experiments.
e) Animals are abused in many other ways.
f) Birds have wings so they can fly.
g) Animals feel loneliness as much we do.
Right column:
1) "I think I'm going to be a vegan."
2) Mice, guinea pigs, even dogs and cats are locked inside cages in laboratories.
3) "Go and take off that woolen sweater, now!"
4) "Would you like to spend your life in a cage just for public exhibition?"
5) Neglect and cruelty to animals should stop.
6) "That kitten has been abandoned. I'm going to adopt it."
7) "Would you like to spend your whole life inside a cage?"
Resposta: a) 3); b) 1); c) 4); d) 2); e) 5); f) 7); g) 6)
Atenção professor: Comente com os alunos que eles já podem começar a pensar em ideias para o Project 1. Vá até a página 81 e explique-lhes brevemente o projeto. Fim da observação.
Boxe complementar:
This activity's content could be useful for Project 1, on page 81. You may start taking notes and developing your ideas about it.
Fim do complemento.
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são trabalhadas questões que levam o aluno a assumir uma postura crítica em relação ao assunto tratado no texto. Fim da observação.
Discuss the following questions in small groups. Justify all your answers.
a) Do you agree with the author's views? Or do you find them radical?
b) Do you think eating animals is a form of abuse?
c) Could you live without wearing leather, silk or wool?
d) Do you think using animals in scientific experiments is abusive?
e) Do you think keeping animals in circuses or zoos is wrong?
f) Do you know any recent case of animal abuse in your country?
Personal answers.
Atenção professor: Esta atividade de pós-leitura é um momento de discussão e reflexão a respeito do texto e do assunto nele abordado. Peça aos alunos que discutam as questões em pequenos grupos, em inglês ou em português, a seu critério. Após alguns minutos, expanda a discussão para toda a turma e verifique o posicionamento dos alunos acerca do assunto em questão. Fim da observação.
Boxe complementar:
Pronunciation Tips
Atenção professor: Nesta seção são destacadas a pronúncia, a acentuação ou a entonação de palavras ou expressões contidas nos textos. Fim da observação.
The following words are from the text. In each group there is a word that has a different vowel sound from the other two. Write it down in your notebook. Notice that the vowel sounds are underlined for you.
a) pet
Underlined vowel: e.
Underlined vowels: ea.
Underlined vowel: a.
Resposta: capacity; 
b) meat
Underlined vowels: ea.
Underlined vowel: a.
Underlined vowels: ea.
Resposta: companion; 
c) leather
Underlined vowels: ea.
Underlined vowels: ea.
Underlined vowel: e.
Resposta: fear; 
d) love
Underlined vowel: o.
Underlined vowel: u.
Underlined vowels: ou.
Resposta: bought;
e) live
Underlined vowel: i.
Underlined vowel: i.
Underlined vowel: i.
Resposta: quite; 
f) vital
Underlined vowel: i.
Underlined vowel: i.
Underlined vowel: i.
Resposta: prejudice; 
g) dinner

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