
Lista de exercícios - epidemiologia - com resposta

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1) The epidemiologic and clinical descriptions of a disease are different.
Escolha uma opção:
2) John Snow, in Snow on Cholera. Escolha uma opção:
a) argued that the environment was associated with diseases such as
b) was an early epidemiologist who used natural experiments.
c) established postulates for transmission of infectious disease.
d) was the father of modern biostatistics.
3) One of William Farr's contributions to public health and epidemiology included
the development of a more sophisticated system for codifying medical
Escolha uma opção:
4) Which of the following is not usually an aim of epidemiology?
Escolha uma opção:
a) To predict the occurrence of disease
b) To control the distribution of disease
c) To explain the etiology of disease
d) To describe the health status of the population
e) To fund new public health programs

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