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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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1a Questão (Ref.: 202003670510)
	Mark the only sentence which expresses a myth about the English language learning:
	English is an international language
	Adults are more self-aware of their difficulties when studying grammar.
	Children learn second languages quickly and easily.
	People who speak foreign languages are more likely to have better salaries.
	English is taught in Brazil
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 202004486711)
	Read the text below:
"In her reflection, Professor Marguerite mentions how her students are apprehensive to produce spoken language.  She states that they are anxious about using the TL.  Language teachers and learners alike know that producing oral language can be a challenge but that it is a necessary part of learning a language.  Like Marguerite's students, many language students may feel worried about the level of their language. This often prevents them from speaking or taking in the language at all.  In addition, many learners tend to monitor their use of the language too much, focusing more on accuracy than fluency which in turn prevents them from using the language in a communicative manner".  
Source: https://sites.educ.ualberta.ca/staff/olenka.bilash/Best%20of%20Bilash/krashen.html
Based on the text above, chose the right option to complete the extract below:
"What Professor Marguerite realized is that in a class not all learners can be at the same level of linguistic competence at the same time. So when designing a syllabus, it is advisable that she remember to consider what Stephen Krashen calls:"
	the valid output
	the superficial input
	the guided output
	the natural communicative input
	the guided input
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 202004486737)
	Read the text below:
¿There can be `no one best method¿¿which applies at all times and in all situations, with every type of learner¿, we recognise that the diversity of contexts requires an informed, eclectic approach" Mitchell and Myles (2004: 261).
Mitchell, R.; Myles, F. 2004. Second language learning theories. Second edition. London: Hodder Arnold.
Taking the text above into account, choose the best option to complete Nunan´s line of thought below: 
"It has been realized that there never was and probably never will be a method for all, and the focus in recent years has been on the development of _________ which are consonant with what we know about second language acquisition, and which are also in keeping with the dynamics of the classroom itself" (Nunan 1991: 228)
Nunan, D. 1991 Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers New York: Prentice-Hall.
	recent publications
	new contents
	new technologies
	classroom tasks and activities
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 202003671092)
	Mark the only option which does not favor critical reflective teaching?
	Our students¿ eyes (student review)
	Teaching as a solitary process
	Theoretical literature (benchmarking)
	Our colleagues experiences (peer review)
	Our autobiographies as learners and teachers (self-review)
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 202003671097)
	Carolina is a teacher involved in the reflective process. Whenever she gives a task and notices her students are not following it properly, she is able to stop and change directions. The process she uses is
	reflection and action
	beliefs and values
	success in reflection
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 202003633068)
	Joana is a Brazilian student of English. While watching films, she makes a list of interesting expressions she hears and tries to put them into use. By doing so, she is making use of ---.
	Language learning strategies.
	Interference from first language.
	Krashen's natural order hypothesis.
	The influence of her mother tongue.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 202003994447)
	The globalized world has changed the relationship among nations in relation to foreign languages because
	there are new comercial relationships
	some students are more intelligent than others
	some cultures are more important than others
	students are not interested in sttudying foreign languages
	some languages only have technological purposes
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 202004043726)
	Mark the only option which does not make part of the tenets which have an impact on a learner inter-language progression.
	comprehensible input.
	comprehensible output.
	negotiation of meaning.
	learning of meaningless rules
	comprehensible intake.
	 9a Questão (Ref.: 202004136108)
	In the task-based activities, there is a variety of interactional patterns like, pair work, group work, games, role plays. In this respect, the cue-cards, pictures and the activity cards are actively used as the------------elements of a foreign language teaching course.
	 10a Questão (Ref.: 202003628361)
	Which of the following courses is NOT and example of ESP?
	English for tourism.
	Business English.
	English for medicine.
	English for science.
	General English.

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