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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Febrero-Julio 2022
Nombre: Alicia de los Ángeles Zamudio Sánchez 	Matrícula: s20017432
Curso: Ingles I Módulo: 1 Sección: 4 Fecha: 15/03/2022
Análisis de necesidades:
¿En esta sección qué área o habilidad, tema o estructura, necesito trabajar para desarrollar mis competencias lingüísticas en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés? ¿Qué me cuesta trabajo?
Tengo que trabajar en mi habilidad para implementar los adjetivos posesivos, las conjunciones y pulir mi vocabulario sobre el clima. Ya que nos conozco muy bien qué son y como se utilizan los dos primeros, y no tengo tanto vocabulario acerca del clima.
¿Qué quiero saber hacer cuando cubra los contenidos de esta sección? 
Quiero poder ampliar mi vocabulario generalmente sobre todos los temas del material específico. También me gustaría poder formar oraciones correctamente escritas y habladas usando conjunciones y el presente continuo. 
Plan de trabajo:
	 Material de introducción (INTRO)
	¿Qué es esto?
	Intro 004
	Material obligatorio
	Presente continuo (Wh- words)
But, and, or
Posesivo ‘s
	GRA 1015 p
GRA 1040 a/p
1148 a/p
	Material específico (1 evidencia de Tema / 1 evidencia de Estructura)
Adjetivos posesivos
	VOC 1011 a/p
GRA 1043 a/p
	Exaintro 004
Tiempo aproximado que me comprometo a emplear para realizar estas actividades: 8 hrs. a la semana
Antes de subir tu archivo a EMINUS recuerda que debes:
· guardar tu evidencia en un SOLO documento PDF siguiendo el orden que te describimos a continuación:
· Plan de trabajo debidamente contestado.
· Autoevaluación EXAINTRO correspondiente (contestada y calificada, marcando los aciertos y errores en todas las secciones de esta autoevaluación.)
· Bitácora de autoaprendizaje debidamente contestada.
· cerciorarte de que todas las páginas se encuentran organizadas en la misma dirección y que se visualizan correctamente.
Alicia de los Ángeles Zamudio Sánchez
Adaptado por GHG.CAA USBI Xalapa. Actualizado por G.H.G. en enero 2022
Belt = cinturón 
Hat = sombrero
Raincoat = impermeable
Shorts = pantalones cortos
Sneakers = zapatillas deportivas
Swimsuit = traje de baño
Jacket = chaqueta
High heels = tacones altos
Scarf = bufanda
Skirt = falda
Socks = calcetines 
T-shirt = camiseta de manga corta 
E6. Find things at the SAC with these colors. Write about them.
1. The desks are light blue
2. Martha´s book bag is purple
3. The headphones are gray 
4. Diego´s cellphone is pink 
5. The hat is dark blue 
6. The apple is red 
7. My dog is black 
8. Marco’s book is white 
9. The water bottle is yellow 
10. My sweater is brown
E10. Write questions for each sentence.
1. What color are Liz´s jeans? 
2. What is Dan´s favorite color?
3. Where are James’s shoes? 
4. What color is Julie´s T-shirt?
5. What color is Debbie and Jeff´s house? 
6. What is your favorite color?
7. What color is our classroom?
E13. Write two sentences about each picture. 
1. It´s winter. It´s very cold.
2. It´s spring. It´s raining. 
3. It´s summer. It´s warm and sunny.
4. It´s fall. It´s windy and cool. 
5. It´s summer. It´s very hot and humid. 
6. It´s winter. It´s cold and windy.
E17. Complete the sentences.
1. My name´s Jane. I´m wearing a T-shirt and shorts. I´m wearing running shoes, too. It´s raining, but I´m not wearing a raincoat. 
2. It´s snowing, but Amy isn´t wearing boots. She´s wearing high heels. She isn´t wearing gloves, and she isn´t wearing a hat.
3. It´s summer, and it´s very hot and humid. They aren´t wearing swimsuits today. They´re wearing pants. She´s wearing a hat, and he´s wearing sunglasses.
4. Roger´s wearing a suit. He isn´t wearing a belt, but he´s wearing a tie. He´s wearing shoes and socks. It´s very windy
Presente continuo (palabras Wh). -GRA 1015 p
Question word + am /is /are + subject + verb +ING+?
· What are you doing?
· Where are we going right now?
E1. Make questions to the following answers.
1. They are playing football.
What are they playing?
2. She is writing a letter.
What is she writing?
3. They are eating fried chicken.
What are they eating?
4. He is swimming in the river.
Where is he swimming?
5. I am studying English.
What are you studying?
6. We are going home
Where are we going?
7. He is reading a magazine.
What is he reading?
Conjunciones: and, but, or -GRA 1040 a/p 
En inglés, las conjunciones AND, BUT Y OR, se utilizan para unir dos oraciones pequeñas, en una oración larga. 
Por ejemplo:
Sentence A: She speaks English.She speaks English and Spanish.
Sentence B: She speaks Spanish.
AND: La conjunción AND se utiliza para unir dos frases con el mismo sentido. No es necesario repetir el sujeto.
BUT: La conjunción BUT se utiliza para indicar un contraste entre las dos frases.
OR: La conjunción OR se utiliza generalmente en preguntas, para unir dos frases con sentido opuesto o disyuntivas.
· They are singing and (they are) playing the guitar
· I am Tom and I’m a student
· The house is nice but it´s cold
· She is rich but she isn’t happy
· Are you married or single?
· Is that your pen or mine?
E1. Write sentences. Choose from the boxes and use and/but/or.
1. The exam is long and difficult.
2. My shoes are dirty and old.
3. Is Sue at home or at work?
4. Is it cold or hot?
5. We are tired but we are not hungry.
6. She is beautiful but she is not nice.
Posesivo ´s - 1148 a/p 
Usamos esta estructura para decir que algo le pertenece a alguien.
The teacher´s books = Los libros del maestro
Sustantivos singulares: Agregamos -‘s a un sustantivo singular
· the boy’s ball
· the girl’s father
Sustantivos plurales: Cuando es un sustantivo plural regular únicamente agregamos (‘) y no la (s)
· the boys’ ball
· the girls’ father
· the student’s classroom
Sustantivos irregulares: Si es un sustantivo plural irregular sí agregamos (‘s).
· the child’s dog/the children’s dog
· the mouse’s food /the mice’s food
· the man’s car /the men’s car
Sustantivos propios: 
· Chris’ dog / Chris’s dog
· Doris’ cat / Doris’s cat
E1. Rewrite the sentences using ‘s.
1. This is my sister’s car.
2. He’s my husband’s bus.
3. My daughter’s mother.
4. My neighbour’s cat.
5. Louis’s phone.
6. My brother’s bike and bat.
7. Tom ́s books.
8. My aunt’s shop.
9. The two women’s houses.
Clima -VOC 1011 a/p
Sunny and hot = soleado y caluroso
Partly cloudy = parcialmente nublado
Cloudy and cool = nublado y fresco
Rainy = lluvioso
Windy and fresh = ventoso y fresco
Foggy = niebla
Stormy = tormentoso
Lightning = relampago
Snowy and cold = nevado y frio
En inglés para preguntar y responder acerca del clima puedes hacerlo, por ejemplo, de la siguiente manera:
Question: What’s the weather like in Xalapa today?
Answer: It’s cloudy and cool today
Question: How’s the weather in Veracruz today?
Answer: It’s sunny and hot today
1. What’s your favorite type of weather?
My favorite weather is cold.
2. What’s the weather like in your hometown?
The weather in my hometown is hot.
3. In your opinion, how is the weather in Cancun today?
The weather today in cancun is very hot.
4. What activities do you do on a rainy day? 
On a rainy day I go to bed, I wrap myself up and I go for a warm meal while I watch movies.
5. What is the weather like in Xalapa today?
The weather today in Xalapa is cloudy.
Adjetivos posesivos -GRA 1043 a/p
Una forma de expresar la posesión es utilizando los Adjetivos Posesivos. Estos
deben ir delante de un sustantivo. 
· I have a book. My book is red.
· You have a car. Your car is new.
· She has a brother. Her brother isyoung.
· He has a dog. His dog is small.
· The state is Veracruz Its capital is Xalapa.
· We have classes. Our classes are interesting.
· You have three teachers. Your teachers are nice.
· They have computers. Their computers are old.
1. You - your book. 
2. Mary - her book.
3. You and Mary - your books. 
4. Your wife - her car.
5. The man and I - our cars. 
6. The machine - it´s color.
7. Bob and Sue - their father. 
8. The boy - his test.
a) Jim is from New York and his teacher is from New Jersey.
b) Maria is from Mexico and her doctor is from California.
c) I am from São Paulo and my architect is from France.
d) Mark and Kenny are American and their friends are Brazilian.
e) Pierre and I are French and our students are English.
f) Tom and you are engineers and your telephone number is 555-5678.
g) Ana and her teacher are from Japan.
h) h) Jason is his first name.
Elaborado en el CAA USBI Xalapa. Actualización julio 2018.
I. Listen to the following conversations and select the option that best completes each sentence. You will hear the recording THREE times.
Conversation A
1. Jill likes the	blouse.
A) blue	B) red	C) black
2. Danna’s size is	.
A) small	B) medium	C) large
Conversation B
1. The man is looking for black	.
A) pants	B) socks	C) jeans
2. They are	dollars.
A) 15	B) 50	C) 55
II. Listen to the following conversation and complete the chart with the correct word(s) or numbers. You will hear the recording THREE times.
1. Weather in New York: cold, windy	
2. Average temperature: 20° degrees	
3. Appropriate clothes: a jacket	
III. Write the correct possessive pronoun (my, your, his, etc.).
1. Antonio has two sisters. His older sister is married.
2. I forgot my umbrella this morning so I got wet.
3. Tom and Anne are angry because someone stole their car last night.
4. Did you enjoy your holidays?
5. When is she moving to her new house?
6. My sister and I are worried because our dog is lost.
IV. Put the verb in brackets into the present continuous tense.
1. Oh no! It is raining. What a pity! (rain)
2. I am reading a very good book at the moment. (read)
3. We are drinking champagne because it’s our wedding anniversary. (drink)
4. I am working	 hard because we have exams next week. (work)
5. A: ‘What is Peter doing on the floor?’ (do)
 B: ‘He is looking for his glasses. (look)
6. A: ’Why are you running? (run)
B: ‘Because I am going to a party and I’m late.’ (go)
7. The photocopier is not working. Phone the technician! (not work)
8. I am not doing any more work. I’m tired. (not do)
V. Circle the best option a, b, c or d.
1. “Is she wearing boots?”
a) “No, she isn’t wearing”
b) “Yes she’s.”
c) “Yes, she wears.”
d) “Yes, she is.”
2. “What color is Bob’s shirt?”
a) “It’s a shirt blue.”
b) “It’s blue.”
c) “His shirt blue.”
d) “He’s shirt is blue.”
3. “	_” “It’s very sunny and hot”.
a) What are the weather like in your city today?
b) What is the weather like in your city today?
c) How is the weather like in your city today?
d) What weather in your city today?
VI. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word taken from the box.
1. A. ‘Are these your shoes?’
B. ‘No, they aren’t.’
2. A. ‘What color is Julie’s T-shirt?’
B. ‘It is purple.’
3. I like Michael’s socks. They are colorful.
4. Today it´s cloudy and windy in my city.
5. In winter I usually wear a sweater.
6. The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
7. I always take a taxi to go to school.
8. Apples can be red, green or yellow.
9. The aerobics instructor always wears comfortable sneakers.
10. I know your address but I don’t know your telephone number.
VII. Read the following text and answer the questions.
My two children are at a new bilingual school downtown. The lessons are in English and Spanish. The school is in an old building but the classrooms are very modern. It’s not a very big school. There are sixty students from six to ten years old. There are four classes. There are about fifteen children in each class. The teachers are very friendly and they all speak English and Spanish very well. My children are six and nine years old. The classrooms are big and comfortable. There’s a big library with a television and a lot of books and magazines. There’s also a special room with twelve computers and a projector. There’s a small playground for the children. It’s a very good school but it’s very expensive.
1. Is it a big school?
 No, it isn´t
2. How many students does the school have?
3. How old are the writer’s children?
 Six and nine
4. Where is the school?
 It´s downtown
5. What parts of the school is the writer describing?
 Library, special room or computer room and playground
VIII. Look at the picture and write a composition describing it. (40-60 words)
You can include things like:
· Where people are.
· What the weather is like.
· What people are wearing and doing at the moment.
In the park there are children by the river playing and eating. There is a family having lunch. There are young people studying and exercising. The weather is sunny and clear. People are wearing t-shirts and pants. The children wear dresses, short and skirts.
Febrero – Julio 2022
Nombre: Alicia de los Ángeles Zamudio Sánchez No. de bitácora: 4 
Estas preguntas nos ayudarán a brindarte una mejor retroalimentación y sugerencias de materiales que pueden contribuir al desarrollo de tus habilidades en el idioma. Es importante que las respondas todas, de manera objetiva y honesta.
	¿Cuál fue mi calificación obtenida en la autoevaluación de esta sección? 
	¿Cómo considero que fue mi desempeño en esta sección? 
	1) Excelente 2) Bueno	 3) Regular 	4) Suficiente 5) Malo 
	¿Cumplí la meta que definí para esta sección? 
	¿Por qué?
	Porque aprendí nuevas palabras, practiqué su correcta pronunciación e implementación.
	¿Trabajé la sección en el tiempo establecido en mi compromiso?
	¿Por qué?
	Me establecí horarios específicos para realizar estas actividades y pude completarlas con éxito.
	¿Qué dudas/dificultades tengo después de trabajar el material de introducción (INTRO)?
(Explica brevemente)
	Tuve problemas para escribir correctamente las prendas de ropa.
	¿Qué haré para resolver esas dudas?
	Seguir implementando esas palabras para pasivamente aprender como escribirlas.
	¿Qué dudas/dificultades tengo después de trabajar el material obligatorio y específico que trabajé? (Explica brevemente)
	La pronunciación de casi todo el vocabulario visto en la sección. Así como la escritura de las mismas.
	¿Qué haré para resolver esas dudas?
	Practicar cada uno de esos temas para poder implementar con eficacia el nuevo vocabulario aprendido.
	¿Qué habilidad (Comprensión lectora, Comprensión oral, Producción escrita o Producción oral) o subhabilidad (gramática, vocabulario) trabajé esta semana? ¿Por qué?
	Esta semana trabajé con la producción escrita, porque deseo poder escribir rápidamente sin tener la duda de si así se escribe correctamente o no. 
	¿Qué se hacer después de terminar de estudiar los contenidos de esta sección?
	Utilizar correctamente los posesivos y el presente continuo. También se más sobre el clima y las estaciones del año en ingles.
	¿Qué necesito reforzar?
	Mi gramática y pronunciación.

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