
Conversacion de ingles

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Universidad de Guayquil 
Facultad de Ciencias Psicologicas 
Grupo # 11 
Castro Martines Ginger Nayeli 
Muñoz Macias Nayeli Nicolee 
Peralta Bustamante Maria Jose 
Proaño Gonzales Lisbeth Odalys 
Sarzosa Yanez Allison Daniela 
Docente: Langarano Dela Maria. Ma 3-1 
Link del video 
• Cashier 
• Friend 1 
• Friend 2 
• Friend 3 
• Coat Rack 
(Prior to going to the supermarket) 
Friend 2: Hi! Good morning 
Friend 3: Hi 
Friend 1: Hi! How you been? 
Friend 2: I'm good, and you? 
Friend 3: I´m Great 
Friend 1: I'm good too! 
Friend 1: Hey, I was wondering if you want to go at supermarket with me and Friend 3? 
Friend 2: Yes, Of course. 
Escena 2 
Friend 1: What do you need at the store? 
Friend 2: I need to buy milk, onions, tomatoes, potatoes and sugar. 
Friend 1: Ok, how much milk do you want? 
Friend 2: 3 gallons of milk. 
Friend 1: Ok, what else? 
Friend 2: Onions. 
Friend 1: How many onions do you want to buy? 
Friend 2: I need 7 onions. 
Friend 1: And how many tomatoes? 
Friend 2: 4 tomatoes. 
Friend 1: And how many potatoes? 
Friend 2: 6 potatoes. 
Friend 1: What else? 
Friend 2: Amm... Sugar! 
Friend 1: Ok, how much sugar do you need? 
Friend 2: I need 2 sugar case 
Friend 1: Ok, that's it! 
Friend 2: Thank's 
Supermarket assistant 
Friend 3: Sorry, can you help me? 
Supermarket assistant: of course, how can I help you? 
Friend 3: I am looking for the beverage place 
Supermarket assistant: oh, the beverage aisle is located in section 5, you can follow the signs. 
Friend 3: I hope to find it 
Supermarket assistant: don't worry, it's easy to find, just follow the signs. 
Friend 3: ok, thank you. 
Friend 1: So, do we have everything? 
Friend 2: I believe that if 
Friend 3: let me call Paola, and ask her if there is anything else I need to buy. 
Paola: Hey , what's up 
Friend 3: hey, there's something else missing from the list that we should buy 
Paola: wait a minute, let me see ... oil, a package of trash bags, and cookies, don't forget the 
Friend 3: all right, see you

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