
What is the function of the complacency of the respiratory system? To allow the increase of lung volume when the pressure gradient between the atmo...

What is the function of the complacency of the respiratory system?
To allow the increase of lung volume when the pressure gradient between the atmosphere and the thoracic cavity causes air to flow in
To allow the decrease of lung volume when the pressure gradient between the atmosphere and the thoracic cavity causes air to flow out
To allow the increase of lung volume when the pressure gradient between the thoracic cavity and the atmosphere causes air to flow in
To allow the decrease of lung volume when the pressure gradient between the thoracic cavity and the atmosphere causes air to flow out

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Anatomia I Centro Universitário do NorteCentro Universitário do Norte


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A função da complacência do sistema respiratório é permitir o aumento do volume pulmonar quando o gradiente de pressão entre a atmosfera e a cavidade torácica causa a entrada de ar. Portanto, a alternativa correta é: "To allow the increase of lung volume when the pressure gradient between the atmosphere and the thoracic cavity causes air to flow in".


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