
Which of the following statements is true about the history of social assistance in Brazil? a. It was only implemented in the 20th century. b. It ...

Which of the following statements is true about the history of social assistance in Brazil?

a. It was only implemented in the 20th century.
b. It has not undergone any changes since its creation.
c. It was influenced by other countries in terms of its development model and emphasis on charity.
d. Its genesis was in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 when personal benefits were recognized as a right.
e. It had a great impact on Brazilian social life by recognizing that social rights are necessary, but still need to be formalized.
a) Only a
b) Only c
c) Only d
d) Only e
e) Only c and e

Essa pergunta também está no material:

serviço social e legislação social
6 pág.

Serviço Social e Legislação Social Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER

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A alternativa correta é a letra e) Only c and e. A história da assistência social no Brasil foi influenciada por outros países em termos de seu modelo de desenvolvimento e ênfase na caridade, e teve um grande impacto na vida social brasileira ao reconhecer que os direitos sociais são necessários, mas ainda precisam ser formalizados.


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