
It is essential, from the outset, to distinguish the various meanings with which reading is taken. For this, we opt for the ideas of Orlandi, conta...

It is essential, from the outset, to distinguish the various meanings with which reading is taken. For this, we opt for the ideas of Orlandi, contained in the work Discourse and Reading (1988). In its broadest sense, reading can be understood as the "attribution of meanings". It can be used interchangeably for both writing and orality. Faced with a sample of language of any nature, the possibility of reading. One can speak, then, of reading, both of everyday speech and of the text. ON THE OTHER HAND, it can mean conception, and it is in this sense that it is used when talking about reading the world. According to Freire (1988, p. 90), "reading the world always precedes reading the word." This way of using the word reading reflects the relationship with the notion of ideology, in a more or less general and differentiated way. Fundamentals and Methodology of Teaching Portuguese Language In a more restricted sense, reading can mean the construction of a methodological apparatus for approaching a text: these are Saussure's various readings, the possible readings of a text by Plato, etc. In terms of schooling now, in an even more restrictive sense, reading can be linked to literacy (learning to read and write), and it can acquire a singular character of formal learning. As observed, it is possible to make a long enumeration of meanings that can be attributed to the notion of reading itself. However, it is evident that not all meanings can be contemplated in this cut. What delimits these meanings is the idea of interpretation and comprehension. It is this cut that will be made in the discursive perspective that will guide the reflection on reading. 4.1 Teaching reading Only full knowledge of the language that writing represents is capable of offering the reader adequate conditions for a reading that encompasses deciphering and comprehension. That is, for the student to read a text and understand what is written, it is not enough to decipher the sounds of writing, nor is it sufficient to discover the individual meanings of words. A text is composed of the relationships between words and phrases at all linguistic levels. An adequate reading is one in which the reader deciphers what is written, appropriates the ideas discovered in the text, elaborates all this knowledge as if it were his own, and, following the law of fidelity to the literal text, begins to say that he has read, in a speech that translates the text and reveals his way of interpreting it. Reading is a vital point for interpretation. To interpret is, first of all, to understand. When it comes to a text, interpreting means reading between the lines, to the details, to the subtleties of the message. To interpret is to go beyond the surface, to penetrate deeply into the text, to feel all the emotions it can arouse. Well-done interpretation involves reading. Interpretation, according to Sordi (1991, p. 20), is the culmination of language teaching, therefore it requires good texts, that is, those that first reach the child's interests, or that fit the objectives that one wishes to achieve. The adequacy of the text to the class is another factor of great importance. It is no use for the teacher to present beautiful texts, but of abstract content for a second-grade class, for example. It is considered that the exploration of

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Qual a importância da leitura no ensino
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