
According to the text below, which capacity is being referred to? "_________ is the physical quality that allows you to change your body position...

According to the text below, which capacity is being referred to?

"_________ is the physical quality that allows you to change your body position in the shortest possible time. It is fundamental in sports practice and in everyone's life. Together with strength and endurance, __________ is a necessary capacity in sports practices such as soccer, in the case of dribbling, and in acrobatics, in the case of fights such as Thai boxing and artistic gymnastics, for example. __________ is the physical capacity to move the body in space as fast as possible, changing the center of gravity, without losing balance or coordination."

Anaerobic capacity
Anaerobic resistance

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Revisar envio do teste- QUESTIONARIO UNIDADE III ...
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De acordo com o texto, a capacidade que está sendo referida é a "Agilidade".


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