
Identify the correct answers for the questions below, based on the text provided: What was the duration of the online activity? What was the score ...

Identify the correct answers for the questions below, based on the text provided:
What was the duration of the online activity?
What was the score obtained by the student?
What was the correct answer for question 1?
What was the approximate value of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for the investment described in question 2?
What is the correct sequence of the risk management phases according to PMI, as presented in question 4?
What is the correct group of personnel for the statement 'Provides support for project development' as presented in question 6?
What is the project life cycle phase described in the statement 'Develop the product/service until it is ready' as presented in question 7?
What are the planning phases according to Kerzner, as presented in question 8?

Essa pergunta também está no material:

ATIVIDADE ONLINE 2 - 3Gestão de Projetos
8 pág.

D Gestão de Projetos Universidade Cruzeiro do SulUniversidade Cruzeiro do Sul


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