
Escreva o pronome pessoal (personal pronouns) correto: a) Peter = he f) Laura = she b) The dog = it g) The cat = it c) Suellen = she h) Luc...

Escreva o pronome pessoal (personal pronouns) correto:

a) Peter = he f) Laura = she
b) The dog = it g) The cat = it
c) Suellen = she h) Lucy and I = we
d) Frank and Maggy = they i) The books = they
e) Lucy = she j.Paul and Mile = they

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Atividade - Greetings and Personal Pronouns 7 ano
2 pág.

Inglês EM Aleksandra TapetyEM Aleksandra Tapety


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As respostas corretas são: a) Peter = he b) The dog = it c) Suellen = she d) Frank and Maggy = they e) Lucy = she f) Laura = she g) The cat = it h) Lucy and I = we i) The books = they j) Paul and Mile = they


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