
Consider the following statements about genetics and choose the CORRECT alternative: II. House-keeping genes are normally expressed in all cells, ...

Consider the following statements about genetics and choose the CORRECT alternative:
II. House-keeping genes are normally expressed in all cells, being responsible for cellular basal metabolism.
III. When researchers found that the number of protein-coding genes does not show a linear correlation with the complexity of organisms, this contradiction was called the C-value paradox.
IV. When researchers found that the size of protein-coding genes does not show a linear correlation with the number of genes in organisms, this contradiction was called the G-value paradox.
V. Genes from a genome that are shared among other genomes are called conserved.

I. Statement I is correct.
II. Statement II is correct.
III. Statement III is correct.
IV. Statement IV is correct.
V. Statement V is correct.
A. Statements I and IV are correct.
B. Statements III and IV are correct.
C. Only statement IV is correct.
D. Statements I, II, and V are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

av2 genética humana
1 pág.

Genética Humana


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A alternativa correta é a letra D. As afirmações I, II e V estão corretas.


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