
What are the components of a steering box and their functions? The pinion is made of hardened steel and is located in the steering box body, meshe...

What are the components of a steering box and their functions?

The pinion is made of hardened steel and is located in the steering box body, meshed with the rack on one side and connected to the steering shaft on the other.
The rack is a hardened steel bar with machined teeth that mesh with the pinion teeth. The steering wheel reduction ratio is determined by the number of pinion turns (number of steering wheel turns) over the rack displacement. This ratio depends on the number of teeth on the pinion and rack and determines the steering box drive torque.
The steering arms, also called axial arms, are screwed into the rack at one end and can be connected to steering terminals or to the steering knuckle at the other end. Their function is to transfer the movement of the rack to the steering knuckles, allowing them to rotate and steer the wheels.
The steering terminals are screwed onto the ends of the steering arms and are a spherical articulation pin that connects the steering box to the steering knuckle.
The adjustment devices are a set of components composed of springs, nuts, and a cover bolted to the steering box body. Their function is to adjust the clearance between the pinion and the rack.
The protection boots are rubber protections mounted on the ends of the steering box body, fixed to it by means of metal clamps. The steering arms pass through the boots, which prevent dust and other debris from contaminating the ends of the steering box.
The bushes are made of lightweight alloy or nylon and are mounted on the ends of the steering box. The rack runs inside them when it moves, and the bush facilitates the movement of the rack by reducing the friction between it and the rack.
To minimize friction, a bearing is used on the pinion, which fits into a housing in the steering box body. This way, the pinion can rotate with proper support and without resistance.

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03 Sistemas de Direção
10 pág.

Concursos Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro


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The components of a steering box and their functions are as follows: 1. Pinion: Made of hardened steel, it is located in the steering box body. It meshes with the rack on one side and is connected to the steering shaft on the other. Its function is to convert the rotational motion of the steering shaft into linear motion of the rack. 2. Rack: A hardened steel bar with machined teeth that mesh with the pinion teeth. The rack's movement is controlled by the rotation of the pinion. It transfers the steering input from the pinion to the steering arms. 3. Steering Arms: Also known as axial arms, they are screwed into the rack at one end and can be connected to steering terminals or the steering knuckle at the other end. Their function is to transfer the movement of the rack to the steering knuckles, allowing them to rotate and steer the wheels. 4. Steering Terminals: Screwed onto the ends of the steering arms, they are spherical articulation pins that connect the steering box to the steering knuckle. They provide flexibility and allow for smooth movement of the steering system. 5. Adjustment Devices: Composed of springs, nuts, and a cover bolted to the steering box body, these devices are used to adjust the clearance between the pinion and the rack. They ensure proper engagement and minimize play in the steering system. 6. Protection Boots: Rubber protections mounted on the ends of the steering box body, fixed with metal clamps. They prevent dust and debris from contaminating the ends of the steering box, ensuring the smooth operation of the steering components. 7. Bushes: Made of lightweight alloy or nylon, they are mounted on the ends of the steering box. The rack runs inside them, reducing friction and facilitating the movement of the rack. 8. Bearing: Used on the pinion, it fits into a housing in the steering box body. The bearing provides proper support and reduces friction, allowing the pinion to rotate smoothly. These components work together to convert the rotational motion of the steering wheel into linear motion, enabling the driver to control the direction of the vehicle.


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