
In the classic Ritter-Mörsh truss, the inclination angle of the compressed struts is equal to 45°. The force acting on the compressed strut (R) can...

In the classic Ritter-Mörsh truss, the inclination angle of the compressed struts is equal to 45°. The force acting on the compressed strut (R) can be deduced by similarity of triangles and results in . A 20 x 40 cm beam with an effective span of 6.0 m and concentrated loading at the central part of 30 kN, cover of 3 cm, resulting in an internal truss. Based on this information, choose the alternative that indicates what is the resultant force in the compressed strut:

a. 19.96 kN.m
b. 30.50 kN.m
c. 37.06 kN.m
d. 40.82 kN.m
e. 21.21 kN.m

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A resposta correta é a alternativa d) 40.82 kN.m.


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