
6. An organization wants to transition to Scrum. They want to make sure this transition goes well. What factor helps most to ensure a smooth transi...

6. An organization wants to transition to Scrum. They want to make sure this transition goes well. What factor helps most to ensure a smooth transition?

An organization wants to transition to Scrum.
They want to make sure this transition goes well.
A. Assessing the Agile maturity level of the organization
B. Ensuring that all teams are trained in the Scrum framework
C. Having leadership create and demonstrate an Agile mindset
D. Setting up autonomous self-regulating, cross-functional teams

Essa pergunta também está no material:

ASM EXIN Agile Scrum Master Actual Questions
10 pág.

Ensino Médio LaSalle TechLaSalle Tech

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A resposta correta para essa pergunta é a opção C: Ter a liderança criando e demonstrando uma mentalidade ágil. Isso é fundamental para garantir uma transição suave para o Scrum, pois a liderança é responsável por estabelecer a cultura e os valores ágeis dentro da organização.


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