
What was the purpose of the work developed in the discipline of Psychology of Everyday Life? I - To explore and observe the phenomena of everyday ...

What was the purpose of the work developed in the discipline of Psychology of Everyday Life?

I - To explore and observe the phenomena of everyday life and how they present themselves idiosyncratically.
II - To establish preconceptions and ideas about what is presented in everyday life.
III - To understand how multiple relationships are established in everyday life and their multiplicities.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only III is correct.
c) I and III are correct.
d) II and III are correct.

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RELATORIO FINAL psicologia do cotidiano _ Sugestão
11 pág.

Psicologia do Cotidiano Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná

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O objetivo do trabalho desenvolvido na disciplina de Psicologia do Cotidiano é compreender como múltiplas relações são estabelecidas no dia a dia e suas multiplicidades. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra c) I e III estão corretas.


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