
What is the time it takes for the object to reach the ground? The function S(t) was split into two functions. A table of values for T was created....

What is the time it takes for the object to reach the ground?

The function S(t) was split into two functions.
A table of values for T was created.
The graphical method was used to isolate the root.
Iterations were calculated in the interval [4,3].
The bisection method was used with a tolerance of ε < 0.001.
a) 3.5s
b) 3.375s
c) 3.468s
d) 3.484s
e) 3.479s

Essa pergunta também está no material:

ATIVIDADE 01 Cálculo computacional
6 pág.

Cálculo III Universidade Anhembi MorumbiUniversidade Anhembi Morumbi


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Para determinar o tempo que leva para o objeto atingir o solo, é necessário utilizar o método da bissecção com uma tolerância de ε < 0,001. Nesse caso, a alternativa correta seria a letra d) 3,484s.



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