
Considering the content, choose the CORRECT alternative about the number and name of the computer generations. A) There are 5 generations: Ancien...

Considering the content, choose the CORRECT alternative about the number and name of the computer generations.

A) There are 5 generations: Ancient Physical, Manual, Current, and Modern.
B) There are 5 generations: Mechanical, Digital, Manual, Current, and Modern.
C) There are 6 generations: Mechanical, Valves, Transistors, Integration, Much Integration, and Computers.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Organização de computadores
1 pág.

Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

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A resposta correta é a alternativa B) There are 5 generations: Mechanical, Digital, Manual, Current, and Modern. Essas são as cinco gerações dos computadores: Mecânica, Digital, Manual, Atual e Moderna.


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