
What were the topics that each group had to describe in their research about their investment modality in Reis' (2013) research? - The principle o...

What were the topics that each group had to describe in their research about their investment modality in Reis' (2013) research?

- The principle of operation.
- What type of institution offered it.
- How to join. Whether directly or through an intermediary.
- The practiced yield rates.
- The periodicity of remuneration.
- Whether there was any penalty if the invested money was withdrawn before the scheduled date.
- Whether there was an income tax or IOF (tax on financial operations). If so, how and at what rate.
- Whether there was an administration fee.
- Whether there was a minimum amount required to invest.
- Whether there was a minimum time required to keep the money invested.
- Whether there was any protection for the invested value. If so, what was the maximum protected value.
- Whether it was recommended for large or small amounts.
- Whether it was recommended for long, medium or short-term investments.
- What were the advantages and disadvantages.

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82 pág.

Pedagogia Universidade Federal de GoiásUniversidade Federal de Goiás


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In Reis' (2013) research, each group had to describe the following topics about their investment modality: - The principle of operation. - What type of institution offered it. - How to join, whether directly or through an intermediary. - The practiced yield rates. - The periodicity of remuneration. - Whether there was any penalty if the invested money was withdrawn before the scheduled date. - Whether there was an income tax or IOF (tax on financial operations), and if so, how and at what rate. - Whether there was an administration fee. - Whether there was a minimum amount required to invest. - Whether there was a minimum time required to keep the money invested. - Whether there was any protection for the invested value, and if so, what was the maximum protected value. - Whether it was recommended for large or small amounts. - Whether it was recommended for long, medium, or short-term investments. - What were the advantages and disadvantages. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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