
Describe some of the benefits of using calculators in math classes. What are some of the arguments that are often made against the use of calculato...

Describe some of the benefits of using calculators in math classes. What are some of the arguments that are often made against the use of calculators in arithmetic education?

a) The text presents only benefits of using calculators in math classes.
b) The text presents only arguments against the use of calculators in arithmetic education.
c) The text presents both benefits and arguments against the use of calculators in math classes.
d) The text does not present any benefits or arguments against the use of calculators in math classes.

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155 pág.

Matemática Vicente Villegas ChavezVicente Villegas Chavez


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A resposta correta é a alternativa c) O texto apresenta tanto os benefícios do uso de calculadoras em aulas de matemática quanto os argumentos frequentemente feitos contra o uso de calculadoras na educação aritmética.



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