
The phonetics and phonology study the sounds of a language. When one acquires a language, the person begins to speak and, only after schooling, lea...

The phonetics and phonology study the sounds of a language. When one acquires a language, the person begins to speak and, only after schooling, learns to write. It is known that phonetics plays an important role in the literacy process, as it contributes to the phonological awareness of the speaker. Reflect on this relationship and choose the alternative whose statement is true:

a) Phonetics has no relationship with the literacy process.
b) Phonetics contributes to the development of reading and writing skills.
c) Phonetics is only important for those who have difficulty in learning to read and write.
d) Phonetics is only important for those who have difficulty in speaking.
e) Phonetics is not important for the development of reading and writing skills.

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Fonética e Fonologia Faculdade Internacional de CuritibaFaculdade Internacional de Curitiba

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A alternativa correta é a letra b) Phonetics contributes to the development of reading and writing skills. A fonética desempenha um papel importante no processo de alfabetização, pois contribui para a consciência fonológica do falante. Ao compreender os sons da língua, é mais fácil associá-los às letras e palavras escritas, facilitando a leitura e a escrita.


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