
Phonetics and Phonology are fields of the Linguistics studies. The production and the description of sounds of languages are part of the articulato...

Phonetics and Phonology are fields of the Linguistics studies. The production and the description of sounds of languages are part of the articulatory phonetics. Human language sounds are produced in the vocal system, which contains a few number of organs or parts of the human body, mainly located in the face. Some of them are: mouth, teeth, tongue and the vocal cords. Among the choices bellow, check the one which contains only parts of the vocal system:

A Larynx or voice box, vocal cords, mouth, nose, tongue, nasal cavity and lips.
B Voice, nasal cavity, teeth, lungs, lips and esophagus.
C Ears, teeth, esophagus, trachea, lips, cheeks and nose.
D Diaphragme, lips, tongue, heart, nasal cavity and lungs.

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Avaliação Final (Objetiva) - Individual
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Língua Inglesa: Fonética e Fonologia EngenhariasEngenharias

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A alternativa correta é a letra A) Laringe ou caixa de voz, cordas vocais, boca, nariz, língua, cavidade nasal e lábios. Essas são as partes do sistema vocal humano envolvidas na produção dos sons da linguagem.


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