
What is the name of the candidate who registered for the Sesc-PR selection process for the position of Sports Activities Instructor in the Multifun...

What is the name of the candidate who registered for the Sesc-PR selection process for the position of Sports Activities Instructor in the Multifunctional Gym (AGMF) in Maringá, with a workload of 25 hours per week?

The candidate's name is Abel Felipe Freitag.
The position is for Sports Activities Instructor in the Multifunctional Gym (AGMF) in Maringá.
The workload is 25 hours per week.


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The name of the candidate who registered for the Sesc-PR selection process for the position of Sports Activities Instructor in the Multifunctional Gym (AGMF) in Maringá, with a workload of 25 hours per week, is Abel Felipe Freitag.


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