
From an organizational point of view, what are the subsystems that compose a hospital? A hospital is a system composed of three subsystems: normat...

From an organizational point of view, what are the subsystems that compose a hospital?

A hospital is a system composed of three subsystems: normative authority, medical authority, and administrative authority.
A hospital is composed of several subsystems: medical or scientific, administrative and financial, and human resource.
The obligation of a hospital is to provide medical care, but it also has important functions such as teaching, health research, and community education.

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Enfermagem Universidad de Buenos AiresUniversidad de Buenos Aires


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From an organizational point of view, a hospital is composed of several subsystems. These subsystems include: 1. Medical or scientific subsystem: This subsystem is responsible for providing medical care to patients. It includes departments such as emergency, surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, and others. 2. Administrative and financial subsystem: This subsystem handles the administrative and financial aspects of the hospital. It includes departments such as finance, human resources, billing, and medical records. 3. Human resource subsystem: This subsystem is responsible for managing the hospital's workforce. It includes departments such as recruitment, training, and employee relations. 4. Normative authority subsystem: This subsystem establishes the rules, regulations, and policies that govern the hospital's operations. It ensures compliance with legal and ethical standards. 5. Teaching and research subsystem: Some hospitals have teaching and research functions. This subsystem includes departments such as medical education and research, where medical students are trained and research studies are conducted. These subsystems work together to ensure the smooth functioning of the hospital and the provision of quality healthcare services.


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