
Identify the correct statements about the relationship between emotions and muscle tone according to Wallon's theory. I- Hypotonic emotions reduce ...

Identify the correct statements about the relationship between emotions and muscle tone according to Wallon's theory.
I- Hypotonic emotions reduce muscle tone, while hypertonic emotions generate muscle tone.
II- The affectivity is not only one of the dimensions of the person, but also a phase of cognitive and motor development.
III- Psychomotor activities help children to respect rules and prepare them for social life.
IV- The lack of interest in playing is a natural attitude of children.
V- According to Vygotsky, language is the mediator of higher mental functions.

a) I, II, and III are correct.
b) II, III, and V are correct.
c) III, IV, and V are correct.
d) I, III, and IV are correct.

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A alternativa correta é a letra a) I, II e III estão corretas. Segundo a teoria de Wallon, emoções hipotônicas reduzem o tônus muscular, enquanto emoções hipertônicas geram tônus muscular. Além disso, a afetividade é uma das dimensões da pessoa e também uma fase do desenvolvimento cognitivo e motor. As atividades psicomotoras ajudam as crianças a respeitar regras e se preparar para a vida social.


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