
What are some examples of good practices in selecting and maintaining suppliers? Defining ethical management processes as mandatory. Establishing ...

What are some examples of good practices in selecting and maintaining suppliers?

Defining ethical management processes as mandatory.
Establishing a social responsibility policy or program for the supplier chain.
Discussing CSR with suppliers to align them with the company's criteria.
Making surprise inspection visits.
Establishing means to know the origin of inputs used by suppliers and ensuring the integrity of their processes.
Refusing to acquire inputs that may be pirated, counterfeited, or stolen.
Including restrictive clauses in all supply contracts with the right to cancellation and fines, as well as forwarding the complaint to the competent authorities.

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73 pág.

Administração da Produção Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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Some examples of good practices in selecting and maintaining suppliers include: 1. Defining ethical management processes as mandatory: This ensures that suppliers adhere to ethical standards in their operations, such as fair labor practices, environmental sustainability, and transparency. 2. Establishing a social responsibility policy or program for the supplier chain: This involves promoting social responsibility initiatives within the supplier chain, such as supporting local communities, promoting diversity and inclusion, and ensuring safe working conditions. 3. Discussing CSR with suppliers to align them with the company's criteria: Engaging in open and transparent communication with suppliers about corporate social responsibility (CSR) expectations helps align their practices with the company's values and goals. 4. Making surprise inspection visits: Conducting surprise inspections helps ensure that suppliers are complying with quality standards, safety regulations, and ethical practices on an ongoing basis. 5. Establishing means to know the origin of inputs used by suppliers and ensuring the integrity of their processes: Implementing traceability systems and quality control measures allows companies to verify the origin of inputs used by suppliers and ensure that their processes meet the required standards. 6. Refusing to acquire inputs that may be pirated, counterfeited, or stolen: Taking a strong stance against acquiring inputs that are pirated, counterfeited, or stolen helps prevent unethical practices and supports legitimate suppliers. 7. Including restrictive clauses in all supply contracts with the right to cancellation and fines, as well as forwarding the complaint to the competent authorities: Including contractual clauses that allow for cancellation, fines, and reporting to authorities in case of non-compliance helps enforce ethical standards and hold suppliers accountable for their actions. These practices contribute to the selection and maintenance of suppliers who align with ethical and responsible business practices.


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