
When patient, family, and health team do not present psychological complaints, the care is finalized at the same time, which does not mean that the...

When patient, family, and health team do not present psychological complaints, the care is finalized at the same time, which does not mean that the patient will not be evaluated by Psychology during hospitalization. What should be done if the psychological complaint presented is not related to the current health condition?

The psychological complaint should be ignored, even if it is not possible to provide assistance to this condition.
The person should not leave unsupported, but with a referral for psychological care.
The care should be finalized immediately, without any referral for psychological care.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Only III is correct.
d) II and III are correct.
e) All statements are incorrect.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Psicologia Hospitalar - Teoria, Aplicacoes e Casos Clinicos, 3 edicao (1)
15 pág.

Ciências Sociais, Economia, Teorias da Administração, Teorias da Contabilidade e Responsabilidade com O Meio Ambiente Centro Universitário Celso LisboaCentro Universitário Celso Lisboa


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A alternativa correta é a letra B) A pessoa não deve sair sem suporte, mas com encaminhamento para atendimento psicológico.



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