
Describe briefly (in a few words or a sentence) how you reacted to a traumatic event that involved death, threat of death, injury, or threat to the...

Describe briefly (in a few words or a sentence) how you reacted to a traumatic event that involved death, threat of death, injury, or threat to the physical safety of yourself or someone else. Use more paper if you need to.

You need to have been exposed to a traumatic event that involved death, threat of death, injury, or threat to the physical safety of yourself or someone else.
Your reaction to this event usually involves intense fear, helplessness, or horror.
After the trauma, you experience one or more of these other types of symptoms: re-experiencing, avoidance, or feeling constantly anxious or on edge.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Overcoming Trauma and PTSD_ A Workbook Integrating Skills from ACT, DBT, and CBT ( PDFDrive )
202 pág.

Psicologia Universidad Nacional Mayor de San MarcosUniversidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


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