
Respecting some steps in the evaluation gives us security and mastery to reproduce the evaluation at another time, verifying the recovery, or not, ...

Respecting some steps in the evaluation gives us security and mastery to reproduce the evaluation at another time, verifying the recovery, or not, of the individual. If no recovery is observed, reassessment enables a new treatment prescription. See the statements below: I- A complete history of the patient's health should be collected, with emphasis on the most clinically relevant part, although when the diagnosis is obvious, the patient's history is not necessary. II- Anamnesis and physical examination enable us to have valuable information about the disease, its prognosis, and the decision-making for treatment prescription. III- Information about diseases in the family makes it possible to contraindicate some procedures when several family members have cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Which statements are correct?

I- A complete history of the patient's health should be collected, with emphasis on the most clinically relevant part, although when the diagnosis is obvious, the patient's history is not necessary.
II- Anamnesis and physical examination enable us to have valuable information about the disease, its prognosis, and the decision-making for treatment prescription.
III- Information about diseases in the family makes it possible to contraindicate some procedures when several family members have cancer or cardiovascular diseases.
a) I only
b) III only
c) I and II only
d) II and III only
e) All statements are correct.

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As alternativas corretas são a letra c) I e II apenas. A coleta de um histórico completo da saúde do paciente é importante para a avaliação, mas quando o diagnóstico é óbvio, o histórico do paciente não é necessário. A anamnese e o exame físico fornecem informações valiosas sobre a doença, seu prognóstico e a tomada de decisão para a prescrição do tratamento. As informações sobre doenças na família podem contraindicar alguns procedimentos quando vários membros da família têm câncer ou doenças cardiovasculares.

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