
Society of the spectacle is the term coined by ________ to define the new arrangements in which the importance of relationships between people occu...

Society of the spectacle is the term coined by ________ to define the new arrangements in which the importance of relationships between people occurs through the mediation of images. For him, the spectacle is not a complement but rather the socially dominant model in everyday life. Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

Andy Warhol / relational / imagetic / everyday
Gilles Deleuze / social / real world / everyday
Guy Debord / social / real world / everyday
Christopher Lasch / artistic / imagined / real world
Jean Baudrillard / artistic / control / contemporary

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Comunicacão e Política Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A expressão "Society of the spectacle" foi cunhada por Guy Debord para definir os novos arranjos em que a importância das relações entre as pessoas ocorre por meio da mediação de imagens. Para ele, o espetáculo não é um complemento, mas sim o modelo socialmente dominante na vida cotidiana. Portanto, a alternativa correta é "Guy Debord / social / real world / everyday".

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