
What is the correct statement regarding the obligations with conditions? a) The obligations with conditions are only fulfilled when the condition...

What is the correct statement regarding the obligations with conditions?

a) The obligations with conditions are only fulfilled when the condition is implemented, and the creditor must prove that the debtor was fully aware of the implementation of this condition.
b) The obligations with conditions are only fulfilled when the condition is implemented, and the debtor must prove that the creditor was fully aware of the implementation of this condition.
c) The obligations with conditions are only fulfilled when the condition is implemented, and the debtor must prove that he was fully aware of the implementation of this condition.
d) The obligations with conditions are only fulfilled when the condition is implemented, and the creditor must prove that he was fully aware of the implementation of this condition.

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952 pág.

Legislação Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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A alternativa correta é a letra A) As obrigações com condições são cumpridas apenas quando a condição é implementada, e o credor deve provar que o devedor estava plenamente ciente da implementação dessa condição.



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