
According to the following text, what does the segment 'Intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing. However, in everyday language, we use both ...

According to the following text, what does the segment 'Intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing. However, in everyday language, we use both terms interchangeably.' show about our everyday language?

A. It fails to determine specificities of reality.
B. It is used in different ways depending on the communicative situation in which it is inserted.
C. It does not have all the necessary words for perfect human communication.
D. It encompasses all human knowledge, but is not used coherently by everyone.
E. It is not capable of showing the difference between close realities.

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100-questões da-FGV-Portugues_230501_213529
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A alternativa correta é a letra B. O segmento "Intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing. However, in everyday language, we use both terms interchangeably." mostra que em nossa linguagem cotidiana, usamos os termos inteligência e sabedoria de forma intercambiável, ou seja, sem distinguir suas especificidades.



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