
According to the Code of Military Criminal Procedure, what is the correct procedure for the interrogation of multiple accused? a. The accused wil...

According to the Code of Military Criminal Procedure, what is the correct procedure for the interrogation of multiple accused?

a. The accused will be interrogated together, in the same room.
b. The accused will be interrogated separately, in the order of registration in the process, and one cannot hear the interrogation of the other.
c. The accused will be interrogated separately, but can hear the interrogation of the others.

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Legislação Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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De acordo com o Código de Processo Penal Militar, a alternativa correta para o interrogatório de múltiplos acusados é a letra "b". Os acusados serão interrogados separadamente, na ordem de registro no processo, e um não pode ouvir o interrogatório do outro.


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