
In the mitochondrial matrix, the citric acid cycle begins with which molecule? A citric acid cycle begins with the molecule Acetyl CoA, which is p...

In the mitochondrial matrix, the citric acid cycle begins with which molecule?

A citric acid cycle begins with the molecule Acetyl CoA, which is produced in the matrix itself by the breakdown of pyruvate or by the beta-oxidation of lipids.
Pyruvate enters the mitochondria by co-transport with the return of protons from the gradient. Lipids, substrates for beta-oxidation, enter the mitochondria through a set of reactions called the carnitine cycle.

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AD1 Biocel 2 2016-1 - GABARITO
1 pág.

Biologia Celular Universidade Federal FluminenseUniversidade Federal Fluminense


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No mitochondrial matrix, o ciclo do ácido cítrico começa com a molécula Acetil CoA, que é produzida na própria matriz pela quebra do piruvato ou pela beta-oxidação de lipídios. O piruvato entra na mitocôndria por co-transporte com o retorno de prótons do gradiente. Os lipídios, substratos para a beta-oxidação, entram na mitocôndria por meio de um conjunto de reações chamado ciclo da carnitina.


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